Sleepiness from boredom

Sleepiness from boredom

They had been traveling for hours now. The sound of hoof clops became monotonous and even torturous. Lai Yiteng was not sure he felt more and less anxious sitting in this carriage because at least Xian Wu was around, but he certainly knew that he felt bored. Even his new sword could only distract him so long if he couldn't swing it around as he pleased.

Usually if he felt restless he could just go off and play his erhu, wander onwards, practice the martial arts, and such. But Lai Yiteng was wearing a mask and fancy clothes, required to sit properly…until the prying gazes of the other Graceful Dragon Sect members were gone.

Lai Yiteng glanced at the orange setting sun out the window and tapped his finger on his wooden seat. His nails were growing too long again, the sound was noticeable.

Xian Wu had looked over at him from the pile of messages he'd been reading through, and Lai Yiteng immediately spoke up.