Secrets Revealed.

Alvin ran back to his house. "What the hell..? He already sent a new creature to hunt me down!? That fast?" questioned Alvin. Looking back to see if the chameleon followed him. He pulled out his phone and quickly looked through his messages. Just as he was about to send a text to the group chat, he heard footsteps. "Fuck.. It knows where I live now. I have to abandon my home..." said Alvin. He grabbed his rifle, clipped on the rifle sling and wore it. He quickly looked for his axe belt. He then put his axe in the holster and burst out of the door. He was ready to leave. While he ran towards the nearest bus stop, he kept looking back to see if Jade was trailing behind him. Alvin hopped on a bus and just told the driver to take him far away from the woods.

[Group Chat]

Alvin: "Guys, anyone one of you have a spare bedroom?"

Jack: "Why..?"

Alvin: "I had to leave my house. Some horny chameleon was chasing me. It definitely works for Nightmare. I saw her key. It was between its 'chest area'. It followed me to my house so I had to leave."

Mimi: "You can stay at my place if you'd like!"

Rhys: "Damn horny chameleon? That's what we're facing this time?"

Alvin: "Thanks Mimi, I'll be at your place soon.."

Jack: "Someone's going to sleep happily tonight. If you know what I mean."

Ian: "I heard someone said 'horny'. Who is horny?"

Alvin: "Shut up Jack, I'm not going to do anything."

Jack: "That's what he says now."


Alvin: "Chill, there's this chameleon that looks like a woman. Basically, it looks like a stripper on steroids. Or 'she'. I have no idea."

Ian: "Oooh~"

Rhys: "That's just Ian for you.. He's always horny."

Ian: "What noooooo."

Alvin: "Ya'll have fun, I'm almost at Mimi's house."

Jack: "Heheh, nice."

Alvin: "Shut."

"Hello!" said Alvin as he knocked on Mimi's door. Alvin checked his surroundings for any signs of Jade. There was nothing, it was quite safe. Suddenly, he heard a voice. "You're here! I was waiting for you the whole time~" exclaimed Mimi. Alvin sighed from relief. "You scared me, darling.." he said. Mimi apologized and let him into her house. When Alvin got there, he gasped. Alvin had never seen a house so clean and organized. "Y-Your house is so beautiful..." said Alvin as his face turns red.

Alvin sat down on Mimi's couch. He was exhausted from all that running. "I'm so tired...." he said. Mimi sat beside him and cuddled with him. Alvin doze off from his tiredness. Mimi blushed and smiled as she covered Alvin with a warm blanket. "Sweet dreams, hun." she said before going to bed.

It was the next morning when Alvin woke up. "H-Huh..? What happened last night...?" he asked. Mimi just smiled and replied: "You forgot..? I guess you're just too tired last night.. Anyways, I prepared breakfast for you. It's bacon and eggs!" Alvin stood up and walked over to the kitchen table. He looked outside while eating his breakfast. "I'll continue checking out what the key does later on, you wanna follow me..?" he asked Mimi. She nodded her head and ate her breakfast.

Alvin wondered if he should return to the church. What he did not realize is that Jade was watching them the whole time. Nobody noticed since Jade has the ability to camouflage herself since she is a chameleon. Jade licked her lips again. "Heheh... Cute couple. What if..? I ruin it..?" she said. Jade proceeded to leap down from a tree in order to observe the couple even more. As Jade trails behind the both of them, Alvin told Mimi that they'll be going back to the church to uncover some secrets.

As the two of them walk closer to the church, Alvin was getting more afraid. "What if 'she' suddenly jumps out at us..?" he thought to himself. Alvin raised up his rifle. His finger on the trigger, ready to pull it if something jumps out. "Stand back, Mimi." he said. Surprisingly, there was nobody behind the church doors. That is because Jade was behind them all along.

Jade was waiting for the right moment to strike them. But was fascinated by the fact that Alvin had the key to unlock something under the church. "O-Oh..? He has the key..?" Jade said. She climbed up the walls and continued looking at them. Mimi held Alvin's hands while they walked deeper into the church. "Ah. I can't help it anymore." said Jade. She jumped in front of the two and showed herself. "Hello... Little one." said Jade. Mimi took a step back and said: "T-That's the horny chameleon..?" Jade was furious. "WHO YOU CALLING HORNY!?" shouted Jade. Alvin locked eyes with Jade and pulled his key out. "Perhaps you know something about this?" he said.

"Well since you're the only male I've met that has guts to face me. I guess I'll tell you more about this key." said Jade as she licked her lips. "BACK OFF! ALVIN IS MINE!" Mimi shouted. Jade chuckled and moved closer to Alvin. She licked Alvin's face. "Tasty~" she said. Alvin was disgusted by that action. "C-Can we just get this over with..." he said. Jade explained: "So.. Under this specific church. There is a underground hatch that can be unlocked with your key. I'm not telling you how to access the hatch. Because it contains information on my master and also information on your family. Whoops, I revealed too much. You won't get to access the hatch anyways, because you'd be dead right here. Hehe~"