Chapter 49: Visit

Jeff Ferdinand did not stay long in Vratsa, and embarked on the journey again the next day.

The village of Koinare in the state of Vratsa is still just an ordinary small mountain village, poor and backward, without any trace of the first Bulgarian village in later generations.

Jeff Ferdinand concealed his identity, and came with several guards. Now it is noon, Ferdinand came to the only restaurant in the village, which also worked as a grocery store and pub.

By chatting with people, Ferdinand knew that the boss was Carter Dilov, a middle-aged man in his forties. It seems that he is optimistic, even though the business of the small shop is not very good.

Ferdinand ordered the guards to order their own dishes. He ordered a yogurt, a piece of bread, and a local salad made of onions, green peppers, celery, and spring bamboo shoots. It was lunch.

Smell the taste, not to mention! Ferdinand could only swallow it. The salt and jam were the only flavorings. He could not find a trace of gourmet except for the original ecology.

I barely ate a few bites and cushioned my stomach. Ferdinand could not help but ask, "Mr. Carter, is there nothing else here?"

Carter Dilov heard Ferdinand's question and quickly said, "Oh God! Dear guests, of course, you see, these snacks were brought by my son from Vratsa! What's the point? Here? There are ham, sausages, canned food, and fries ... "

Ferdinand asked in wonder: "Wait, Carter, you have so many products, why don't you sell them? Just write a few more names on the board, it's easy!"

Boss Carter immediately replied: "Oh, sorry! Dear guests, you have a lot of knowledge and you must know that some time ago, Bulgarian countries have severely cracked down on food safety. Now these products have gone up in price!"

我们 "Our village of Coinare is just a small place. Everyone is a group of poor ghosts. Originally, few people could afford it, and now everyone can't afford it."

"I only bought these goods more than three months ago, and explained to them that the price has risen. They didn't believe it, and said that I was lying to people. When I was angry, I took them off the shelf!"

"Carter, you're deceiving people again. How could prices double by once. I went to Vratsa when I was younger. There are also poor people in the city. Their lives are not much better than ours, according to you. They are afraid of starving to death! "An old man of about sixty years old among the guests said.

The old man was very energetic. He looked a little outdated, but he was neat and unpatched. Ferdinand can see that his life should be good.

Boss Carter, with a look of injustice, said, "Master Frank, you know, when has Carter lied! This is the price, I don't believe you ask this gentleman!"

老 The old man called Frank rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I know you were a man, but now it's different! You have deteriorated since you did business, and a few of you do not lie!"

Seeing Frank's life or death, Carter's boss jumped anxiously, Ferdinand understood the cause and effect. He took a can of beef, looked at the production date, and immediately understood.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and said, "Mr. Frank, this time you did wrong Carter!"

Frank looked at Ferdinand with a blank expression, and he was helping him. What he said was wrong.

Ferdinand continued: "From the production date above, it was produced half a year ago. If Carter's boss bought it three months ago, it is worth the price. At the time, many inferior goods in the market were seized and there was a shortage everywhere. Goods, so the price is a bit high. "

Frank still asked with some confusion: "Sir, as you say, the prices outside have really risen so much now?"

Jeff Ferdinand calmly said, "No! I said three months ago that the market has now returned to normal, and the overall price increase should not exceed 10%!"

Boss Carter said excitedly: "Master Frank, now you should believe it, I really did not lie to you!"

Frank poked his head and said bluntly, "Oh God! Carter, you are a fool! Didn't hear this gentleman? That was the price three months ago, and it has now returned to normal! You are still pressing Can't explain the problem at the time? "

Boss Carter said excitedly, "But my purchase price is so high! If the price goes down, I will pay!"

Frank said with a smile: "That's your business, isn't it normal to lose money in business? Right, you still have to find a way to sell it quickly, otherwise you can keep it for yourself, or if it expires, then Oh no!"

Uh ...

