Chapter 29: ,deal with

Seeing his own student became a hawk dog of the dictatorship, Olka felt very uncomfortable, did not accept James's greetings, and said sneer: "I'm fine! You brought someone over to catch me, but it's not good What? "

James is very embarrassed, and the situation now makes him embarrassed. The irritated old gentleman opposite made him fall back.

One side is the task above, the other side is my benefactor. After completing the task, it is necessary to break up with his benefactor, which disturbs his conscience; taking into account the kindness, his career is over, and the struggle of more than ten years will be turned into a stream of water.

James' hesitation, which immediately aroused the morale of the teachers, turned out that these police officers are not as cruel as the legend.

I set my sights on the police officers, searching for familiar targets, and soon some people achieved the results.

列 Aleko found a target, walked in front of a young police officer, scolded: "Raul, you idiot, now get me out of here!"

Raul argued, "But Uncle Aleko, I'm on a mission and leaving now, it will hit my job!"

As soon as the words fell, Alekko pointed at Raul's nose with a trembling voice, and said in an excited roar, "Boy, is there only a rice bowl in your heart? Are you still human? Do you know what is conscience? Are you ashamed? "

Scolding Raul back and forth, apparently he did not expect that his explanation would make his uncle so angry.

A few moments of hard work, and a few more unlucky ones, were caught by the angry teachers, scolding his head and covering his face.

James is anxious, he knows he is going to suffer. On the bright side, he is indeed the highest person in charge at the scene, and those with a background in the relationship are decisive.

James had no right to order retreat at all, but he couldn't look at his men either. He was scolded with no morale.

He gritted his teeth and said with a trembling voice: "Mr. Olka, I'm sorry to disturb you! Today I was ordered to come. The police have the exact evidence to prove that the school harbored the suspect!"

"As long as you surrender the suspect, or let us go in and arrest ourselves, I promise not to implicate others!"

"Don't be excited, I'll tell you straight! This matter is no longer in my control. I don't want to do it, it's all the meaning above, I'm really incompetent!"

Adolf Cole almost came to see, and then came out slowly and said: "So, Mr. James was also forced?"

Jim nodded, could not help expressing that he was completely forced.

Cole saw James admit it, and made up a nonsense in front of everyone and said, "Well, in this case, we won't embarrass you. This is a protest book jointly drafted by all the teachers and staff of our school. There are three copies. Trouble you transferred to your superior! "

James took the protest book stupidly, and saw on the cover that "Every member of the Bulgarian University ~ Protest against the police's illegal encirclement of the school" was beaming on the cover.

James immediately responded, "Oh! It's a big deal. The president of Bulgaria University is Grand Duke Ferdinand. This is a big trouble! What will happen above? He doesn't know, anyway, these little pawns under them, definitely It 'll be moldy! "

"Now you have to force it, you can only force it. As long as you catch the suspect and then make a real crime, even if you get into trouble, the responsibility will be much lighter."

James still decided to fight for it, try to make things as small as possible, and said with a trembling voice, "Gentlemen, this step is not yet!"

"It's not that far!" Hurriedly came to Chekov and said loudly

Everyone saw Chekov coming, accompanied by the Palace Guard, and immediately relaxed. In any case, the police must not force the campus in front of the Minister of Education! Besides, there is still a team of soldiers. Even if the police turned their faces, they would not have the courage to mess up!

The old masters now see Chekov very pleasing to the eye and feel that he is "smart and capable, and has the courage to work, and he will come to help at critical moments!"

Many people thought secretly that it was not the same to find a principal who came from a big school. The police were unscrupulous in arresting people outside, and it wasn't regular at the school.

Even if we have evidence, we must act in accordance with the rules. If we violate the rules, we can find the boss!

When I saw Chekov, James's head hurt even more. Nima, for a bunch of little people, one of your ministers has personally taken the lead, why? With a team of soldiers, can you commit it? What else can I do for you?

Now it is no longer a matter of thinking about the task, the key is to think about how to deal with it. One is not good. I was arrested by this big minister and asked the police to lead people. That would be miserable!

Chekov didn't care about James' thought. A police officer, even the boss of Sofia police, was far from his level? Although he has the lowest real power among all ministers in the government, he is not low in rank!

After looking around, Chekov didn't make nonsense, and said directly to James: "You listen, immediately take your people off, and the school has been taken over by us from now on. If you have any questions, you can appeal to the Grand Duke! "

The horrified James nodded quickly and said, "Yes, UU reading we will leave at once!" After speaking, the whistle blew and quickly led people away.

Duchkov ignored the police's response and entered the campus directly with the crowd.

Everyone's heart just dropped again. Everyone knows that this time the incident is so big that it will be settled after the fall.

When he reached the conference room, Chekov sank and said calmly, "Call out all of you who are hiding! Don't explain to me, no matter what the reason, you have seriously violated the school rules, and punishment is indispensable!"

"Who are you hiding, who is responsible for the care and sign the guarantee agreement! We will check slowly, if you are really a criminal, you will bear joint and several liability, is there a problem?"

"No problem, we will sign right away!" The crowd said in unison

Tchikov heard the words of the crowd and smiled bitterly: "It's up to you, Mr. Cole, please register for the record. This company of soldiers is under your command and is responsible for maintaining the stability of the school!"

"In addition, everyone is acting as a teacher and thinking calmly. Do everyone's actions today conform to a teacher's code of conduct?"

"The grandfather said that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked! I don't want you to pass this selfish side to the next generation!"

"For those of you who directly violate the school rules, the penalties are as follows: 1. Do not promote for life; 2. Forfeit half of the salary forever; 3. Submit an in-depth review and read it publicly in front of the school's teachers and students!"

Everyone's face changed, this punishment was completely painful! In fact, Chekov was too determined, but at the time, he was in a hurry to save people, and he did not dispute Ferdinand.

Intellectuals are all innocent, at least in front of outsiders, they must show innocence, and they can hardly say their reasons for opposing the punishment.