Chapter 22: Admissions

"His Grand Duke said very well. We have just established a Bulgarian university, we must ensure the quality of students! In fact, the school's teaching staff also restricts the number of students. The Ministry of Education estimates that the first class of students is between three and five hundred!" Chekhov The husband made up another knife in everyone's heart.

"We all understand these situations, and I agree to reduce the number of people, but this is not even one tenth of the original!" Said Ako, a representative of the history department, depressed.

"No, sir, you are wrong, not one-tenth. In order to save educational resources, the number of some majors may not change much, and more majors will be cancelled directly!" Chekov said harshly

什么 "What? How can this be?" Everyone was shocked

"Mr. Minister, this ..."

Ferdinand saw that something was going to happen and waved his hand and said, "Sir interrupt, don't embarrass our minister, he doesn't want to do this, but there is no way, who makes us poor! I can answer this question for him To give you an explanation! "

"This is a critical moment for the development of Bulgaria, and all resources must be devoted to industrialization. Therefore, at this stage, Bulgarian universities are serving industrialization!"

为了 "For Bulgaria, everyone must make sacrifices. You are all Bulgarian elites, tell me if you can make sacrifices for this country?" Ferdinand asked

Everyone said unevenly:



Uh ...

Jeff Ferdinand was very satisfied with everyone's response. It seemed that everyone was embarrassed, at least on the surface were patriots.

Ferdinand did not intervene in the specific majors that were cut, and handed them directly to the Ministry of Education.

He only gave one principle to the Ministry of Education. All majors in science and engineering were retained. The government paid money to avoid tuition and miscellaneous fees. Graduation can be distributed.

As for the liberal arts major, I'm sorry that there is no penny. All expenses must be solved by the school. Financial appropriations, including private donations, and other income, do not have a major in the liberal arts, and the state of employment is not responsible.

In fact, he told the Ministry of Education explicitly that if he wanted to cut down the liberal arts departments, he would have to educate himself to solve the problem.

The reason is very simple. Most liberal arts students who graduated from Bulgaria in the past have a low eye and can't find a job.

This group of unemployed people finally joined the Revolutionary Party or anarchy in order to revenge on society. Later the Soviet Union exported the revolution, and they became the successors of Communism.

In order to maintain his position, Jeffrey Dinan naturally has to stage these hidden dangers in advance. Without this group of people involved, the Soviet Union's infiltration into Bulgaria would be almost impossible.

The final result did not exceed Ferdinand's expectations. The education community still chose to compromise. Most liberal arts majors are elective courses. For example, history courses and language courses are fortunate to become compulsory courses and they do not recruit students independently.

结果 This result is acceptable to everyone. Anyway, to keep the liberal arts major, everyone has saved the job.

Jeff Ferdinand was so happy, spending a few dollars to keep the group of scholars in the school, saving him trouble.

It 's nothing more than students from Bulgarian universities, and the free space of future universities, they have no chance to experience.

With densely packed schedules, Ferdinand could see the scalp numb, and enjoy a treatment with the senior students of the next generation. That weekend did not exist, and it was the worst university student in the world.

Regardless of Ferdinand's gloating, the news of Mr. Bulgaria University immediately made a splash in the country.

Everyone is paying attention to the twelve majors of the school, the same science and engineering, which makes people different.

The media argue every day. Don't look at the people. In the past, in order to compete for rights and interests, to maintain the liberal arts professional reasoning.

Everyone now turns into a patriot, all for the development of Bulgaria. To save educational resources, we have taken the initiative to do so.

He dared to swear to God, never to have the slightest selfishness, and to sacrifice for the country and the people.

I saw Ferdinand being touched a bit. They are so patriotic. If you don't retain your treatment, it is estimated that it is another scene now.

Bulgaria has a continental climate, with four distinct seasons, the Black Sea in the north and the Mediterranean in the south.

气温 The temperature is not very hot in summer, and the students come from all over the place ~ I am full of energy and vigor, one by one, full of self-confidence, and have the spirit of who I am.

Sophia's streets are full of them. In order to cope with the big test, several Ferdinand hotels have opened in advance.

Gaocheng East Hilton Hotel, several students, are discussing.

"Ram, do you know what to take this time?" Andrea

"Andrea, isn't this nonsense, how could I know! But I heard that this exam will be very strict. If you want to review it well, you will lose face if you fail to take it!" Ram

"Ram, you are still so boring. This is Sofia, our capital, the largest city in Bulgaria, don't you want to go and see?" Andrea

"Andrea, I think Ram is right. Let's review it now I heard that there are very few admissions this time, and if I accidentally get eliminated, how can I have a face to go home? See you! "Annabel

"Oh God, you all have reason! We review, but we don't know anything about the test, how to review, a group of boring guys!" Andrea

Such vignettes are constantly performed in Bulgaria. Those who can successfully graduate from high school have good family conditions, and studying in that era was not something that ordinary families could consume.

来到 I came to Sofia from all over the country. Naturally, some people couldn't help but go out and stroll, which also led to Sofia's consumption, but most people still chose to review.

University students have always been synonymous with high school in Bulgaria. Previously, I had to go to college and only had to study abroad.

The huge expenses are enough to make a wealthy family hurt their nerves. There are only a handful of people who can study abroad every year, and most of them are out of reach.

This exam is an opportunity for many people. Don't look at the ease of what they say, almost everyone is working hard.

The date of the exam is getting closer and closer. Due to the influence of previous lives, Ferdinand can't help it several times and wants to sell the materials to make a fortune.

I finally forcibly resisted. He was no longer the Taobao merchant who sold pirated goods. How much money can thousands of points make, thousands of levs or tens of thousands of levs?

I haven't earned as much as Ferdinand now. If it affects the fairness of this exam and chooses a bunch of crooked dates, it will be troublesome.

The first graduate, but his future class. Is Bulgaria's future leader in all walks of life.

Although this idea has been dispelled, but you can think about it, the Bulgarian students in the future will be buried by the data.