[Bonus chapter] The Revelation (Marco)

I couldn't stop seeing her.

"This is unconventional, and I'm sorry that we had to meet under such conditions." Elena smiled gently, pushing her dark hair behind her ear. "But I'm sure this will be a good thing for our families."

Of course it would be. Once we were married, she'd be Donna and her family would have the elevated privilege of power by association.

Elena was everything traditional Italian marriages held a woman's value to be. She was soft-spoken with a beautiful smile and she didn't cuss. She was a true lady, the perfect mafia wife, meant to be seen and not heard.

Her eyes were all wrong. Every time I expected to see dark brown, I'd see bright green. Her hair was wrong, too. First it wasn't light enough, then seconds later it wouldn't be dark enough.

I was looking at a literal supermodel and comparing her to my rival. My ally. My submissive.

My god, I can't stop seeing her everywhere I look.