Chapter 41: Labor introduction

Seeing that Ferdinand was angry, Lauren Holman said, "Dear Grand Duke, I can answer this question for you!"

哦 "Oh, then Mr. Lauren give me a reason!" Ferdinand said angrily

Lauren-Hallman didn't care about Ferdinand's attitude and said calmly, "His Grand Duke, the railway project has been carried out so far, in fact we have done a lot of work beyond the railway itself!"

"Oh!" Ferdinand made a little surprise

Lauren Holman continued: "In fact, we must build roads at the same time we build railways. Of course, because of the underestimation of the geographical conditions at the time, we underestimated the difficulty of construction! These conditions together caused The current labor gap! "

Ferdinand understood it, his face became normal, and said calmly, "I see. Mr. Lauren means that in addition to the railway project, we have added a supporting road network. Is it right? A budget of 10 million pounds will also increase substantially? "

Lauren Holman said very simply: "Yes, Your Excellency! It is estimated that it will increase by about 50%. Of course, if it is only a temporary road, the cost can be lower, but this is not cost-effective.

Ferdinand knew the situation and immediately turned rainy and sunny: "Well, okay, I know this. Thank you, Mr. Lauren, the Bulgarian people will not forget your hard work! The government will solve this problem as soon as possible, You can rest assured! "

"Okay, Your Excellency, this is all I should do. Since there is nothing for me here, and I have no work to complete on the construction site, I will retreat first." It seems that Ferdinand is next, Not suitable for his own participation, Lauren Holman chose to leave.

Watching Lauren Holman leave, Ferdinand set his sights on Chekov and Constantine and asked, "What do you think?"

Chekov shook his head and said no.

Constantine thought for a while and said, "Let's buy black slaves! Although there are some moral issues, as long as the railway project can be carried out smoothly, it is worth it!"

Jeff Ferdinand rolled his eyes, and said, "It's totally an idea. I have bought slaves at any age. Is this too simple a problem for the Bulgarian people?" Just by looking at the skin color, you know that there is no way to assimilate after 100 years.

I also seemed to be aware of the fault, Constantine said, "Oh, this seems not to work, the price of the slave is too high!"

Ferdinand almost laughed, and you know the money when you write it together!

After half a while, Ferdinand cleared his thoughts and said, "Since we have insufficient Bulgarian labor, we should target abroad! We can introduce them to our neighbors, but we can go to the most populous countries in the world to find them! Two principles: first nationalists cannot, and second fanaticism cannot! "

Following the reaction of Chekov and Constantine, Bulgarian factories have sprung up, and the government is investing heavily in infrastructure construction. Naturally, there is no labor in the country, and even the wages of workers have been raised.

But there are other countries. The Balkan countries do not have large populations, and there is not much idle labor, but they are abundant in other parts of the world.

Man Yuan's Man Qing did not say too far. Except for Ferdinand's estimation, it is estimated that few people will feel that there are the best workers there.

In eastern Europe, the labor force in Russia and Austria-Hungary is very rich. Hundreds of thousands of people are lost every year. Immigrants go to the Americas, so long as half of them can come to Bulgaria.

At this time, Ferdinand thought of a way to increase the population, and said happily, "Yes, Chekov, your Ministry of Education is busy again. We need a group of language teachers."

"For the base wages of migrant workers, some are set higher than those of domestic workers. If they learn Bulgarian, they will be added as if they were willing to join Bulgaria."

Duchkov asked wonderingly, "Her Majesty, this is not an increase in expenses, and if the later projects are completed, if they regret and leave Bulgaria, shall we not be busy?"

Constantine also had the same expression, apparently not understanding Ferdinand's suggestion.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and said, "I didn't plan to let them all stay, and someone will definitely leave. But the economic situation in Bulgaria, although not as good as in Western Europe, is better than our neighbors!"

"Moreover, our construction can be completed in a short period of time. At least in the next ten years, we will all face the problem of labor shortage. If they stay in Bulgaria for a few years, many people will choose to stay!"

What did Constantine suddenly think of, he looked at Ferdinand with surprise and said, "Her Grand Duke, are you going to use economic means to deal with ethnic issues?"

Seeing Constantine read it out, Ferdinand did not deny it, UU read the book www. said with a smile: "Yes, this is only an experiment. It is good to succeed, and it is irrelevant to fail. It only adds to the expense. As long as one tenth of the people stay, we are not a loss! "

One sentence above, broken leg below. Ferdinand gave a big strategy, even if it is done, will continue to discuss life with the girls.

引进 But the introduction of labor is definitely not as simple as imagined, and the quantity is still so huge. Even in those days, governments of various countries were not strict in regulating civilians, and visas were not required.

Just let tens of thousands of people travel to other countries and spend a lot of energy. There are also food, clothing and accommodation all the way, which need to be carefully organized.

Constantine took over the task, and the government worked around this matter. The bustling enthusiasm was so hot that many people's vacations were cancelled.

Qun Lian, the Ministry of Education, who has always been relatively quiet, has now begun to dispatch to find teachers. The level of education is no longer required, just a few more languages. Even so, it is like luck in a haystack.

Minister Megev, I am in a bad mood now. Since Ferdinand decided to introduce labor, the government organization was the first to attract people. Later, unscrupulous capitalists also joined. That's all there is to it.

Austro-Hungary and Russia haven't felt yet. Neighbors have suffered first. Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, and Ottoman, the embassy in Bulgaria, have sent people to protest.

Fortunately, in this era, everyone does not care about the life and death of the poor. Otherwise, just diplomatic pressure will be enough for Ferdinand to have a headache.

As a party that was in a bad position, Minister Metiev had to apologize and give away the red envelope. After the efforts of nine tigers and two tigers, it was finally redressed, and now something happened again.