
Kirth's POV


"As part of the Alliance Agreement, the Mudland Union shall start a Project that will connect the Four Nations together and in order to do that, we are going to be building a Long road that will Connect each nation to one another. This project shall be called the 'Project Highway'."

"I see, but why are we the ones that are spending all of the resources and works for the Project, Wreck, I mean Chairman?"

"That is because we were the one that proposed the alliance. Consider this as token of Appreciation that we are going to give to them."

"One more question, what is exactly my job or mission?"

"General Kirth, you are going to be assigned as the main escort and bodyguards for our worker that we are going to send to the first building site that will connect the Mudland Union and the Republic of Sandon."

"Who am I going to protect?"