Chapter 25: Cleaning

In the evening, a man in Tsing Yi walked into a small alley in a panic and knocked on the courtyard door.

"Oh, God bless you, Tom, you haven't been caught! Come in now, this is not the place to talk!" After that, he put the man in Tsing Yi in, extended his head and looked around, and then closed the door.

"Relax ~ Coulomb, I came here secretly, no one knows!" Tom said with a relief.

"Oh, that's good, now the police in Sofia are crazy, arresting the rebels everywhere! Your newspaper has not been seized. I heard that many people have been arrested. I thought you were arrested too. It's okay to see you. Well, God bless you! "Coulomb said excitedly

别 "Don't mention it, I think only God knows what happened! The police suddenly sealed up the newspaper and took away the editor-in-chief. I happened to interview outside and escaped!" Tom explained

"Oh, God bless you! But how do you live these days?" Coulomb continued to ask

"Of course it is hiding at home! You know, even if there is any problem, a small miscellaneous fish like me is not eligible for a warrant and is mostly forgotten."

"I came to see you this evening, just to inquire about the wind. Coulomb, you are my best friend, and you work in the government, you must know what is going on!" Tom said with a mockery first, then looked forward to Coulomb

Coulomb smiled bitterly and lowered his voice and said, "I'm not very clear. I suddenly ordered the arrest of the betrayal party! Many newspapers have been seized. I guess it is related to your report some time ago!"

对 "By the way, you'd better hide again, and come out when the wind blows! There are too many people arrested now, and the police can't take care of you. You can leave Sofia tomorrow and go back to the country to hide!"

Tom jumped up in excitement and said incredulously, "Oh God! How is this possible?"

Uh ...

保加利亚 Bulgaria has entered a "silence period" since Stam 's cabinet took action, and Sofia has been under martial law for more than a month.

The police are constantly dispatching, sealing up newspapers and printing houses everywhere, setting up roadblocks on the streets and lanes, and checking newspapers shipped to various places.

There are plenty of pond fish caught like Tom. Coulomb was right, there were too many people caught, and the police couldn't take care of a small fish like Tom.

As long as he was not arrested on the spot, he was basically forgotten later. Sofia's prison was overcrowded.

The rampant government's wanton behavior, the people dared to anger but not to speak, and members of the opposition party were forced into underground activities.

What ordered Ferdinand not to think is that the Stam cabinet did so neatly this time, and the opposition party had no resistance.

The puppet government quickly arrested the opposition and seized a large number of goods, the total amount was as high as hundreds of millions of levs.

Plus the previous loan, the funds needed for the five-year plan, so comedy come together.

Jeffrey Dinan did not know if it should be joy or worry.

Suddenly sprouts, or let the cabinet continue to toss? The horrible thought was then cancelled, and if the cabinet continues to toss, God will know when it will reach the limit of the people?

In case the situation gets out of control and a civil war breaks out, there will be another wave of invasion of foreign enemies, who can get it except God!

Although the plan went well, Stam-Bolov still had a headache. Many people within the Liberal Party have expressed dissatisfaction with this matter and put him under great pressure.

He can kill the outside world, but he has to appease his face. With too many people involved, there is a steady stream of people begging for Stam-Bolof.

The concrete leader Yunus is now the executioner's spokesperson. But Yunas, who is in power, doesn't care. He has surpassed the other three in the cabinet and is the number two person after Prime Minister Stam.

上 At the new cabinet meeting, Michael said: "His Prime Minister, the enemy is almost cleared. Is it time to end martial law, the country needs to return to normal state!"

"Mr. Michael, the enemy is almost cleaned up, but there are still fish that leak out of the net. We must work harder to find them all and destroy them!" Yunus retorted sharply.

部长 "Secretary Yunus, you have arrested more than 20,000 people. It is almost one percent of our population. Is it going to continue?" Wilson said angrily

"But aren't they all enemies? Don't you just see the bad side and the good side! Although it has a great impact on the economy, haven't we got all the funds we need for our five-year plan? Clean up A bunch of national roundworms solved the financial crisis and added a group of free laborers. Why not do it? "Sauville said optimistically

Gestam-Bolov knew that the quarrel between several people also involved their own interests. Now everyone is no longer a patriot in blood. Under the erosion of rights, they have begun to overdo politicians in a short time.

Under the emergency policy, the major impact on economic development was second, mainly because it weakened the voice of the Ministry of Economy and Industry in the government, and Michael and Wilson had to oppose.

However, Yunas and Soville are just the opposite, and in this case, they have power in their hands. Once the normal state is restored, it will inevitably make way for the development of the country, and their right to speak will be greatly reduced. For their own benefit, they need to extend this period.

Gestam Bolov can't do anything about it. Although he is a politician himself, it doesn't mean he likes politicians. Stop speaking and say:

"Well, UU reading no more noisy! The cleaning work is still done well, which is worthy of recognition! Also you know, this state cannot continue indefinitely!"

"I'll give you a month, get the rats out, then lift the martial law, and the country will return to normal!"

Uh ...

年底 At the end of 1888, Bulgaria 's martial law was finally lifted. No one expected that Sofia had just lifted its martial law, and the opposition party made another big news.

圣诞节 On Christmas 1889, Stam-Bolof was attacked at the gate of the official residence. Stam escaped by chance. However, three of the followers died on the spot, and several others were injured.

More importantly, after the shooting, the five killers, in addition to leaving all the bodies, actually let other murderers run away. Prime Minister Stam-Bolof was furious and someone was going to be unlucky again.

At the same time, other senior government officials were also patronized. Secretary of Defense Solville, one of the unlucky ones, was shot three times and was being rescued. One of the shots hit him exactly and was considered a waste.

Even more bizarre is the Minister of Finance, Christo-Belchev, the shell minister who has no sense of presence in the government. He encountered police and assassins fighting on his way home, was overwhelmed by the frightened carriage, and then heroically die a martyr.

In the original time and space, Christo-Belchev is also a bad luck. In March 1891, he was assassinated as Stam Borov. Now, thanks to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, he took the box lunch in advance.

This night, it was called "Bloody Christmas Eve" by future generations. Dozens of senior officials were attacked at the same time, causing hundreds of casualties and direct economic losses of hundreds of thousands of levs.

The peace on Christmas Eve was broken. All Sofia's military and police officers were dispatched, and the whole city was disturbed.