Chapter 34: Down

Huhu sighed deeply, watching Sava Mutkurov said: "Now it's time for life and death in Bulgaria. There are strong enemies on the outside, and the inside is now like a gunpowder barrel, and it's burning!"

"His Excellency is very worried about this, and feels that the Cabinet Government of Stam has no power to control the situation and is ready to dismiss the Cabinet!"

Although he was ready, Sava-Mutkurov was taken aback. It seemed like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and he seemed to be numb by pouring cold water from head to toe.

After a moment of silence, Sawa slowly recovered, reluctantly raised a spirit, stared at Fohu, and asked incredulously, "What?"

Hu Fushen nodded in emphasis, saying it was true. Then he took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one, and took a breath. Then he said, "Mr. Sava, would you like one?"

He said, waiting for Sava-Mutkurov to answer, lit a hand and passed it. Sava-Mutkurov took it numbly and took a deep breath. Smoky, burning quietly, it seems that it is so simple, you don't need to think.

I soon ran out of a short cigarette, and Fohu looked at Sava Mutkurov, who was still silent, and said, "Would you like another one?"

哦 "Oh, thank you! No need!" Sawa Mutkurov suddenly woke up and replied a little flustered.

Fuhu didn't say anything, just looked at Sava Mutkurov quietly. He knew that what had to be said had already been said, and there was no need to say anything.

As for intimidation and lure, that is not suitable for use here. At this level, it is clear what kind of choices to make and what results to gain.

I saw Sava Mutkurov standing up and wandering around in the office. After a moment of hard work, he sighed deeply, and was a little worried and asked, "How does the Grand Duke intend to deal with the Cabinet?"

He knows that he is worried about being liquidated in the future. After all, the Stam government has done too badly, and Bulgaria has countless people who want their lives.

"The members of the cabinet are under too much work pressure, the doctor diagnosed that they may have mental illness, and they are unable to continue working for the government. His Excellency the Duke has already contacted the hospital in Vienna and intends to send them to the hospital for a period of time!" Fuhu said calmly

Sava-Mutkurov's hanging heart suddenly dropped, he knew Ferdinand was going to let them go.

After all, the reputation of the Stam Cabinet Government is too stinky. Once the rights are lost, it will inevitably be liquidated in the future.

Sending them abroad seems to be the best option at present, as long as the members of the cabinet are not convicted, they, the Liberals, will not be washed out in the future!

Looking at the recent actions of the Stam Cabinet Government, he also has some doubts about whether he is really mentally ill.

If you let Stam-Bolof know what he thinks, he will yell! This is not the case at all, who knows that the group of idiots have done this!

好 "Okay! Mr. Fohu, what do you have, Lord Duke? I'll do it!" After saying this, Sava-Mutkurov seemed to take all his strength and collapsed on the seat.

Uh ...

Solved the task of Sava Mutkurov and Ferdinand, Fohu has completed most of it.

The forces of the Liberal Party's other army have all stayed away from Sofia, which is beyond their reach. Once Stam's cabinet was dismissed, it was difficult for them to move.

Ferdinand is not a second-year boy. As long as he does not go to the point of killing the whole set, even if the senior officer wants to move, the following officers and soldiers are willing to cooperate.

After receiving the news from Ferhu, Ferdinand was ready to cut the knife, and when the news did not spread, he was caught off guard by Stam's Cabinet.

Jeff Ferdinand changed his original plan and sent people to notify members directly overnight to convene Parliament in advance. Although he also knows that the Congress is now fully controlled by the Liberal Party, he still intends to walk through the scene.

Because Ferdinand deliberately delayed the news, the Stam Cabinet was notified the next day, which made Stam, who was already in power, very dissatisfied.

But before he had time to vent, he was interrupted by Yunus, who hurried to him, and never bothered.

Yunas brought news that shocked the world, a list of those executed. That's right, the person who executed the night before, seeing the long list, Stam knew the sky was going to fall.

His thick lips, all bloodless, trembled slightly like two willow leaves, as if he was too anxious to speak.

Michael, Wilson, and others who came afterwards, have seen the list, and have become ashamed, knowing that they are finished.

The members of the cabinet, who were lost in heart, did not know how to enter the parliament. Then sitting in their respective positions were stunned, silent and ignored the greetings of the crowd. Even Ferdinand came in and they didn't change much.

Ferdinand knew that the overall situation had been set. UU reading, after all, the news was too shocking. Stam's cabinet had a hard time responding, and it was too late to think about countermeasures.

Congress is still convened, and Ferdinand did not follow the usual practice, and said directly: "Sirs, sorry, now I have to tell everyone bad news!"

"We, Mr. Stam-Bolov, and several other Cabinet Ministers may all be mentally ill and cannot continue to preside over the government now!"

The people below him immediately blasted the pan and talked.

"What? How is this possible?"

Uh ...

I can't help but look at the members of the Cabinet who are currently in a daze, it seems that they really feel sick. Everyone just greeted them, but they didn't answer.

In fact, several of Stam-Bolov are now awake, but they don't know how to deal with the next problem. Since Ferdinand said they were ill, several people immediately decided to pretend to be ill.

After all, the massacre has happened, and they have no way to explain to the outside world. Tens of thousands of people were executed without a court trial, which is appalling. Once the news spreads, they are in Bulgaria.

Jeff Ferdinand's statement seems to be the only way to get them all back. As long as they are mentally ill, they will not be held accountable by law.

的 Carl, who was appointed my Prime Minister, shouted, "Quiet!"

After a moment of hard work, seeing everyone calm down, Ferdinand continued: "Okay, everyone sees that there is really no way to continue working for Bulgaria in their current state. I have contacted the Vienna hospital for them in the afternoon. Just send them over. The guards are now sending them home, clean up! "