Chapter 30: Constantine

Jeff Ferdinand did not read less in his previous life. The article analyzing the weaknesses of human nature has now been learned and used, and it looks good.

The teachers of Bulgaria University, now want to cry without tears, can not refuse. I can only comfort myself. This is to oppose the tyranny of the dictatorship, and the price paid for knowing myself is worth it.

I read the review in front of the teachers and students in the school, and it was really shameful. However, if it is to oppose the tyranny of the government and to keep friends, even if it is passed on, everyone will only give thumbs up to their character! Decades later, it was another beautiful talk, and in the name of sacrificing their interests, they could not refute it.

Don't look at the terrible Chekov just said. In fact, his heart is very empty, because he also took advantage of the change of position to stop someone.

He is the famous Bulgarian Prime Minister of Constantine Stoilov, the future Prime Minister of Bulgaria.

Not long ago, Constantine Etolov, who was wanted by the government, found his old classmate and sought asylum.

Frustrated by friendship, Chekov took him in, but was worried about causing trouble and hid him in school. Ready to wait for the limelight to pass, recommend him to Ferdinand, so as to escape.

I didn't expect to go to this place again. Now Chekov is afraid to drag on. He knows that the cabinet is crazy now and he was arrested as Konstantin-Itolov.

圣诞节 Since Christmas, no fewer than a thousand people have been executed by His Excellency Stamne. This is also the main reason why Chekov decided to rebel from the Liberal Party and turn to Ferdinand.

He has no hope for the future of the Liberal Party. After choosing, I still think Ferdinand has the most potential. The cabinet can be held every few years, but the Grand Duke cannot change casually, and is inherently invincible.

Now he decided to talk openly with Konstantin-Itolov. The old classmate's ability is recognized.

But the key to a politician is his position. If he is willing to stand with himself, it is easy to say. If not, then he can only be allowed to live on his own.

Constantine's mood is very depressed recently. To be on the safe side, I have been looking forward to it in a piled-up hut. Even the food is delivered at night. He hasn't gone crazy yet, and is already strong inside.

Seeing that Chekov was coming, Constantine was a little excited and mixed with expectations, and said, "Chekov, my friend, why are you here? What's going on outside? Has the limelight passed? It must be The good news is! "

Chekov smiled slightly and joked, "What are you thinking about? The situation outside is now even more chaotic! You also know about Christmas Eve, how can it be so easy to pass, the police are busy catching people! "

Constantine's face changed, and he smiled bitterly and said, "Ah, God! When will this ghost day come to an end! Chekov, you know, I stay in this ghost place every day, without a talking person, eating. It's all sleeping here, do you smell it? "

Chekov only noticed now that Constantine looked like a rat, his beard and hair were disheveled, and there was still a strong smell in the room.

"Oh God! You are so unfortunate! Let's go out and say, this is terrible!" Chekov said sympathetically

Constantine was shocked, grabbed Chekov's shoulder and said, "God! What are you talking about? I can go out? Don't you say the police are catching me? Go out now ..."

停 "Stop, let go of me, you get out! Don't you know how dirty you are now?" Chekov snapped.

Konstantin let go of Chekov and said, "Sorry! I'm so excited. You know this ghost place, and I don't want to stay any longer! But, can I really go out? In case anyone is seen Will be implicated in you? "

Chekov walked out of the room and made a distressed look and said, "Oh God! Poor Constantine, you must be stupid here, now you are all unconscious!"

Constantine ran out of the room, took a deep breath of fresh air, and then said angrily, "Chekov, you bastard! Tell me less about the cold words, tell me what's going on?"

Chekov smiled and said, "Okay! For your poor sake, I'll tell you! From today on, the police can't enter the school anymore, so you are safe in time!"

Constantine asked excitedly, "Really? Tell me what happened during this period?"

Chekov smiled and said, "This morning, the police surrounded the school illegally. When the Grand Duke was angry, he sent the Palace Guard to take over the school, so now it is safe!"

Constantine said excitedly, "It's great, I can finally leave this ghost place!"

After speaking, Constantine vented in the yard, running wildly and roaring! A moment later, the recovered Constantine came to Chekov and said gratefully, "Thank you, my friend! I know that you must have done a lot of work! Really ..."

"Okay We are friends, don't we! You should take a bath now, and then take a good sleep. I still have something to do, so let's go and see you in a few days Chekov interrupted Constantine's words of gratitude

Uh ...

I ended up talking to Constantine, and Chekov knew that it was done. Unless he wants to go to a day where he can't see the light, he will never refuse.

Ferdinand, who is still in the palace, does not know that Bulgaria's next prime minister will come to him or he will feel better now.

"The Conservative Party and the Democratic Party are all rice buckets, but the Liberals can't fight it! They even can't even anger them, they haven't responded for a few days!" Ferdinand thought in depression.

In fact, Ferdinand is ready to wait for the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party to start a war, so that all the hidden dangers in Bulgaria can be cleared in one fell swoop.

As an ashes enthusiast, Ferdinand knows that every successful reform is accompanied by blood and blood.

He was a man, and Ferdinand didn't want to dirty his hands. After experiencing the era of the Internet, he knows that as long as the stain is stained, future generations will definitely be scolded, and the public knows that no matter what the overall situation is.

For the sake of his name, Ferdinand indulged the power of Stam's cabinet. Otherwise, he would have stopped before.

As soon as the matter came to an end, Ferdinand was still guilty. After all, it involved the lives of tens of thousands of people. He didn't know if he should stop.

"Her Majesty, the fish is moving!" Fu Hu hurried in and said

"Well, I see!" The layout is complete, Ferdinand said calmly, without excitement and pain, as if he was transcended from the world, and everything was nothing to him.