Seeing the conversation between the two, Ferdinand understood that Frank had no opinion on Carter, but simply hated the merchant. Although it didn't sound good, he reminded Carter to sell it quickly.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and asked, "Mr. Frank, how was your village's harvest last year?"

Frank smiled and said, "Guest, you're laughing! It's not the same, you can live!"

Ferdinand asked in wonder: "Aren't you promoting new agricultural technologies, why haven't you increased production?"

Boss Carter said, "Why did n't you increase production, but just make some people trouble and didn't go to school?

似乎 Frank seems to be stomped. "Go, Carter is not your business here!"

客人 "The guest laughed. You know that agricultural technological innovation does not happen overnight. I am timid of the old man. The technician sent from above did not explain clearly, so I plan to wait and see!"

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and said, "Understand, you are a mature man! By the way, I took a look at the lack of irrigation channels on your side. How to solve agricultural water use?"

After listening to Ferdinand's question, Frank said helplessly: "What else can we do? God bless us, in recent years we have been very smooth here! The ditch repair you said is not so simple! Don't look at it We have good conditions this time, but to solve the water problem, the amount of light engineering is not something we can afford! "

Jeff Ferdinand nodded cautiously, and continued to ask, "If the government comes forward to organize, are you willing to participate?"

Frank smiled and said, "The guest laughed. If the government is willing to come forward, how can we refuse? I don't know elsewhere. If we only solve the agricultural water problem in our village, we can at least make a three-point reclamation. One comes out! "

Jeff Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction. Now that the people are willing to support it, the subsequent water conservancy project can be started.

Frank suddenly changed his face and asked in surprise: "Guest, is it the government?"

怎么 "What? Isn't it like?" Ferdinand asked back

Frank quickly said: "Like! So what? There are rumors that the government is going to organize the construction of water conservancy projects. Is this true?"

Jeff Ferdinand nodded and said, "This plan does exist!"

Frank asked joyfully: "God bless, can we start from our side?"

"What's wrong, old man, aren't you timid? Don't wait and see this time?" Ferdinand said with a smile.

Frank exclaimed: "God, oh no! What are the risks of repairing water conservancy projects? We will not suffer anyway!"

"Furthermore, in the past year or two, our lives have been much better! Your Excellency the Lord has done a very good job. Taxes are much lighter than before. We originally had to work on railways, but we also had to send labor, but we actually cancelled them becomes a recruiter, everyone's pressure is naturally much less! "

Ferdinand smiled and said he knew it, but it was very useful in his heart, thinking: "This is all made by Lao Tzu, of course it is clear! You think I don't want to use free labor, not because there are water conservancy projects in the back! Anyway, I have to It's better to use your work and let you participate voluntarily than to force you! "

Ferdinand laughed and said, "However, Frank you ca n't run away this time. The principle of constructing a water conservancy project this time is that the government produces explosives and some machinery. The rest of the labor can only depend on yourself. Contributing! "

Frank was stunned, and then laughed again, saying, "There is no problem with this, the entire Bulgarian water conservancy project requires an astronomical figure. I can't think of any other way except for everyone to play together!"

"Yes, the Ministry of Agriculture estimates that to complete the nation's water conservancy projects, hundreds of millions of workers will be required, and even if the country is young, it will take several years to work. In this regard, in addition to your own efforts, what the government can do and Not much! "Ferdinand said cautiously

这么 "So much?" Carter exclaimed.

Frank gave a glance at Carter and said, "It's a big fuss! If everything goes well, we might have to repair it for a year or two. If the conditions are bad, it's not strange to repair it for ten or eight years!"

Uh ...

After the chat ended, Ferdinand declined Frank's invitation and left.

To some extent, Bulgaria and the Chinese are somewhat similar, both have a love relationship, and they also value the land.

I have been to future generations. If they were not forced, they would not leave their hometown to go out to work.

After the merchants got rich and became rich, many people loved to return to their homes to buy land and land. Frank is the epitome of Bulgaria 's small landowners and rich farmers.