Chapter 21: ,the University

Jefferson's agricultural reform plan did not harm the interests of the landlord class. Therefore, with the support of the enlightened landlords, most of the other people stood by and watched, and the promotion to the rural areas went smoothly.

Ferdinand is very satisfied to see the progress, as long as he can produce results this year, he can go further next year.

As the understanding of Bulgaria deepens, Ferdinand does not plan to build water conservancy projects until he has gained power.

Now the Bulgarian peasant class has a difficult life and cannot afford the burden of hydraulic engineering.

Some people will say that the government can pay or the landlord class can pay. In fact, it is impossible to do so, and Bulgaria cannot afford it.

保加利亚 The Bulgarian landlord class had not adopted large-scale mechanized production before the large-scale annexation of land, nor was it as wealthy as imagined.

He is not the same as the Qing Dynasty. One hundred and eighty acres of land are called landowners, and a thousand acres of good fields are big landowners.

In fact, in Bulgaria, an ordinary peasant family has hundreds of acres of land, which are commonplace. Without tens of thousands of acres, they are embarrassed to call landlords.

There is no such thing as protecting the ecology in this era. As long as you are willing, you can continue to reclaim wasteland.

This is also the reason why Stam 's cabinet dared to increase taxes. Even if farmers are bankrupt, they can go to the mountains to continue reclamation and the government cannot control it.

The peasants will not rebel without being forced into a dead end. Historically, Bulgaria has levied agricultural taxes for industrial development, but peasant uprisings have rarely occurred.

Understanding the current situation of Bulgarian agriculture, Ferdinand also rest assured. At present, the output of agricultural products is still exported abroad under the premise of meeting domestic demand. The demand for increased production in the short term is not very urgent.

In June, the humble Bulgarian university was completed. As for the decoration, in that era, who was so picky, concrete floor, a layer of lime on the wall was enough.

Historically, the University of Sofia was also established this year. Established by the great contributions of the two brothers, Christo Georgiev and Evlogi Georgiev, the main building was completed in 1934.

Natural now, Bulgaria's resources are limited. As a result of Ferdinand's intervention, the Bulgarian government took the lead and strongly supported the community.

In just a few months, a manor in the eastern suburbs of the city was converted into a simple university. This condition is estimated to be in line with the rural elementary school 20 or 30 years ago.

He had to devote his energy to the school, the historical University of Sofia, and the title of the red cradle, which he could not ignore.

Although he did not know the inside story of the Bulgarian revolution, Ferdinand remembered a little. Sofia University graduates are unemployed, laying the foundation for revolutionary transmission.

Jeffrey Dinan decided to take a salary at the bottom of the kettle, and directly came to recruit a package, everyone has a job, there is no time for the revolution!

7On July 2, 1888, Ferdinand held a school management meeting to determine the number of first admissions and the division of departments.

"Mr. Minister, is the Archduke really coming to the meeting?" Aleko Konstantinov asked in surprise (a famous Bulgarian writer and a literature teacher at Bulgaria University)

Others also raised their ears to express concern. Although they are all celebrities in the education industry, the biggest official they usually contact is the people from the Ministry of Education.

He had no idea about Ferdinand, the high-profile version of the principal. He was nominated at that time just to get funding.

当然 "Of course, Grandpa attaches great importance to education. Isn't it half an hour before you start, just wait patiently!" Chekov said with a smile

Uh ...

He said a few words, Ferdinand waved a hand and said, "Okay, let's start the meeting!"

好的 "Okay, Your Excellency! Let's start with the Ministry of Education!" Chekov said in a good mood.

"The Ministry of Education started preparations for this admission test as early as three months ago. The preparations have been completed. Now it is mainly to determine the number of students and the number of students in various majors!" Chekov said very briefly.

Jeff Ferdinand likes his pragmatic work attitude very much. There is no lengthy discussion and no bureaucracy.

"Well, let's express our opinions!" Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction.

"Our department of machinery requires two hundred people! Everyone knows that Bulgaria is undergoing industrialization and there is a shortage of such talents!" Allen, the director of the department of machinery, said first

Everyone didn't speak, apparently agreed with Allen's reason, but it also involved the contention for the quota and did not speak. Ferdinand nodded, motioning to followers to record.

"Our Department of Literature requires three hundred people. Bulgaria has been enslaved by the Ottoman Empire for a long time. It urgently needs to emancipate the mind and restore traditional culture. This requires a lot of manpower. We also urgently need excellent literary works to enrich the spiritual life of the people! Lek followed closely

The history department ...

Department of Physics ...

Department of Chemistry...

Department of Architecture...

Uh ...

A small Bulgarian university has more than 30 departments and departments, with a total of more than 5,000 students. UU Kanshu

Jeff Ferdinand listened with a smile, and frankly, how much is more than 5,000 people? In Ferdinand's view, there is not much at all, but where is it divided? There will be tens of thousands of people in any university in the future.

But now, that is simply impossible. It is estimated that the first batch of Bulgarian applicants may not have 5,000 people.

Jeff Ferdinand looked at Chekov and asked, "My Minister, how much is the first batch of candidates for Bulgarian universities estimated by your Ministry of Education?"

"His Excellency, through preliminary investigation, it is estimated that the total number of qualified applicants will fluctuate between 4500 and 5,200!" Chekov said cautiously

Jeff Ferdinand said cautiously: "Yeah! You are all elites in the Bulgarian education world, and everyone understands the situation now. According to the current situation, everyone understands that we cannot meet everyone's requirements!"

那么 "So, for the better development of Bulgaria, many professions must make sacrifices!"

Everyone's face changed greatly. In fact, they were frightened by this data. How many people were there at the University of Vienna? Less than three thousand! If Bulgarian universities really want to recruit 5,000 students at one time, it is estimated that everyone will become a laughingstock of the education industry.

It is necessary to reduce the number of people, but it is a question of which major cuts more and which major cuts less.

Seeing that everyone was still thinking, Ferdinand said again, "Everyone knows that Bulgaria establishes universities for the development of the country, so the quality of college students must be guaranteed, so the number of first-time admissions is better than enough, and in principle it will not exceed 500 people!"

"In fact, there will only be fewer, and the number of admissions at the University of Vienna is just that, and the number of Oxford universities is even smaller! Internationally renowned universities have set a good example for us!"