Loving you and only you (5.2)

The car drives to the place which she didn't know. Faustina gazes silently at the outside as she was being kidnapped by Val. She would rather stay silent then asking where they were going. Not like Val's gonna hurt her. So she isn't worried. Watching the surrounding blur as the car passes, Faustina is getting sleepy. Val is indeed surprised for she didn't ask her anything or doubt her.

#Help! My wife is too innocent! What if she got kidnapped by someone in the future! Seeking answers online~

Entering the condo, Val carried the asleep girl in a bridal style and put her on the bed. Starting at the native girl on her bed, she feels hot, especially her lower body which becomes so unbearable. Her eyes are dark with a frown on her face as she decided not to look at the girl anymore. Striping herself, Val enters the bathroom and spent there showering in cold water for an hour. Only then, she felt better.

Val changes to more comfortable clothes and re-enters into the bedroom and then quickly exit again. On the bed, the childish girl is asleep absolutely naked. Although the blanket is covering most of her body, this just makes her more desirable. She felt that the cold shower didn't help her at all.

One is sleeping so deep and dreaming happily while someone has a sleepless long night sitting on the sofa with a dark face.


"Miss Rachel, I have made a booking at the hotel."

The assistant speaks softly as they enter the car. Rachel absentmindedly nods her head as the car drives to their destination.

'My dear Faustina, I am back. Do you still remember me?'

The night is long enough to keep Rachel awake as she thinks about her beloved childhood friend. She smiles whenever she remembers those memories of their time together. For Rachel, these memories might be the only happy memories she had. So she cherished it greatly deep in her heart.

Life abroad is tough especially when one has a treacherous family who would backstab her if the chance arises. That girl might be the only one who truly treats her like a human being. She always brainwashes herself that at least one person acknowledges her existence.

But later the years, they lost contact. Not from the other side, but from her. Rachel felt that it might be dangerous for her friend if she continues to contact her.

'I am sorry. When you meet me again, will you still remember me and still smile at me? Will you cry and hug me tightly and say you miss me? Or will you ignore me? I don't know. Even if the meeting might hurt me, I still want to meet you.'

'Have you found the love of your life? If so, I will support you behind the scene and I will be happy seeing your happiness. I hope.'

The complicated thoughts surround her and kept her awake all night long. The sleepless night is indeed long...