A gift

A handful of other respected Graceful Dragon Sect members were preparing to attend the continent's martial arts conference as well, and were sitting on mounts, riding alongside Xian Wu's carriage. Suddenly, Xian Wu looked a lot more like a true leader, his chin held high and gaze imposing. 

Before the sect went out of sight on the road, other sect members bid farewells.

Xian Wu leaned back in his cushioned seat in the carriage and sighed. This was gonna be a crazy trip, he just knew it. 

This martial arts conference was meant to address the current state of the martial arts sphere, but considering that the conference would be filled with elders, those who spent years honing their art, often the conversation became lengthy for no reason. And boring.

That was why Xian Wu detested any martial arts gathering of 'great masters'.

It was a pain.