Into The Hatch.

"Oh..? A hatch you say?" questioned Alvin. He looked to the floor of the church. He looked over to Jade. "Hey cutie! Mind telling me where the hatch is?" said Alvin. Jade gasp. "W-What did y-you call m-me..?" she said while blushing. Alvin raised his voice. "I said you're a cutie! Since you're so cute, mind showing me the way to the hatch?" said Alvin while chuckling. Mimi glanced over to Alvin's direction. "You better have an explanation for this.." she said. Alvin winked at Mimi. Whispering: "I'm tricking her to let us gain access to the hatch~"

Jade was flustered. "I-I'll let you guys t-through the h-hatch..." she said while licking her lips. Jade hopped over to the last torch in the church. She pulled on the torch and everyone heard a clicking sound. The stage opened. There was stairs inside the stage this whole time. "How long are these stairs..." Alvin said. Jade laughed. "Just walk! Don't be lazy, boy~" The three of them started a conversation while walking down the stairs.


Alvin: "So.. You're a chameleon?"

Jade: "Yes, dummy."

Alvin: "Why'd you obey your master anyways? You seem nice.."

Mimi: "Yeah! You'd seem like a fun person to talk to."

Jade: "It's not like I have a choice.. I was rescued by him. Some scientists wanted to do a research on me just because I had an unusual size for a chameleon. He came in, killed the scientists and took me back to his home.

Mimi: "How about you come with us..?"

Jade: "I can't... Master would kill me if I betrayed him. Plus, I don't have friends either. A-And I look like this..."

Alvin: "That's a shame.. You'd be a nice friend."

Jade: "Y-You think of me a-as your f-friend..?"

Mimi: "Yes! You're fun to talk to!"

Jade: "N-Nobody has ever t-told me that b-before... Thanks..."

Alvin: "A-Are you crying..?"

Jade: "Y-Yeah... You guys actually like me... Unlike everyone else I've met.."

Mimi: "That's probably because you look like that.."

Alvin: "But we accept you!"

Mimi: "Yup! Even if you look like that, we'll still be your friends!"

Alvin: "So how bout you run away from your master..? Come with us!"

Jade: "I-I can't... I don't want to die.."

Alvin: "C'mon now.. We'll keep you safe!"

Jade: "R-Really..?"

Mimi: "Mhm! We promise!"

Alvin: "We're almost there.. We'll talk more inside the hatch."

Alvin took out the key and unlocked the door to the hatch. He swung the door open. "Here we are!" he said. Mimi sat down at a couch nearby and said: "This place is big!" Jade looked at them and smiled. Alvin looked around the place. "Hey Jade.. About what I called you earlier... I called you that just for you to lead us to this hatch. But after talking to you, you really seemed like a nice person. I'm sorry for tricking you." he said. Jade smiled again and said: "Aww.. It's fine. I like you two.. I made up my mind. I wanna follow you guys! Please..?"

Mimi giggled. "Yay! We welcome you to our house anytime!" And Jade smiled again. Her smiles slowly turned to frowns. She was crying. Nobody has ever treated her like this before. She was glad to be able to meet Alvin and Mimi. Alvin looked at Jade. "I wonder if we can turn you human..." he said to Jade. Then he got an idea. He checked the files. There were files about Nightmare and his mansion. Files about Alvin's family. Files about "FEAR". He suddenly stopped. He saw something that he had never seen before. Nightmare was developing something in this hatch. Something called "B.E.A.S.T". He continued reading. It's a substance that turns humans into animals. Nightmare planned to use this substance to turn all humans into animals. Nightmare quoted: "It's time animals fought back. They will reclaim everything that humans took from them."

"This is bad.." said Alvin. Mimi and Jade turned around and asked what was bad. Alvin gave them the files and went searching for the substance. He made a big mess while looking for the substance but there was no time. He knew he needed to find this substance and destroy it before it becomes lethal. Just as Alvin reached the last batch of drawers, they all heard something. They were footsteps. Alvin kept searching for the substance. Completely ignoring the footsteps. "Hello there." said somebody in a deep voice.

Alvin turned around. It was a man, in black. Standing there menacingly. "Nightmare..." said Alvin. Nightmare smirked. "Jade~ Why haven't you killed Alvin and his girlfriend yet..?" he asked. Jade stepped back. She shook her head. "I don't wanna kill them.." she said. Nightmare was furious. "WHY ARE YOU DISOBEYING ME!? DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING DIE?!"