Chapter 26: ,plot

"No mud can help the wall!" Ferdinand commented on the opposition.

Under the government's rebellious rule, the opposition party did not organize the masses to overthrow the government, but wasted limited power on violent assassinations, and using violence to control violence only aroused public dissatisfaction.

In 1888, most of the Sofia people sympathized with the opposition party and expressed dissatisfaction with the government. Then in 1889, everyone's public base was pulled to the same level-resentment.

激 Enraged Stam's cabinet once again declared national martial law. The secret police were expanded again and dispatched everywhere.

I have revenge and complain. The rapid expansion of secret police has become a mixture of good and bad, abused power, cracked down on revenge, fish and meat, and caused public resentment.

"What now? Stam's running dogs are crazy, catching people everywhere, so if we continue, we will sooner or later expose!" Petko-Karavilov (one of the pro-Russian leaders)

"Let's launch a coup!" Major Paniza (a supporter of the Conservative Army) suggested

不 "No, although the government goes against the rules, the Liberals still control the army. Are our people too weak?" Weber (democracy) objected

Uh ...

"Well, now we have no other choice. Stam-Bolof wants our lives and can only die for it! Hope God bless us!" Petko-Karavilov did Final decision

也许 "Maybe the situation isn't that bad?" Major Panniza

Seeing everyone's hairy eyes, he sneered and said, "Don't forget, Sofia also has a Royal Guard! Our Grand Duke Ferdinand has been expanding since he took office. Now there are more than 3,000 people. It's up! "

Wei Bote said coldly, "Yes, but what about that? Our Grand Duke, it seems that he has no interest in politics, otherwise why would he let the cabinet do the wanton acts?"

"The most important thing is, why will he support us? Don't forget that many of us are his opponents!"

Major Pannya said, "It may not be the case, the cabinet has already turned over with the Grand Duke in order to increase the agricultural tax! Does our Grand Duke really not hate it at all?"

"Also, we were opposed to Ferdinand's succession to Grand Duke before, and naturally we are enemies. But now that it is an established fact, we can not drive him out of office, and we do not need to oppose his succession!"

"The fundamental contradiction between the two sides no longer exists, does Grand Duke Ferdinand not want to have real power? So what does he do to expand the Guards? No matter what, Bulgaria will not want to attack the palace madly?"

"Major Panisha, you are right! But if Ferdinand is in power, we are not busy with it? I don't think that if he kills the Liberal Party, he will let us in power!" Weibot asked rhetorically.

Milner-said with a smile for Lov (People's Party): "No, this can not be our Grand Duke! Don't forget that, now Bulgaria, except for the Liberal Party, who is ours, other political forces are not good enough!"

"You People's Party, naturally it doesn't matter, our Conservative Party is the main force against Ferdinand, it's no wonder that it is not suppressed!" Weibo said in a nasty and nasty manner

Uh ...

Puppet opposition plots are no secret to Ferdinand. Their internal dispute was quickly passed to Ferdinand via the inside.

"Stupid!" Ferdinand sneered

It's time for this to happen, and it's still fighting for power.

Even if you want to divide the loot, you will have to play after the overthrow of the government. If you fail, you will start to fight for dominance and you will have it in the future.

If they didn't need them to attract the government's attention, Ferdinand sent people to help clean up the ends, and now the opposition party has been eliminated. A group of black people, still thinking about counting him.

"The enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend, it is likely to remain an enemy." This sentence illustrates the current situation in Bulgaria.

The Liberal government, the Conservative Party and the Democrats opposition party are now targets of Ferdinand to clean up.

"A man is not guilty, he is guilty of it!"

Jeff Ferdinand never took any action, just intending to kill with a knife. Let the Conservatives anger the Stam cabinet and force the cabinet to kill.

The reason lies in the huge property seized by the government. The Stam Cabinet intends to use the money to complete the five-year plan, which coincides with Ferdinand.

If it comes out of trouble anyway, then the huge sum of money seized must be returned. What about the funds required for the next five-year plan?

Ferdinand is not a Virgin, and has no intention of paying the money himself, so he can only swallow the unexpected money! Only if the property owner is dead can he legally confiscate the huge sum.

He can almost clear up the obstacles to Ferdinand's reforms. We must know that in addition to the Conservatives, Democrats, Pro-Russians, and radical nationalists, there are also a large number of feudal landowners and agricultural capitalists.

Throughout history, any reform is going to bleed. Those with vested interests will certainly not let go willingly, and the blood and rain are indispensable. It's better to use Stam's Cabinet to carry the bag.

In 1888, Ferdinand benefited greatly from the cleansing campaign of Stam's Cabinet, and his assets expanded rapidly.

Jeffrey Dinan himself has a ritualistic manner. He has no mischief, strictly abides by the noble conduct, and does not bully the weak.

However, with his running dogs, Ferrants colluded with the intelligence chief Fu Hu. In order to crack down on competitors, he planted scams and contributed to the situation. However, many capitalists were confiscated their properties and went to jail.

He then bought a large number of high-quality assets from the government at a low price. Of course, there are still many people doing this, but they are not so neat and neat, leaving no hidden dangers.

A large number of capitalists were put in jail, and no turbulence on the market has been caused Ferdinand's industry, but contributed.

"Her Majesty, we have basically monopolized the food processing in Bulgaria now, leaving only a few small family-style workshops, which is no longer a concern!" Wei Lian reported to Ferdinand with excitement.

After listening to Wei Li'an's report, Jeffrey Dinan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well! But be careful, don't let people find out that the market has been monopolized by us!"

Wei Li'an said with confidence: "Don't worry, Your Excellency! We still take the old approach. Processing plants everywhere produce different brands. And on the bright side, we occasionally create some friction artificially, which will not make people suspicious!"

"Well, yes! You must also pay attention to the international market at any time. What's wrong? Do a good job in technological innovation and increase our competitiveness!" Ferdinand said again.

Bulgaria's largest export industry is agricultural exports. It is also Bulgaria's most promising industry at this stage.

Ferdinand must not pay attention to it. Historically, agricultural exports have been Bulgaria's largest source of foreign exchange.

In 1911, Bulgaria's agricultural exports reached as high as 129,4 million levs.

保加利亚 At the time, Bulgaria's total exports were only 184.6 million levs, and agricultural exports accounted for 70%.

现在 At present, Bulgarian industry has not yet developed, and the proportion of agricultural exports is higher, accounting for nine layers of total exports.

In 1888, Bulgaria's agricultural product exports for the whole year amounted to more than 40 million levs, and there is great room for development.

This is only a primary product. If agricultural products are processed and then invested in the international market, this number can continue to increase.