Chapter 33: ,incite defection

At Sofia's Royal Palace, Ferdinand was drinking tea at leisure. Tea has become his habit. It is quite a bit of "the country cannot be without a king, and the king cannot be without a tea."

At this time, a maid of about sixteen or seventeen years old came over, with a round goose egg face, black eyes, and a youthful and lively breath.

"Master, Mr. Fohu is here!"

"Oh, come on, Alice Ribbon!" Ferdinand said lazily.

Alice said playfully, "Yes, Grandpa!"

Anyone who is familiar with Ferdinand knows that he is easy-going and has no clue in daily life.

I can even play jokes and chat with my maids on an equal footing. Alice, a young girl, is not afraid of him at all.

In a flash of effort, Ferhu came to Ferdinand.

Hu Fuqiang calmly said, "Her Grand Duke, the fruit is ripe!"

I can see that he is very excited now, although he has tried to pretend to be calm, but the change in the eyebrows still betrays him.

Jeff Ferdinand said happily, "Okay, Mr. Fohu, you have done a good job this time and you can move on!"

"Yes, Your Excellency! We are now negotiating the price with the hired people!" Ferhu said cautiously

Feidi Dinan's eyebrows changed slightly, then stretched out again, and said with a smile, "Go ahead and get busy, I'll wait for your good news!"

The situation in Bulgaria is already dangerous, and at this stage Ferdinand has to be careful.

He was terribly negligent, leaked the wind, made Stam's Cabinet aware, and gave up all his efforts.

From the information reported by Verhu just now, Ferdinand knew that the previous plan had been completed, and the Stam government was about to end.

However, the part of the army was only completed. It is normal to think of it. The news of the massacre has not yet spread. Now the military is not in a hurry to stand in line.

I presumably wait for the news to spread. Unless it is faithful, others will make the right choice. After all, few people are willing to be buried with the Stam cabinet government to stand on the opposite side of the Bulgarian people.

In fact, the Stamm government's control over the army is not very tight, and most of the middle and lower rank officers and ordinary soldiers do not catch cold on them.

This created an opportunity for Ferdinand to discuss ideals with grass-roots officers and treatment with ordinary soldiers, all of which are established routines, and often unfavorable.

The army has its own system, which is difficult for outsiders to reach. However, this is not a problem. Ferdinand has a constant guard, and he is well-controlled by him.

I have been brainwashing for nearly two consecutive years, and now I 'm a ferocious Ferdinand, and the die-hards have long been retired. They are Ferdinand's weapon to win the military.

The Guards have always been adequately equipped. In times of financial difficulties, Ferdinand also paid for himself, so the morale of the officers and men has always been high. Often inadvertently propagating Ferdinand, increasing his prestige in the army.

斐 Since Ferdinand succeeded, the Guard was the envy of ordinary Bulgarian soldiers. Although the military uniforms are the same, the standard of meals is higher, and Ferdinand Shen also promised to retire.

Someone was injured during training and forced to retire, and Ferdinand was arranged into the factory. Enjoying the preferential treatment of retired soldiers, holding the same wages as ordinary workers, they only need to work eight hours a day, and overtime will be paid.

It is really enviable, in fact, Ferdinand also submitted to Congress a draft of "Retired Veterans" and was mocked by Stam's cabinet.

The parliament representing the interests of the bourgeoisie naturally vetoed it without hesitation. It doesn't matter that high-ranking officers are there. Anyway, their treatment is high enough. Ordinary soldiers have scolded Congress for a long time.

Fuhu's goal now is Sofia's defensive commander, Sava Mutkurov. As long as he settles him, there is no doubt that Stam's cabinet will fall.

Suppressed a riot Sava Mutkurov and is now busy thinking about the aftermath. An uninvited guest came in and did it in front of him.

In order to solve the final hidden danger, Fouhu decided to go out in person. If Sava Mutkurov chose to refuse, Fohu would have to send him to God.

In fact, if it wasn't for the high prestige in Sava-Mutkurov's army, killing him would easily make the military rabbit die, and Fohu would have solved him long ago.

Sava-Mutkurov looked at Fhu and asked in confusion: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

He waited for Verhu to answer, and he shouted to the door again: "Guard! Guard! Get me out of this rudeness!"

Fu Fuhu smiled and said, "Mr. Sava, please calm down. Now that I can come in and sit down, naturally I will get it!"

"Who are you?" Sava Mutkurov forced the anger down

Fu Hu still said with a smile: "Introduce yourself first, under Fu Hu. By order of Grand Duke Ferdinand, please visit His Excellency!"

"What? Grandpa's order? You are lying. Your Grandpa is looking for me. Don't you send someone to call me directly to the palace, but you need to hide your head!" Sava-Mutkurov sneered

Falhu ignored his impoliteness and asked: "Then His Excellency thinks that, in addition to His Excellency the Duke of Bulgaria, who else can make the soldiers outside of your country obey your orders?"

Sava-Mutkurov thought it was the same He is the spokesperson of the Liberal Army, and Fohu cannot be a Liberal; if the opposition party has such great energy, The uprising was successful.

那么 "Mr. Fhu, then, what can I do for your Excellency, Grand Duke?" After confirming Fhu's identity, Sava-Mutkurov spoke a lot.

Fu Hu still said with a smile: "Presumably Mr. Sava also knows the recent actions of the cabinet.

Sava-Mutkurov countered: "Mr. Fhu is serious, the Cabinet's recent approach is indeed a bit inadequate, but it has not reached this point yet!"

Fuhu looked at him seriously and said, "Mr. Sava may not know yet, just last night, a terrible event happened in Bulgaria!"

Sava-Mutkurov smiled and said casually, "Oh, isn't that just an opposition riot? It has been suppressed by me!"

Mr. Hu said solemnly: "No, Mr. Sava, it is ten times more serious than this!"

When I heard this, Sava-Mutkurov was right, and asked in wonder: "What's the matter?"

He said faintly, "Last night, Lord Nei ordered the execution of the arrested opposition party. We don't know exactly who the arrested party is! But just outside Sofia, there are thousands of dead bodies!"

Sava-Mutkurov exclaimed: "What? Mr. Fohu are you sure? Is the cabinet crazy?"

Fuhu said affirmatively: "Yes, Mr. Sava's cabinet may be really crazy. So many people have been executed without trial by the court. This is a naked slaughter!"

Sava-Mutkurov asked with a loss of heart: "What is your plan, His Excellency?"