Chapter 51: Nicholas visiting

毛 Since the cruel defeat of the Crimean War in 1856, fur bears have been hit hard in international hegemony, forcing them to shift their focus to the Far East and the Pacific.

The United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and other countries also hope to lure fur bears to the Far East ranch to help the flames.

Before the Jiawu War broke out, the powers did not see the weakness of my big apple, hoping that Apple could use its geographical advantage to hold back the expansion of the bears.

At that time there was a chauvinism in Russia. The Easternists in the ideological and cultural circles advocated: "The relationship between Russian culture and Eastern culture is closer than that with European culture, and it is felt that the integration of the East into the Russian Empire is Russia's historical mission. "

老师 Encouraged by his teacher and Orientalist Ukhtomsky, the then Crown Prince Nicholas traveled to Eastern countries such as Greece, Egypt, India, China, and Japan from 1890 to 1891.

10In October 1891, Nicholas and his party accepted the invitation of the Japanese royal family to visit Japan. They were also stabbed with sabers by Japanese assassins, laying a hidden danger for the future Japanese-Russian war.

It may be that Russia-Bulgaria relations have tended to ease, or it may be a change in German mainland policy. Russia has become unprecedentedly isolated in Europe. It urgently needs allies and intends to strengthen relations with Bulgaria. Another country Bulgaria was added to the country visited by Nicola .

Since the bear dropped an olive branch, Ferdinand said very unequivocally that labor and capital did not care.

Alas, it was all pure and funny, Ferdinand immediately stopped working and hurried back to Sofia, for fear of missing the time.

Above is purely yy.

Mainly Ferdinand had great expectations for Nicholas' visit. Geopolitically, Mao Xiong is also Bulgaria's first diplomatic target. Ferdinand is not tolerated and must be prepared in advance.

The visit of Nicholas as the Russian Crown Prince will certainly not be as simple as traveling. As for the purpose, Ferdinand is generally clear.

He is nothing more than two points, or one point, to further improve the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria. Whether it will be non-aligned depends on the price given by the bear.

"As soon as you enter politics, you will be a passerby!"

Jeff Ferdinand ended the three-month national inspection ahead of schedule, requisitioned a train, occupied the time as a king's train, and returned to Sofia.

Sitting on the bumpy train, Ferdinand was drinking tea at a leisurely pace, while looking out the window through the window, her face showing joy.

It is now April. Spring is back to the earth, everything is recovering, it is another year of green grass, and it is once a spring flower. In the field, the grasses were changed into green clothes, and the earth was full of life.

Alice walked over gently, and seemed to feel the good mood of Ferdinand, smiling, and said, "His Grand Duke, Sofia just called and the Crown Prince of Nunra has arrived in Ukraine. She will arrive in Burgas in three days and then take The railway rushes to Sofia! "

Jeff Ferdinand took a sip of tea and asked in amazement: "God horse? Didn't you go to Greece first? Why did you suddenly change the itinerary?"

Alice cast a wink at Ferdinand and said with a smile: "The telegram said that this was the credit of Archbishop Scrimment. After hearing about the opening of the Sorb Railway, he convinced the Crown Prince Nicholas and will The first stop was in Bulgaria! "

Jeff Ferdinand returned to God, realizing that he was in a state of abnormality, and immediately recovered from the past. Glancing at Alice with a smirk aside, she said to cover up her embarrassment: "Oh! Archbishop Scrimment is anxious to show Nikola the fruits of Bulgaria's modernization."

Alice watched Ferdinand smiled, as if saying, I know, there are no outsiders here, just feel free.

Jeff Ferdinand knew he had no deterrent power in front of Alice. As she pulled Alice into her arms with her left hand, she began to walk around with her right hand, looking at Alice with a smirk.

Alice was so horrified that she was very conservative. Although she had fallen into Ferdinand's claws, she didn't plan to make a day's prostitution with him.

Seeing that she couldn't get rid of it, Alice said quickly, "Her Majesty, let go. I still have work. Sofia is still waiting for a reply?"

Alice has no confidence in Ferdinand's martial arts, especially in terms of beauty, as evidenced by the large number of dancers in the palace.

Ferdinand smiled proudly and said, "I am so terrible? I won't eat you!"

Alice hastily said, "Her Majesty, what about our next trip? Should we continue to return to Sofia or directly to Burgas?"

I thought to myself, "You won't, if I relax my attitude, it has been ~~"

Ferdinand let go of Alice, pondering for a moment, and said, "The itinerary is the same, continue to Sofia!"

As soon as the words fell, Alice fled. Only Ferdinand was left alone feeling there Am I so scary? No, it must be that Alice is too stupid. I misunderstood what I meant, it must be! "

The area of ​​Bulgaria is not large. In the early morning and evening, Ferdinand rushed back from Burgas to Sofia.

Although Ferdinand was tired after taking the train for a long time, he held an interim ministerial meeting in the palace.

It is not long before Nikola's visit. What kind of stand should Bulgaria use to treat him, or how to face the next Bulgarian-Russian relationship.

Tchikov and Constantine met each other in Sofia's palace unexpectedly. Chekov looked at Constantine and said, "Constantin, how do you think we should face Russia next? Are we going to form an alliance with them?"

Constantine said calmly, "I'm afraid it depends on the Crown Prince Nicholas, the sincerity of St. Petersburg!"

Duchkov nodded a bit worried, now Bulgaria, pro-Russian dominates the mainstream. Among senior government officials, only him and James, who has gradually faded from the government, are anti-Russian.

For the bear, Chekov has always been deeply wary. He feels that the bears have no good intentions for Bulgaria, and even if they are allied, they only use it and are not reliable! But he is weak, and this view has few supporters in the government.

Uh ...

Jeff Ferdinand dragged his tired body and concluded, "Okay, everyone will agree to strengthen relations with Russia! Then, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs negotiate!"

"The specific projects involved need to be determined by the government in recent days. In principle, economic development is the main principle, such as importing mineral resources from Ukraine, introducing labor, etc."

"Today 's meeting is classified as an s-class secret, and no one may disclose it to outsiders! Violators are punished for treason!"