Chapter 61: Plan to build a steel plant

Jeff Ferdinand figured it was time to go to the steel plant. It can be expected that for a long time in the future, these will be lost money.

Of course, such a large project related to the people's livelihood requires the government to go in for it. How else could it be called nationalism?

"Alice, tell Constantine to come over!" Ferdinand

The iron and steel plant was not built overnight, and the absence of Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant is a lesson of blood.

"Anywhere, a thousand miles!"

In 1890, Zhang Zhidong sent an engineer to Daye to investigate and found a large-scale open-pit iron ore, and began to build the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant.

Because of the lack of professional knowledge, engineers have not paid attention to "if they want to build a steel plant, they must first test the quality of iron stone and coal", and then determine the type of steel required.

I bought equipment from Shanghai, imitating the British steel mill. The factory was set up in Hanyang again. As a result, the transportation distance of raw materials increased greatly, the cost increased greatly, and the products lost their competitiveness.

When the former Ferdinand saw this place, he shook his head and sighed, so the first steel plant in Asia was ruined by bureaucrats.

Alas, at this time and space, the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant has also been launched. Ferdinand was also going to remind him that it turned out that the Big Apple is still arrogant. Except for Britain, France, and Russia, they are still not looking at it.

What about Bulgaria, treatment is not as good as North Korea, and it has no status. Talking is equivalent to farting, Ferdinand is too lazy to care.

The specific details are not clear to Ferdinand. However, he still knows six points that everyone knows in the future.

1, as close as possible to the origin of raw materials.

2, there is sufficient water nearby (preferably near the river). Of course, based on this, the location of the steel plant needs to be built downstream and downwind of the city. It should be far away from residential areas.

3. Have convenient transportation (ports, railways, etc.).

4. The local area must have sufficient resources (such as iron ore, coal, etc.).

5. Selecting factories should save land, not occupying or occupying good land.

6. The plant selection should take into account the local natural geographical environment. Avoid building plants in the following areas: a. Seismic fault zones; b. Tertiary gravity collapsible loess areas with large land thickness; c. Vulnerable to floods, debris flows, Mountainous areas prone to natural disasters such as landslides.

With a large area, Ferdinand can lock in, and the location of later Bulgarian steel mills is good. It's certainly not possible to move hard and hard, productivity is different, and what is suitable in the future may not be applicable now.

The specific location still depends on the engineer to select the site, and the layman directs the layman. Most of the time, there will be no good results.

"Respect Your Excellency, Constantine says hello to you!" Constantine lifted his chest with his left hand and bowed to Ferdinand

嗯 "Well, how are the Constantine negotiations going?" Ferdinand asked with concern

"His Excellency, everything is going well!" Constantine replied happily, and he was satisfied.

"Well, we still have to hurry up and sign the treaty as soon as possible and get what we want! If we encounter difficulties, just smash it with money and feed the cost of a few officials, we can still afford it!" Ferdinand

"Yes, Grand Duke, we will sign the treaty as soon as possible!" Constantine promised

Ferdinand looked at Constantine and said, "I'm coming to you today, mainly to discuss the issue of the steel plant!"

Constantine was shocked and said with excitement: "My Excellency, is there anyone who wants to invest in a steel plant? That is great! At present, there are only a few steel workshops in Bulgaria, which are imported abroad every year, which wastes our precious Foreign exchange resources! You can rest assured that our government will definitely provide the most favorable conditions.

Ferdinand looked at Constantine, who was spit, and some of them did not know. When did I say that someone would invest in a steel plant? Which idiot capitalist will invest in a Bulgarian steel mill at this time? It 's totally a tiankeng. Even if all the governments are exempt from tax, they will not be charged back!

"Mr. Constantine, calm down! No one wants to be in a Bulgarian steel mill, capitalists are not philanthropists!" Ferdinand said dissatisfied

When I heard Ferdinand's words, Constantine knew that he had misunderstood, and explained a little embarrassingly: "Oh, sorry! Your Excellency, I am out of shape, I just thought that an idiot was going to invest in the steel plant, so I was a bit over excited!"

Ferdinand said with a smile: "Yes! Mr. Constantine, you think too much! The steel plant must be built. As for land and taxes, no money is given! I plan to be the government to be the injustice this time. ! "

Constantine was shocked and said after a moment of silence: "Her Grand Duke, is it too much for our government to fund the establishment? At present, all steel plants in the world are established by capitalists. I am afraid that it will destroy the free market economy and cause unnecessary mess!"

Ferdinand seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile: "What is a free market economy? That's not the case! If we don't invest, it is estimated that in 20 years, Bulgaria will not have a decent steel plant. As for the precedent, are n't UU Kanshu all come out of people? And in the world today, are we not only building state-owned steel mills, are n't the big Apple empires in the east also being built? "

Constantin was a little faint, so he was convinced? The Big Apple Empire in the East, he has heard of it, is said to be a food empire, even with names for food. He didn't know if he didn't build a steel plant.

"Oh, Grand Duke, our establishment of a state-owned steel plant will undermine free competition in the market. I am afraid that many people will object!"

"This is simple! The government can release this news first. Then announce that if there is that capitalist, a large factory with an annual output of 1 million tons of steel can be established within five years. By the way, if the task is not completed, it will delay the industrialization process in Bulgaria, and it will be responsible! "Ferdinand made a gloomy note

If someone outside sees Ferdinand's plot, he will say, "Crazy!"

If it is the 21st century, with an annual output of millions of steel, it is a township enterprise, which belongs to a small and micro enterprise that has been shut down! But here is the 19th century. In 1891, the countries with an annual output of more than one million steel were only France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Russia, which had just over one million.

可能 Is this possible? Ferdinand can say with certainty that it is impossible! Even if he invests in his own business, he can't do it!

Come and oppose it. Don't be afraid to be scolded. Try it out! With an annual output of millions of tons of steel, it can also rank sixth in the world. Can such a temptation be opposed by the people?

If it is completed, if Ferdinand can shame a bit, Bulgaria can also be an industrial country by itself, and by the way wear a hat of the powers.