The Shifting Tide

I caught my breath, collapsing onto my husband's chest and burying my face in the crook of his neck. My cheeks and neck were surely flushed, but that didn't take away from the feel-good state my limbs were in.

"That's twice tonight. You know I do have a party to host?" My hands came up to his shoulders to help push me away from him, which would've been easier if my bones weren't in a gelatinous state. "You have to get it together, Henri."

"You pulled me in here." He made an unimpressed face at me. "I'm not going to turn down my wife if she wants it."

My hips sank down on him again of their own accord, making me shiver. Hell, what was it with him that made me addicted to sex?

"Maybe you should start saying no to me, then." I smirked at him, feeling the sparks work up in my belly once again. It was like every time felt better than the last. "Even if I beg."