I opened the gates of the wooden walls in order to see who is the one outside.
I saw a very beautiful lady. She looks like someone who will be a top celebrity if she was on earth. She wears an armor but not that kind of heavy armor. She also has a sword in her waist. She looks like she is in her early to late twenties.
"Greetings Human, I am named Laur."
"H-Hi, my name is Wreck."
Damn. Why did I stutter? Am I really nervous because this is the first time I saw a beautiful lady in this world?
"Greetings Wreck. May I ask what are you doing in the Crimson Woods?"
"Ahh. I am living here."
Her face looks confused.
"Yes, I have been living on these woods for a month. I am also not alone. I have companions. They are a family of beastmen. Grano! Lisha! Kirth! Listh! Come over here!"
I called the family. They were all doing their jobs and they were confused about why they were called. As soon as they saw the lady I was talking to, they swiftly bow down to their knees.
"Madam Fairy of the Woods. Please let us pay for our respects!"- Grano begged.
I examined the situation. It seems like the pretty lady is like a deity for the beastmen. She is also a Fairy. So fairies exist in this world huh. She seems well respected. If she has that reputation, then she is surely strong. I gotta do something in order to not get into the bad side of this lady.
"I am sorry for my rudeness lady. I was not able to recognize you earlier. May you forgive my insolence."
"No need for that. The purpose of my visitation here is to see what are you doing in the woods. It seems like you are actually living here which I cannot accept as the guardian of the woods. Go away now while I am still kind at you."
Her declaration made me quite mad. Before I acted, I first examined what the beastmen reacted to.
"Of course Madam. We will leave as soon as possible!"
What!? I was surprised by Grano's words. How fast did he accept the situation? How about the hard work we did in order to create a proper living life in this forest? Will we really relocate?
I was not a fan of that idea. From the start, I already decided to live here in this woods. I must find a way in order to be able to stay here.
"Madam Fairy, may I ask why won't you allow us to live in this location?"
"I believe that you are causing harm to the environment. I am also concerned about your lifestyle here. There is no guaranteed food for you and your family here, so please move away."
"I beg to disagree madam, but I will not do that.'
The beastmen are shocked by my words. The fairy also seems surprised.
I have now decided. I will live. I will use my mind in order to live here. I hope this will work.
"What did you say human?"
"I said that I will not leave here madam"
"Did you not hear what I said earlier?"
"I did, and it was a valid reason for us to leave, but! What if those problems are not really problems?"
All of their faces seems confused so I continued.
"First, I will address the problem of the lifestyle here. The fact is, we can all live here and we are all fine. The proof is that we have been living in this area for a month and we never had a shortage of supplies here. We are able to sustain that lifestyle because we are self-reliant. We produce our own food. We create our own clothes. We create our own equipment. We are independent."
The face of the fairy seems like it is convinced by my words but at the same time, she is still having some doubts. My words are working without a doubt.
"What about the fact that you are causing harm to the environment?"
"Your argument is that we are destroying the forest. I beg to disagree with that idea to madam. You may say that we are cutting down trees and killing animals which are a fact. We did that in order to survive, but! We have also repaid the destruction we created. We have planted plants on our farm and in the forest in order to replace the trees that were chopped. We also have started to breed the animals in order to multiply them. Since we are just 5 consumers here we really don't need that many. If you are also thinking about the water being polluted, do not worry. I have here a testing kit in order to test if the water in the river is contaminated and the result is that the water is as clean as ever."
The testing kif thing is of course a bluff by me. I just used some wood and created it to a random shape and just throw some scientific words at her(even though it was just normal words but they do not know what are those in this world). I hope this trick works.
" Do not worry, I and the family will guarantee the safety of this forest. I can assure you that. I don't wanna live in a place that is polluted. Please believe my words. I will protect these woods from the harm outsiders might cause."
I just blurted out those pretty words hoping that it would convince her.
"So you plan on protecting the woods? That is a very noble thing to say. Very well, I will agree on your stay here if you pass the final test."
Yes! It seems like my random words technique worked. What will be this final test? I hope it will be easy.
"I will give you my permission if you can defeat me in a duel."