Chapter 60: Layout for the future

The biggest immigration problem was solved perfectly, and Ferdinand pulled away from the negotiations. After all, he is not engaged in diplomacy. It is better to leave professional matters to professionals.

This does not mean that Ferdinand does not care about the subsequent negotiations. On the contrary, it is too concerned. Thinking about the historical French-Russian alliance, it took only a long time for a military alliance to be completed, and it took more than three years to complete it.

The Russo-Russia alliance involves more aspects and requires hundreds of small and large treaties to be signed. Even in group negotiations, the most optimistic estimate is months.

Jeff Ferdinand didn't have that much energy. It's now 1891. Time is running out. It's time to start making arrangements.

After the puppet crossing, Ferdinand took over the family's intelligence organization and expanded it. Now it has taken shape. At least in major European countries, they have set up strongholds, passed on the news, and guided a wave of public opinion.

But the so-called spy infiltration, Ferdinand can only be haha. If you want to rely on them for confidential information, it is better to rely on family relationships.

The Saxony-Coburg-Gotha dynasty is now the most glorious era. It is the royal family of Germany's Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, Belgium, Portugal, and Bulgaria. In the future, Edward VII of Britain will also be a member of his family.

He is also one of the most powerful families in Europe and the world. If Ferdinand were to do business, these resources would be enough.

But Ferdinand knows that these are not reliable. In the event of a conflict of interest, these relationships are unreliable. The war in Europe has been a civil war between relatives since ancient times, and World War I is a typical representative.

The current intelligence organizations can no longer keep up with the development needs of Bulgaria. As a history lover, Ferdinand knew how the Ming Dynasty perished.

祯 Since Chongzhen's ascension, the factory guards are abolished, the rights are out of balance, the emperor has become blind, and officials have corrupted the fish and meat people, causing financial collapse and eventually demise.

What does factory guard do? If you just watch TV dramas and listen to public opinions, it is the hawk dogs that are raging over the world. It is a sharp weapon for the party's chaos and the culprit of the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

People who know history know that the duties of the factory guard are equivalent to the current Independent Commission Against Corruption. They only target officials, regardless of ordinary people.

不管 Anyway, no matter how they frustrate, they are all bureaucrats. What they do is not evaluated, but they ca n't be cancelled anymore!

I wo n't. The supervisory officials 'organization is gone. What are you afraid of? Later, Chongzhen discovered that it was wrong and enabled the factory guard again. Unfortunately, it was too late and the bureaucrats were already ready.

Ferdinand naturally has to learn a lesson, of course, intelligence organizations must pinch in their hands.

保加利亚 In history, Bulgaria missed the best opportunity for expansion and lost its chance of rise. Of course, Ferdinand must learn a lesson.

"Fuhu, now your main job is to speed up the penetration of Ottoman Turkey, no matter whether you are intimidating or enticing, you must open the situation as soon as possible!" Ferdinand invited Fuhu seriously

"Yes, Your Excellency! We have already established a stronghold in Ottoman before, and I will adjust the elite manpower to speed up the layout and open the situation as soon as possible!" Fuhu said confidently

"Well, not only that. Infiltrate Greece, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania!" Ferdinand said cautiously

"Her Majesty, rest assured, our intelligence department will make every effort to complete it!" Fahu changed his face slightly, pondered for a moment, or gave Ferdinand a satisfactory answer.

Seeing Ferhu 's affirmative answer, Ferdinand said a little embarrassingly: "Not only that, but you also have to send someone to North Africa, where the British-French force lurks; there is also the South-African British-German force lurk, with a focus on the Orange is freely tied. "

Uncle Huo stared at Ferdinand with a stunned expression. His heart was already bursting, and he thought to himself: The archduke's thinking was too jumpy! The penetration into the Ottoman and Balkan regions is understandable. East Africa and South Africa, which two republics, who knows what the ghost is?

