Chapter 27: Undercurrent

"My Excellency, Volvo Supermarkets are now spread all over Bulgaria's major cities. However, due to the economic downturn in the country, the turnover is not very high, and there are even a few small cities, which are only able to maintain the capital. The estimated profit is not comparable. One Vienna! "Ferrantz said with some depression.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and said, "Oh, don't worry about Ferrantz, we must be patient! When the Bulgarian economy develops, the financial resources are not rolling in!"

"Okay, Your Excellency! Please rest assured, I know what to do!" Ferrantz immediately put away his negative emotions and sent a ticket to Ferdinand.

"Hmm!" Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction, and then set his sights on Habit.

Habitat said anxiously: "Her Grand Duke, the machinery factory has just been put into production. Now the problem is that our machinery cannot find the market. Except for our own purchases, there are basically not many orders!"

"Now Bulgarians are worried, capitalists have no desire to invest in building factories, and the future prospects are not optimistic. Many people have placed orders but did not come to pick up! But the sales of spare parts are good, and they are welcome!"

"Well! In this case, then focus on the spare parts market! Now that international capital has not noticed yet, seize the Balkan market first and then expand to Eastern Europe!" Ferdinand thought for a while

Greed is really human nature!

Ferdinand originally planned to promote Bulgaria's industrial development; now it has become a state monopoly. No matter how whitewashing can't change the fact that he profited from it.

资源 From a resource perspective, monopoly is indeed the best option for Bulgaria. Especially the heavy industry, the poor mineral Bulgaria, has no choice at all!

"Okay, Your Excellency! Please rest assured that we currently have no competitors in the Balkans!" Habit said confidently

Jeff Ferdinand nodded his head in satisfaction, and said, "Well! Verhu said, now the situation in Bulgaria!"

He said with confidence, "Yes, Your Excellency!"

"At present, Bulgaria is still ~ calm and peaceful. Liberals have the upper hand and control the government. Under the pressure of the government, the Conservative Party, the Democratic Party and other political forces have been suppressed."

"But this situation will soon break! The Liberal Party has pushed the opposition party to its limit and they have to fight desperately to survive!"

Uh ...

"Mr. Petko-Karavilov, how is the Russian contact?" Pani asked anxiously

"Relax, gentlemen. St. Petersburg hates Stam's dictatorship. They have promised to support us. And they have provided us with an interest-free loan of one million levs!" Petko-Karavilov confidently Say

Of course, irrelevant issues have also been omitted. For example, after a successful coup, the new government will fall to Russia in diplomacy in full;

In Petko's view, it is a trivial matter, it doesn't matter, there is no need to say it, anyway, he is a pro-Russian faction, and he doesn't think it is bad.

None of you here is a fool. Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. Russians are not philanthropists.

Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, no one can run. The government will be overthrown first, and there is no consideration whatsoever.

"Great, with the support of the Russians, our new government is set up, so there is no need to worry about international isolation!" Panisha said happily

"Major Panisha, it's too early for you to be happy. We have to say these things when we succeed! Now the eagle dogs of the dictatorship are catching people everywhere, and we are exposed by accident!" (Democrat) calmly

也许 "Maybe, we can do another big operation, divert their attention and create conditions for the uprising!" Vasily Radoslav (Future Radoslav leader)

"Oh, God! Are you going to do another assassination? But now they're bowstruck birds, and there's no chance at all!" Major Panniza asked in surprise.

Vasiel-Radoslav said with confidence: "Major Panisha, you're right! But if there is an assassination, can we do anything else?"

"The cowards in the cabinet are now about the same as the tortoises. Naturally we have no chance to start! But what about their family members? Isn't the guard so strict?"

"Oh, God! Mr. Wasser, you won't be possessed by the devil! No, please ask the priest to come and see, it must be evil!" Kandin Slov (democracy) couldn't believe it. Say

Facing everyone's surprised eyes, Vasil-Radoslav said calmly, "No, I'm fine! Don't you think this is a good way? Only by angering the dictator of Stam will he make mistakes, Then mad revenge and cover for our next move! "

Kantin Slov said hesitantly, "But, God! It is over our bottom line to deal with innocent people!"

Vasiel-Radoslav said with a high spirit: "Gentlemen, UU reading for Bulgaria, it is worth paying a small price!"

Uh ...

In the early morning at Sofia's Palace, Ferdinand had just had breakfast, and the Minister of Education Chekov broke in.

"Her Majesty, what happened to the school?" Chekov said anxiously.

Jeff Ferdinand changed his look and asked, "What?"

Tchikov said nervously: "The police just surrounded the school just now. They want to arrest the anti-government elements. Now they are fighting the guards!"

Jeff Ferdinand was surprised and said, "How is that possible? Isn't the school closed teaching, how can there be anti-government elements!"

Chekov said with a wry smile, "Master, the students do stay in school every day, but the faculty members can come and go freely, and many of them are dissatisfied with the government's approach!"

"A lot of people have published articles attacking the government. In addition, many of them have been arrested by their relatives and friends. They should be able to take possession of suspects."

Ferdinand nodded and said: "I see! You go with a company guard and tell the police: the school has been taken over by me, I will deal with the latter, and come to me if there is any problem . "

"Yes, Your Excellency, I'll go immediately!" Chekov said happily, and ran out as soon as the words fell.

Jeff Ferdinand knows that the Secretary of Education is probably indispensable in this case, otherwise, even if he asks for help, he will not be so anxious.

He didn't mean to go deeper, but Cherkov, the education minister, Ferdinand was satisfied. The work is serious and responsible, and the most important thing is that you have come here.

Bulgaria is really small, and the number of literati and scholars is not large. Although the political views are different, they have some friendship with each other. Now a friend of Chekov is involved, and it is normal for him to help.