Chapter 32: ,massacre

From top to bottom, one level at a time, the resolution of Stam's cabinet is so confused, it seems to pass on.

Fuhu, who had long been embarrassed, would not let go of this god-given opportunity, and Ferdinand's order to him was to kill someone with a knife and clear the hidden dangers.

Now the time is ripe. Fohu has activated intelligence personnel who have been in the police for a long time. There is only one task, "Expand the situation as much as possible!"

Lauren Weir is very annoying now, as the boss of the Sofia Police Department, few people dare to find him happy!

However, it is an exception recently. Sofia assassinated the whole country yesterday. As the director of the Sofia Police Department, it has been God 's blessing that he has not been dismissed. Naturally, life will not be easy.

Just now he received a secret order from the Ministry of the Interior, and his mood was even worse. There is only one core meaning, and he is required to immediately "execute the leader of the Chaos Party", but there is no specific list. Lauren Wilmon's circle is gone.

"Who the **** are you going to kill? Now there are a lot of chaotic parties in my hand, and there must be a specific goal! Do you want to kill them all?" Thinking of this, Lauren Weill was scared, but there are thousands of people!

的 Lauren Weill didn't figure it out, only hovering around the office. Just then, his secretary Conris suddenly said, "I seem to know what's going on!"

哦 "Oh, God bless! Conris quickly tell me, what the **** do you think?" Laurenwell said happily.

Kang Ruisi smiled bitterly: "Mr. Director, you connected what happened in Sofia yesterday, you will immediately understand!"

Lauren Weil said with a pale face: "Yesterday ... ah, God! I have a big deal, it's not a good job! If there is a big mess, no wonder the people in the Home Office dare not speak up!"

Kang Ruiz resentfully said, "Yes, Mr. Secretary! The people above want revenge, but don't want to carry the butcher's infamy. The Ministry of the Interior doesn't want to carry the reputation of the butcher, although their reputation is not good!"

Lauren Weir said angrily, "Fuck off, this is to make Lao Tzu a scapegoat! So what should we do now?"

Kang Ruisi proposed: "Mr. Secretary, in this case, it is better that we also learn from the Ministry of the Interior and give it to the people below!"

With his eyes brightened, Lauren Slap slapped the table and said loudly, "Good idea! Just do it! At least it can alleviate our responsibilities. By the way, don't forget to give some tips to the people below, otherwise the fools, Nothing is expected! "

Kang Ruisi immediately echoed and said: "Yes, Mr. Director, it is best to let the people below to do it tonight, so as not to have too many dreams at night!"

"Okay, I'll give an order right away!" Lauren Will said after a little thought.

Laurenwell does not yet know how much his order will affect, and Sofia will shed blood tonight.

Obviously Conris gave him a 馊 idea, and with the help of Ferdinand's intelligence personnel, everyone knew that the cabinet wanted revenge and blood, and the massacre began!

In fact, there are still many people in the circle at the same time, and everyone who has received the secret order is now in the same mood.

At this moment, someone will always come forward to make a plan, reminiscent of the assassination. Many smart people think that they understand, the boss wants revenge, naturally the more you kill, the better!

From the original cabinet plan, the execution of a dozen leaders; to the Ministry of the Interior, the target has been expanded to dozens of people; now the intelligence has helped, to the following has been interpreted as, the more kills, the better; some people even try to please Cabinet, kill the chaos directly!

An unclear vague secret order, because of the misinterpretation by the people, created an unexpected massacre. This is the "Secret Massacre" that has a profound impact on Bulgaria!

Because the person responsible for the execution is not sure who should be killed and who should not be killed, he raised the butcher knife stupidly, and was later called "Bulgarian Massacre!"

Jeff Ferdinand successfully concealed himself behind the scenes, showing no trace, and on the surface he didn't know it.

The black pot was naturally and accurately buckled on the head of Stam's cabinet, anyway, the debt was not overwhelmed. From the "dictatorship" to the "police government", there is now another hat for the "butcher government". It was also voted the worst cabinet in Bulgaria by subsequent media.

On the other side, the opposition party still in the drum, did not know that the butcher knife was about to be cut at them.

On May 5th, an officer led by Major Panisha launched an uprising at a military camp outside Sofia. Unfortunately, because the organization was not tight enough, it was exposed just after the launch, and Sava Mutukrov, the commander of Sofia's defensive forces, led and suppressed them.

At the same time, the opposition's strongholds in various places were also exposed. The furious policemen directly killed the door, and the opposition party was almost wiped out!

Everything goes well in Stam's Cabinet, UU Reading www. does not yet know that the death knell has sounded for them. Shen Qin is in the joy of the Annihilation Party, or is bathed in the thrill of revenge!

Uh ...

With the sound of a gunshot in the suburbs, the cells in Bulgaria gradually disappeared from the hustle and bustle of the past and became empty again.

After this night, the Stamm government finally physically eliminated the opposition. Even if there are still missing fish, there is no chance of becoming a climate again. Because their supporters are gone.

According to statistics, more than 12,000 people were killed that night in Bulgaria.

"Blood is flowing into the river, bones are growing into mountains, the sky is miserable, and the ground is faint. The dark days are horrible!" Nicolai Hetov, a famous Bulgarian writer of later generations, described this tragedy with such verses.

末 At the end of the 19th century, the strength of the Bulgarian bourgeoisie was very limited. And the dominant one is actually the landlord class, the evolved agricultural capitalist, and the emerging industrial and commercial bourgeoisie is extremely weak.

The main supporters of the Mustam government are precisely this part of the emerging industrial and commercial capitalists who have close links with Austrian-Hungarian and British capital.

Although the Stam administration has successfully eliminated competitors, it has also lost its fragile foundation of governance.

Originally, the vast majority of peasants, small and medium bourgeoisie in Bulgaria, most missionaries and intellectuals were pro-Russians, opposed the government's Russia policy, and had very low support for the Stamm government.

Coupled with the horrible rule of Stam's cabinet, it is even more displeasing to the people. Now that appalling massacres are taking place, it will surely arouse popular opposition. It was time for Ferdinand to wait for many days.