Loving you and only you (6)

Rays of sunlight enter the room as the vivid light extended across the sky. Upon waking up, Faustina feels the warmth and softness of sheets on her body. The warmth of the bed is too tempting for her to get up and wash herself up. She rubbed the remainders of sleep from her eyes and gazed in a daze. Because she just wakes up, her mind isn't functional enough to recognise that the bed she slept on and the room she's in isn't her home.

Faustina suddenly got up like a cat which got frightened when she finally realizes that the place isn't hers at all. After carefully thinking about how she is here, she sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness! I thought I was kidnapped!"

She pats her chest to calm herself down after figuring out that she's in Val's house.

Faustina then suddenly turned stiff with her eyes look confused when she realised again that she is naked. Well, she's always sleeping naked and it's her habit to strip herself down to nothing when she slept. Her face turned red. After all, this isn't her home.

'I didn't get taken advantage of? Thankfully, she has principles...Aiya got me worried for nothing!'

Then she heard the doors opening and stared at the women who entered into the bedroom with breakfast in her hands.


'This girl! Sleeping naked in my house. Did she think I am vegetarian?'

Remembering the naked body of the girl last night, her eyes darkened. She practically didn't get enough sleep due to seeing shameless little girl's naked body.

'Well, I should buy breakfast for her. What does she like? Pancake? Coffee or tea? Milk? Juice? I will just buy all. Ha...She might be the only one whom I willfully served myself.'

As she mumbles herself, she bought breakfast at the nearby cafe and returned. She closed the door and entered the house. Finally entering the bedroom, thinking the girl might wake up already and wears clothes, she stood dumbly at the doorstep staring unblinkingly the lovely view in front of her.

There sat the petite Faustina. Her soft ivory shoulders were exposed and her inky long straight hair like a waterfall fell on her back. Her lips are tinted red and her skin is flawless. Her ebony eyes remind me of a night with countless stars shining on the milky way. Her curved nose gives her an innocent vibe which makes Val want to smile whenever she sees her.

'The beauty is waiting for you on the bed. Are you a warrior or a coward?'

She shakes her head to make her dark thoughts disappear and walks toward the girl with a smiling expression.

Val POV end


Faustina sat stupidly on the bed as she stares at the smiling woman in front of her. Val's smile didn't make her feel safe at all. Rather she gives off a dangerous and wild vibe which makes her thrilled inside. Her inner self roared seeing the wild look Val gives as it jumps high and low feeling excited.

Of course, she will never reveal to the fact that she got smitten by a mentally unstable woman.

'Oh yeah! I am still naked?!'

Faustina finally remembers and she pulls the bed sheets on her body as her face tainted red due to embarrassment.

Val sat at the side of the bed as she stares at her and laughs.

"So, you finally realized that you are naked?"

She asks with a smirk making Faustina feels like digging a hole and hide forever.

She put down the food on the table beside the bed as she holds the petite beauty covered in sheets on her laps. Looking at the bewildered beauty on her laps, she smiles slyly. Holding the beauty petite waist with one hand and touching the chin with another, she kisses softly on those sweet red lips. Biting the soft and tender lips, she controlled herself not to overdo it.

Enjoying the warmth and softness of the girl on her lap, she finally let the girl go. The hazy eyes stare at her with blame which makes her smile full of love and possessiveness.

Already getting used to the older woman antics, Faustina didn't think too much as she accepted her antics. Smiling, Val asks her.

"I didn't know what type of food you like to eat. So I bought foods which I thought you would like."

Faustina smiles back at her which shows her dimples and make her look bright and pure.

"I'm not usually picky about food. It's alright. Thank you."

She tilts her head and looks at her with a sweet smile which almost makes Val decide to keep her away from everyone so that only she could see her smiles and laughs.

The two talks and laughs eating food, enjoying each other presence and to understand each other more.


On the other side, Alina, Sofia and Charlotte are in a war called temptation and tricks. Sofia using all kinds of tricks and games to make Alina falls for her while making Charlotte misunderstand Alina. Alina being Alina didn't notice the tricks of her secretary as she focuses on her business more. Charlotte struggling to pay off debts and hospital bills also falling under the tricks of Sofia. Overall, the situation is a mess.

One side is lovey dovy and one side is in war. And Rachel has been searching the information of her beloved best friend.