Chapter 42: Bulgarian Labor Protection Law

Not long ago, the Bulgarian capitalist, Bill Kiev, went directly to Romania to "relocate the factory". Unfortunately, the movement was too large and was detained.

Kibir-Kiev The son of Bulgarian capitalist Evroki Georgyev (one of the founders of the University of Sofia) is clever and bold.

In the tide of digging, Bill Kiev did not raise the recruitment sign like everyone else, and he felt that it was too inefficient.

After entering Romania-Alessandria, Bill Kiev followed the Weibel Paper Mill, paid for the land snake, and found two local Nicholas brothers working at the factory.

大 "Brother, is Mr. Bill-Kiev the truth?" Nicholas Jr. asked worriedly.

怎么 "How do I know, but these 800 Lei will never be fake!" Nicholas said casually.

嗯 "Um! Anyway, our family is like this now, and they will be killed if they have no money to pay their debts!" ​​Said Nicholas Little, helplessly

"No, they will at most turn us into their slaves, who will kill us, who will pay them back in the future!" Nicholas said comfortably

三 Since their father Nicholas became ill three years ago, their family's life has been hard, and they were forced to borrow usury from others. Nicholas did not survive.

Then the Nicholas family began the debt repayment process, from the first thirty lei to the present five hundred lei, during which time their brothers also went on a hundred lei.

"Forget it, as long as Mr. Bill is willing to give money, we'll do it, anyway, Dracula's vampire is not a good thing!" Nicholas Little said fiercely.

"Yes, my brother. Dracula's vampire can't wait for every Lei in us. It may be a good way to make a living in Bulgaria." Said Nicholas expectantly.

兄弟 The brothers of the Nicustian united in thought began to lobby for Bill. Everyone did not believe it. Seeing that in the past, the crowd still met Bill.

Gambier played his three-inch tongue, and quickly fled to a group of workers, and then paid a month's salary in advance as a deposit.

As a qualified capitalist, Dracula is naturally also a greedy vampire. Naturally, the workers were hollowed out by Bill Kiev, and then secretly led the crowds and ran away.

If only this is enough, as long as he runs fast, when he is found he has already run back to Bulgaria, no one can take him.

However, Bill Kiyev, who tasted the sweetness, how can he close the ticket? He carried forward the nature of the capitalist, directly worked as a human intermediary, flickered the workers from Romania, and drew commissions from himself.

Facts have proved that the capitalists in the 19th century were not provoked. The talented Bill was spotted, but unfortunately was exposed in the Caracal area and detained by local capitalists.

With a three-inch tongue, Bill successfully saved his life, and now the other party is asking for ransom from Evloki Georgyev.

Evloki Georkiyev worried about Bill's security, and found Foreign Minister Metev. No way, who told Metiev to marry Evlogi Georgiyev's daughter and had to come forward to rescue this ~~.

With a ransom of one million lei, Evloki Georgyev obviously did not intend to come up, even if he came up with it in a short time!

Metev had a headache. Using personal relationships to find each other, the two sides negotiated smoothly. Bill's security can be guaranteed, and the treatment does not need to be worried, as long as the ransom is given, anyway, money is an eldest son.

In the end, Mjeff made every effort to owe a lot of favors and lost a lot of money before he got Bill out.

This is the end of the digging incident. Since then, capitalists in various countries have raised their vigilance, and Bulgaria can no longer arrogantly.

The relaxed days of Jeff Ferdinand also ended, and the influx of a large number of people brought not only benefits to Bulgaria, but also a lot of troubles.

The crime rate has skyrocketed, and the contradictions between locals and foreigners have intensified. Capitalists have begun to be demons again. Unscrupulous deductions of wages and endless labor disputes have emerged. Some capitalists have used foreign labor in large numbers to reduce domestic workers, etc. Wait.

In order to mediate disputes, various government departments are dispatching one after another and are already exhausted. This is also due to Ferdinand's industry, which has occupied a dominant position in Bulgaria.

Looking at the problems reported in various newspapers, Ferdinand knew that it was time to introduce the labor protection law, otherwise it would be dragged on, and maybe one day a working-class revolution would break out.

9 On September 18, 1890, Bulgaria's first law dealing with labor disputes, the Bulgarian Labor Law.

法律 This law was formulated by Ferdinand with reference to later labor laws and the British factory law. To a certain extent, they are biased toward the working class, and the severity of punishment for labor disputes is breathtaking.

He was considered by later generations to be the first true labor protection law. The article clearly stipulates that the hours of heavy manual work must not exceed ten working hours, and overtime must be paid for overtime, and one day of paid leave per week.

Also established a minimum monthly wage, which must not be lower than 7.5 levs (approximately 3 pounds). This number is split into hourly wages, which is comparable to the current average wage in Bulgaria.

In the treatment of labor disputes, if the capitalist arbitrarily defaults on wages and arbitrarily deducts wages, he will face the highest penalty of confiscation of the factory directly, accompanied by high fines.

By the same token, if the workers are maliciously disrupting, planting stolen goods, and extorting, they will face life imprisonment upon investigation.

All illegal acts will be severely punished. However, the law does not protect all people, and many provisions are only for Bulgarian citizens.

For example, if you cannot lay off workers at will, you only target Bulgarian citizens. There is also the minimum wage level, which is the privilege of national citizens.

Migrant workers, if they can speak Bulgarian, have a minimum wage guarantee of only 80% of their citizens; if they do not, then there is only a 50% minimum wage protection.

Including rest days and working hours, the treatment of domestic citizens and foreigners is not the same. Moreover, the number of local citizens in each factory must not be less than 60%.

I did n't say clearly that the capitalists were unscrupulous in squeezing foreigners and showing mercy on their own people!

一 Once the "Bulgarian Labor Protection Law" was promulgated, there was a public outcry. The mainstream is naturally praised as a major step forward in Bulgaria's democracy.

Some scholars also ridiculed, claiming to destroy the capitalist free market, and no one responded except for the support of several capitalists.

I still have a small number of Notre Dameists who think that the government is not doing enough and not treating them equally. Unfortunately, the voice is too weak, and even the newspapers are too lazy to publish it.