Chapter 23: ,prelude

8On August 2, 1888, the first admission examination of Bulgarian University was grandly opened. Since then, the history of Bulgarian college entrance examination began.

The college entrance examination lasted three days, and the content of the examination was also varied, covering all walks of life.

However, admission to professional grades is the main position, accounting for 80% of the total grades. If the professional results enter the top three, other subjects will be accepted even if they are hanging.

Of course, the candidates do not know yet. After three days of exams, all of them are like eggplants beaten by frost, with no confidence.

Sofia seemed to be noisy. Everyone complained that the test questions were too difficult. Many people secretly regretted it, and accumulated too little knowledge.

On August 15, the gate of Bulgarian University was crowded, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the final result.

On the other hand, they are all happy. They don't have to worry about applying for a major or worry about choosing the wrong major, which will affect their future development. The school will choose the most suitable major for them, and it can be assigned.

As for hobbies, can you eat them? Sorry this is the 19th century and I have never heard of that creature.

Ferdinand was very satisfied with the results of the admissions. Although there were many shortcomings, it was the first time, and it was generally smooth. At least no one had cheated.

纪念 To commemorate my reading career. The start date was selected by Ferdinand on September 1st, this familiar day.

The opening is Ferdinand's speech, reviewing the history of Bulgaria ... (omitted 100,000 words, you can participate in your own opening ceremony)

Amidst cheers, 436 students entered the university hall.

Looking at the students who are in full bloom, Ferdinand is filled with emotion, this is his future class.

Thinking of the dense schedule, Ferdinand gloated thoughtfully: "Pride! Release now! Enjoy tomorrow! How terrible it is to go to college!"

You know, the closed militarized management currently adopted by Bulgarian universities is up to twelve classes a day, plus self-study time.

起 Get up from 5:30 in the morning and leave school at 10:30 in the evening. Except for meal time and short stop breaks in the middle of the day, you must spend your time studying.

This is the study plan that Ferdinand made with reference to the previous high school senior's schedule. Since this is the first time to run a university, everyone has no experience and will do it.

The management staff was hired by the Ministry of Education from the Berlin Military Academy at a high salary, and the management method was copied directly.

In recent years, the message has not changed, and the spring breeze of democracy and freedom has not yet blown. Bulgaria is still relatively conservative, forming a tradition of rigorous teaching and apprenticeship, and then adopted by highly respected educators.

As soon as he returned to Ferdinand in the palace, he received bad news-the peasant movement began.

Following the last tax increase, Stam's cabinet made another faint move and passed in Congress's proposal to resume paying tithes in kind.

If it was said that the last increase in agricultural taxes only harmed the interests of the rich and the poor, the landlord class could also make up for losses through land mergers.

The restoration of tithes in the Ottoman period then seriously hampered the development of agricultural capitalism.

To a large extent, the interests of the landlord class have been harmed, but the most fierce opposition is small and medium landlords, which means that government officials can carry out new plunder.

They started a peasant protest movement and began to spread rapidly throughout Bulgaria.

Ferdinand was pleased that now they are mainly rallies and demonstrations, which have not yet evolved into revolutions.

This also strengthened his determination to collapse, but after all, the Cabinet of Stam gave great strength and support to his superior. Ferdinand must have a compelling reason to dismiss his cabinet.

In history, until 1894, when the Cabinet of Stam was already angry, the original owner came down and fired the cabinet.

此 Before that, Stambolov had been holding power. Although Ferdinand has adopted political means, to a certain extent, he has divided Stambolov's rights and strengthened the ministries; however, he cannot change the status of Stambolov's control of the cabinet.

Jeff Ferdinand originally thought that he would have to wait for the next parliamentary election before he could successfully seize power. Unexpectedly, the financial crisis of the Bulgarian government has intensified due to his butterfly effect.

In order to successfully complete the "Five-Year Plan", the Cabinet of Ministers has gone into trouble. In order to raise funds, endless donations and miscellaneous taxes are emerging.

Jeff Ferdinand knew that the police terror regime was about to take shape. In just one year, the Bulgarian police establishment had increased by 50%.

Gestam-Bolov also set up a secret police without authorization. The intelligence organization in Ferdinand's hands found more than 300 people. Of course, it was necessary to send infiltration.

I ca n't do anything, I must be shocked. Ferdinand took the opportunity to plug private goods, such as anarchists, future leaders of the Revolutionary Party, and activists.

I prepared to kill someone with a knife and settle the enemies in the future once and for all. This was the last use of the Stam Cabinet.

Uh ...

"Her Majesty, UU reading we have already arranged, and the fish has been on the net!" Fu Hu (Head of Intelligence Organization)

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then get ready to close the net!"

Uh ...

Michael hurriedly opened the Prime Minister's office and said, "Sir Prime Minister, something bad is going on!"

不要 "Don't worry, slowly say, God is still watching, the sky will not fall!" Stam-Bolov said slowly while drinking tea.

"Oh, hell! My Prime Minister, the sky is about to fall down. After hearing this news, I don't think you have the mood to drink tea anymore!" Michael said anxiously

"Oh, what's such a shock to my minister! Let me guess, is it Ottoman calling, or Serbian miscellaneous is doing something?" Stam-Bolov relaxed Just kidding

"Oh, God! Mr. Prime Minister, don't you read the newspaper? Our secret treaties with Britain and Austria-Hungary have all been exposed. Now public opinion is shouting and killing the government!" Michael said angrily

With a bang, Stam-Bolof shook his hands and the tea cup fell to the ground.

Exclaimed: "What? How is this possible? Isn't this something that only a few of us know?"

"Yes, we don't know more than five people about the contents of the contract! But now the contract has been published in the newspaper, it is exactly the same, and a punctuation mark has not changed!" Michael said worriedly

"Is there something wrong with Britain and Austria-Hungary? It shouldn't be, there will never be a leak on both sides! We know no more than ten people here, and only the people in our cabinet know the content, even the Grand Duke. Do n't know the specific agreement, who will leak it? "Stam-Bolov said in confusion.