Chapter 20: ,fuse

Jeff Ferdinand was right in the face to stop the Cabinet's death bill.

What a joke, one or two, Bulgaria's financial gap is not millions, but hundreds of millions of levs.

If all were transferred to the peasants, Ferdinand had already imagined that countless bankrupt peasants would emerge and set off a scene of revolutionary overthrow of the government.

As for that, he turned his back on the cabinet, and Ferdinand could not help it anymore. The two powers harm each other and the cabinet is obviously a soft persimmon compared with the peasant uprising.

Jeff Ferdinand knew quite a bit about Stam's cabinet. The political means are rude and can be called white, and there is a way to deal with them Ferdinand.

Out of the palace, Economy Minister Michael said worriedly, "His Prime Minister, the Grand Duke has vetoed the tax increase bill. What should we do?"

怎么 "What to do! In this case, then we don't have to be polite with him. We still support Ferdinand's throne, and it's a big change!" Interior Minister Yunus said angrily

"What!" The faces of everyone changed

Stam-Bolov said angrily: "God! Yunus, you stupid, shut me up! Don't talk nonsense, do you think it is a child to play house, can you change people with it! Do you want to kill? What about us? "

He knew that Yunas was in trouble, and his face was pale. He knew that if today's news passed, he would be finished. The matter of the previous Grand Duke just passed away, but Sofia bleeds blood, looking at the crowd for help!

Wilson, who usually has a good relationship with Yunus, came out and said, "The Prime Minister, don't worry about Yunus' idiot, what should we do next?"

After stamming for a moment, he said, "According to Bulgarian law, we can now convene the National Assembly. As long as the parliament passes, the Grand Duke will not jump out to veto it!"

Everyone was shocked, his face slightly changed, and finally he nodded. Everyone knows that bypassing the king and directly using the bill to pass the bill is equivalent to having elevated the king.

Their cabinet will no longer have the support of Ferdinand, and it will definitely be troublesome in the future.

Sure enough, as Ferdinand expected. Stam's cabinet did not give up, after Ferdinand's veto, they directly convened the National Assembly.

He intends to use the Liberal Party's advantage in the National Assembly to force a tax increase bill and also crack down on Ferdinand's prestige.

保加利亚 On April 28, 1888, Bulgaria reconvened the National Assembly. Stam-Bolof, on behalf of the Cabinet, introduced the Agricultural Tax Increase Bill to Congress.

But Ferdinand did not expect to do anything naturally. The controversy between him and the cabinet had spread before Congress convened.

Will the opposition party get the news of Stam's cabinet? Ferdinand didn't know.

But what is certain is that public opinion has stood on its own side. Once the bill is passed, the cabinet will definitely be scolded.

I know that Congress must be very lively today. Naturally, Ferdinand will not attend the meeting. He just hides behind to watch the show. If he jumps out, it is undoubtedly a surrender.

Stinging at the noisy congress, Stam was unexplainably upset. Being a prime minister from a shoemaker's son is naturally not a fool.

It is affirmative to levy an agricultural tax, and he was prepared in advance. For the sake of Bulgaria's industrialization, a little bit of fame, Stam didn't care.

看着 But looking at the chaotic parliament now, he is very doubtful, can this group of people lead the revival of Bulgaria!

Stam, who is also the speaker, said angrily, "Quiet, okay, don't talk too much, just start voting!"

I did not expect that this move caused strong dissatisfaction among Conservatives and Democrats. According to normal procedures, the bill should be debated before voting.

I was in a bad mood, and Stam skipped this link directly. After submitting the bill for clarification, they voted directly, depriving them of their right to speak.

Angry Conservative MPs withdrew from the vote in protest.

Unsurprisingly, the Liberals occupied seven seats in Congress, and passing resolutions is naturally not a problem.

Now the largest opposition in the Congress, Conservative members have simply withdrawn from voting, so it should be passed with a high vote!

The result was unexpected, and it also regretted Conservative MPs. 26 votes in favor, 55 abstentions, and 18 votes against the resolution.

The stinging scene embarrassed the Stam Cabinet, and co-authoring them was so unpopular, with less than 30% approval. If the Conservatives do not withdraw, then the Liberal-controlled Congress will veto their proposals today.

I can imagine that a political struggle around the cabinet is about to begin.

斐 If Ferdinand is here, you can tell Stam quite clearly that he is thinking too much.

Most Bulgarian parliamentarians are overseas students, and young and vivacious are the ones most easily influenced by public opinion.

And a large part of them are from feudal landlords. The family will certainly not tell them how the land came from their homes. The first reaction to the increase in taxes is that their own interests are damaged.

He came out to oppose the proposal, but it was by instinct, not really dissatisfied with the cabinet.

斐 Ferdinand received the results Stam's cabinet is about to stun, this may be the fuse of the police government!

Since it can't be stopped, Ferdinand naturally follows the trend and maximizes his interests.

At least, Ferdinand's intelligence organization has already begun operations. Several newspapers have been acquired secretly, and they are shouting for Ferdinand.

While everyone didn't respond, he gave him a wave of prestige. At least in the hearts of most people, Ferdinand, who opposed the rampant conquest, was a benevolent king.

The eyes of Jeff Ferdinand have now left Sofia and entered the vast countryside.

As early as last year, Ferdinand sent someone to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to ask for agricultural experts, and then asked the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct a preliminary investigation.

His agricultural development plan was formulated by these experts. In order to ensure the smooth completion, Ferdinand also lowered the standard.

As early as a thousand years ago, during the Warring States Period, farmers realized that fertilizer could be used to improve the soil. Early farmers applied compost and animal manure to their arable land.

In the 19th century, scientists discovered the important role of nitrogen. Farmers started buying sodium nitrate found in Chile's natural sediments and applied it to their fields.

However, Bulgaria 's agriculture is generally behind the times, the use of chemical fertilizers is very unreasonable, and the yield per mu is less than two-thirds of Western Europe.

The water conservancy project is a mess, basically it depends on the sky to eat. If Bulgaria is not in a good climate and the population is scarce, it may be a headache for eating.

Ferdinand is no longer a second-year boy. He has no plans to solve the problem once. He is ready to start with Rongyi.

First, let the agricultural experts formulate the rational use of chemical fertilizers. Then it was handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and promoted to the following areas.