The Stepping Stone

"I want this figured out before the end of next week." My voice was an eerie calm as I addressed the people sitting in front of my desk. "If I lose another shipment, someone loses their head, am I clear?"

A chorus of yeses and understoods rang back at me and Janine entered the room inconspicuously to whisper in my ear.

"Anton Serkeov is on the phone for you, Miss Montenegro."

Is today jinxed?

"Leave. This discussion is done for now," I ordered while reaching a hand out to take the phone from my assistant. The room dispersed quickly, and then I was left alone in my home office. "What is it?"

"I heard what happened to your shipment."

Frowning, I sat straight in my chair. "From whom?"

"Saverio Alcunze."

That mongrel. My shipment hadn't even gone missing four hours before, which meant he'd tracked it and stolen it.

But why?