Jeff Ferdinand seemed to have discovered the strangeness of Fohu, and he knew his requirements, which seemed strange at the time. Without explaining, he asked directly, "Fuhu, what's your problem?"

Fu Hu seemed to realize that he was dysfunctional, and he said quickly, "No! Lord Grand Duke, I have no objection!"

Jeff Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction. The head of the intelligence organization didn't need to ask why. It just sufficed to execute the order.

"How long can the intelligence department complete my request?" Ferdinand

Huo Fuhu thought for a while and said, "Her Grand Duke, to complete it all, the most optimistic estimate is also about ten years! It is mainly the African region, which is still blank for us and has no foundation!"

Jeff Ferdinand solemnly said, "No, by 1896, your intelligence department must complete the task!"

Seemed to feel too demanding, adding: "In Africa, as long as you can guarantee that you can do one or two big events, you don't have to consider long-term lurking!"

"The European part of the Ottoman Empire must have detailed information, including anti-government forces, and the Asian part can be relaxed! The Balkan countries can keep planning several major events!"

"Her Excellency, please rest assured, our intelligence department will guarantee the completion of the task!" Fuhu thought for a while, after lowering the standard, if efforts can still be completed, he immediately promised.

嗯 "Um! Next time, the funding of your intelligence department will be doubled. If you need anything, you can find me! But this task must be completed!" Ferdinand said cautiously

"Yes!" Verhu said affirmatively

Uh ...

Ferdinand has long established regulations. Intelligence organizations are divided into: primary incubation, which is only responsible for collecting public information, or leading a wave of public opinion; intermediate incubation, which can engage in two or three major activities, such as assassination terrorist attacks; full penetration, long-term latency Go deeper.

Currently only in Bulgaria, the highest level of latency has been completed. Most other areas are junior, and some areas are intermediate.

I sent Ferhu, Ferdinand regained his sights in China, and he had to be **** himself! The core of a country's strength lies in itself and other aids.

Now, only Ferdinand knows that the Balkans will usher in a major change in 1897. The Ottoman Empire is about to face a raging situation. How can Ferdinand not use it!

Parallel to time and space, the Ottoman Empire has decayed, and ethnic conflicts have intensified. Under the brutal oppression of the Turkish government, Armenians began to rebel against Sudan.

From 1894 to 1897, a series of massacres of Armenians took place in Turkey, killing more than 100,000 people In June, the Armenians launched an uprising and occupied King Dante on August 26 Fort Ottoman Bank. However, due to the lack of weapons and ammunition by the rebel army, it quickly failed under the suppression of the Sudanese army.

This is only the biggest one. Other ethnic minorities also broke out in various uprisings during this period. Due to lack of organization, it quickly failed.

Puppet seemed to see the weakness of the Ottoman Empire. In 1897, an uprising occurred on Crete, Greece joined in, and the "rare earth war" broke out.

The Greeks didn't read it wrong. Ottoman was really ill, but unfortunately overestimated his strength.

Under the conditions of insufficient preparation, he hurriedly launched an attack on Turkey, and was soon defeated, and the Turkish army attacked Attica all the time. Greece was forced to confess defeat and armistice under the interference of the powers!

什么 What was Bulgaria doing in this period of history? Of course, we are busy engaged in political construction. Everyone is fighting for power. Who cares about foreign countries!

These problems are still to be solved later. The focus of Bulgaria is still on development. The opening of the "Sorb" railway also means that Bulgaria's heavy industry can start.

In a few months, the spur line to the Balkan Mountains will also pass through. By that time, iron ore in the Balkans can be transported continuously by rail.

What troubles Ferdinand is that Bulgaria lacks coking coal for steelmaking and needs to import it to Russia. In the future, it will be controlled by others.

This further strengthened Ferdinand's determination to win the Macedonian region, and the light mineral resources are worth the fare. Having won the Macedonia region, the main mineral resources of Bulgaria's industrialization can be resolved within the next two decades.

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