Chapter 50: Sorbian Railway opens to traffic

"Colorful convertible horse-drawn carriages are running on the streets, there is a mountain of grain in the warehouses of rich people, large color pictures of" beauty "everywhere in entertainment places, and ...

There is no sorrowful folk misery. They have nothing on the table, they ca n't eat it, and they rarely eat a white bread for many years ... "

Do you feel familiar? Yes, this is the original description of Shanghai Beach (adapted by the author Jun). This is the status quo in the Balkans, as is Bulgaria two years ago.

Thanks to the cleansing of the Stam era, a large number of rich classes were cleared, and Ferdinand had enough accumulation to relax the exploitation of the people and let the ordinary people breathe a sigh of relief.

Along the way, Ferdinand found that the former entertainment venues were mostly closed. The people's faces glowed with hope, taxes returned to normal levels, and the mountains that pressed on them were removed again.

The most important thing is that the usury owed does not need to be repaid, and the dead will not come to collect the accounts. At this point, many of them are grateful to the Stam government.

Don't look at the Stam government's infamous reputation. In fact, its contribution to the country is still the highest in all previous Bulgarian governments.

The hills and valleys of Bulgaria are undulating and changeable in shape. Mountains and hills account for about 64% of the entire territory. (Remarks: This is the terrain in 1891; after the successive failures of the Second Balkan War and the two World Wars, Bulgaria lost a large plain, and the mountains and hills of later generations rose to 79%.)

In an era when railways are still under construction and cars are still being developed. Even if Ferdinand is the king, there is no exception. He can only travel by carriage and suffer from bumps.

As for why not ride a horse, Li Mu was a standard knight before crossing Ferdinand; but now Ferdinand will not fall off on horseback, it is a question!

Fortunately, after crossing Ferdinand's body was very good and could withstand it, if Li Mu of the previous life had vomited and diarrhea long ago.

As I walked along the road, Ferdinand did not expect that the industrialization process in all places was good. In agriculture, new technologies are spreading rapidly in the plains, and most of the mountains are progressing slowly.

Of course, Ferdinand did not notice the benefit, and wherever he went, a road was born in advance.

普通 This ordinary road has become the first integrated transportation hub in Bulgaria. It is called "Imperial Avenue" in history, and it is also dubbed by the folk: "Chama Walkway", which means: The king inspected the avenue.

Now Ferdinand has arrived in Burgas, a city in southeastern Bulgaria. It is located on the west coast of the Black Sea. It is the capital of the State of Burgas and borders the Burgas Bay on the Black Sea. It is the second largest city in Bulgaria's comprehensive economic strength in the future, and is the central city on the south coast of the Bulgarian Black Sea. It has an important position in industry and transportation.

Its history can be traced back to the ancient Greek period. The city began to develop during the medieval period. It is also an important transit hub for travel to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, and also has petroleum, chemical, salt drying, iron mining and other industries.

The current Burgas is just an ordinary small port. The reason why Ferdinand wanted to come is that Bulgaria's first main line was opened to traffic, from Sofia to Burgas, with a total length of 580 kilometers. (Some of these sections have been there before, but they are connected.)

Jeff Ferdinand knows that with the repair of the railway, Burgas will enter the fast-growing fast track in the future.

In parallel time and space, the port of Burgas undertakes 60% of Bulgaria's national maritime transport. The petrochemical industry is developed, and the Balkans' largest refinery is located here.

At the same time, it is also the fishing center of Bulgaria. It is suitable for the development of agriculture due to the influence of maritime climate and temperate continental humid climate.

In addition to the production of wheat, corn, barley and other food crops, there are also cash crops such as grapes, apples, almonds and cherries.

The opening of the railway from Sofia to Burgas is definitely a big event for Bulgaria. The railway runs through many cities and runs through Bulgaria.

的 The original name of this railway, Ferdinand no longer remembers it. According to his habits, he took the first word of the two cities. The so-called "Sorbian Railway" was born.

索 The "Sorbian Railway" is the main artery of Bulgaria, and its military and economic values ​​are extremely high. If the branches are connected again, the entire Bulgarian traffic will be alive.

通 The opening ceremony of the "Sorbian Railway" was very grand. Ferdinand attended the opening ceremony in Burgas. On the other side, Chekov represented the government and presided over the opening ceremony in Sofia.

Two trains, one after another, leave from Sofia and Burgas. It took twelve and a half hours to reach their destination safely.

In fact, in order to ensure the smooth opening of traffic, it has been tested many times before, and now it is just a cut.

On that day, Bulgarian news newspapers reported the good news to the public on the front page Ferdinand didn't feel much. After getting used to the speed of the high-speed rail, the speed below 50 kilometers per hour The railway is really hard to make him feel surging.

In fact, at the end of the 19th century, the "Sorbian Railway" could only be said to be ordinary. The most common steam train is used. The only advantages are mature technology and reliable safety.

Although Ferdinand knew that in the near future, it would be eliminated, and the railway would also need to be greatly remodeled.

Nevertheless, it does not affect the status of the "Sorbian Railway" in Bulgaria in the slightest. From now on, Bulgaria can be reached from east to west.

Economically, the cost of material transportation has been greatly reduced, people's communication has become more convenient, and economic development has been promoted.

In military affairs, the pressure on national defense has been greatly reduced, and the strength of a regiment can be deployed to most parts of the country within one day; within three days, this number can be enlarged to one division. The premise is that the regional branches are also connected, and then the supply will not be a problem.

Jeffrey Dinard still underestimated the impact of the opening of the "Sorbian Railway".

各地 Cultures were organized spontaneously throughout Bulgaria. When the common demonstrations in the next generation did not exist, it was an obstruction to public transportation and an illegal act.

Most of the three friends gathered together, bragging about each other, thinking about the future, and discussing the present. There are also businesses that take the opportunity to launch a promotion.

All in all, Bulgarians are very conservative at this stage. Not only is life simple, but even daily behavior is very conservative and follows tradition. The spring breeze of democracy and freedom has not yet blown their hearts.

Jeff Ferdinand was enjoying this wonderful time, and an unexpected guest interrupted his schedule.