Chapter 71: , "Russia and Bulgarian League" 1

Time passed in a hurry, and at the end of 1891, the long-saw Russian-Palestinian negotiations finally came to an end.

Negotiations lasted for more than a year, involving more than 500 terms, covering all aspects of political, economic, military and even cultural exchanges.

On December 15, 1891, the two sides finally reached an agreement and signed the Treaty of Political, Economic, Military and Cultural Friendly Exchanges between the Russian Empire and the Principality of Bulgaria.

On the day of the signing of the "Russia-Russia League", Ferdinand approved it. As soon as it is sent to St. Petersburg, it can be formally established with the approval of Alexander III.

The Russian delegation, who has been in Bulgaria for more than half a year, is busy rushing back to Christmas, and declined Ferdinand's retention.

Ferdinand, who was in a good mood, also personally attended the farewell banquet and practiced it for the Russian delegation.

To be honest, Ferdinand did not expect that this negotiation went so smoothly.

In a comprehensive view, the "Russia-Russia Union" is necessary for both sides, and is an equality treaty. At the end of the 19th century, small countries signed an equality treaty with the powers, and the difficulties were unimaginable in later generations.

He is also Ferdinand from later generations, knowing that Russia's diplomatic predicament is time-consuming. The French-Russian alliance is already underway. At that time, the diplomatic risks borne by the alliance with Russia were also huge.

保加利亚 In history, Bulgaria has ridged Russia to 1894. At that time, the French-Russian alliance had been established, and it was no longer necessary for Bulgaria. Naturally, it would not cost a lot to win.

斐 In Ferdinand's view, the establishment of the "Russia-Russia Alliance" enabled Bulgaria to obtain raw materials for industrial development from Russia and a vast market. It is an essential part of Bulgaria's industrialization process.

At the time, it was possible for Bulgaria to provide these two points, except for the Russian Empire, which no other country has.

末 At the end of the 19th century, countries with abundant resources, in addition to Russia, also had Britain and France. They had large colonies. However, the British and French industries are developed and basically self-sufficient. There is no need to import industrial products.

But what about other countries?

German typical industry is developed, he still has to import resources and look for markets!

工业 Australia-Hungarian industry is not bad, and industry and commerce are closely linked with Germany.

I do n't need to think about Italy. He is still a reel, the resource-poor industry is backward, and he has not yet reached the Balkans.

The United States is not yet a world policeman in future generations. Even if the two sides trade, the plain freight is higher than the price of the raw material itself.

So Russia is the only option for Bulgaria. Russia is rich in resources and is close to Bulgaria. It is connected to the Black Sea and can be reached all the time. And if the industry is not rampant, a large number of industrial products are imported every year.

Not only did Ferdinand feel that the "Russia-Russia League" is good, Alexander III, who is far from St. Petersburg, is now in a good mood.

三 Alexander III, thirteenth emperor of the Russian Empire, reigned from 1881 to 1894.

的 The reign of Alexander III began under the prosperity created by Alexander II, and Alexander III did not intend to set up a new policy or to interfere too much in actual government affairs.

He adopted a chairman-like approach to governing the country: the organization appointed a group of capable people to form a think tank, allowing these people to first study the national government affairs, come up with several treatment plans, and then report to the emperor himself, Make a final decision.

During Alexander III, Russia's economic development reached a peak, not only military but also economically, becoming the world's leading power.

However, due to the reverse reform measures carried out by the upper ruling group in Russia, it restrained ideological development, seriously hindered the popularization of education, affected the general improvement of national quality, accelerated the opposition of social classes, and finally promoted the historical process of social development through violent revolution and civil war. Lay a foreshadowing.

In terms of diplomacy, Alexander III actively promoted Pan-Slavism. This, of course, is related to the significant increase of Russia's national strength and the rising international status.

The panslavism promoted by Russia has a very strong diplomatic focus, mainly on the Balkan Peninsula and the Black Sea coast. This is obviously to expand Russia's influence in these regions and consolidate Russia's dominant position in the Slavic residential areas.

On the one hand, Russia's policies on the Balkan Peninsula have played a positive role in promoting its international status and promoting the development of the local national liberation movement.

But the negative factors are also obvious. Activities in the Balkans provided the fuse for World War I and laid the hidden dangers for the destruction of the Russian Empire.

In addition to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Russian Empire in the Balkans, the German Empire Germany has always wanted to obtain a warm port in the Mediterranean, open the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Mediterranean Channel, and cut off Europe, so it accelerated the Balkans. Expansion momentum in the Peninsula. This is also one of the reasons why the German-Russian relationship is breaking down.

In general, Russia during the Alexandre III period was the closest to Europe in terms of culture and economy, and Europe and Russia had a mutual identity. At this time, Russia could not use force at all, only through diplomatic efforts. Achieve political intentions.

Alexander III is the most famous in foreign affairs, and he is full of words. The Russian tsar is still fishing, and Europe can wait for a while. (On one occasion, Alexander III went fishing during a holiday break. His subordinates in charge of European affairs came to Alexander. III reports urgent business, and Alexander III said this).

I can say that Alexander III was the most powerful ruler in Russia's nineteenth century history.

俄罗斯 During the reign of Alexander III, Russia waged only one foreign war: the small-scale battle of Melf Oasis under the command of Skobelev.

Melf is an oasis city located in Turkmenistan, Central Asia. It is called Mare in Chinese Han Dynasty literature, and it was called the last country in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In Yuan literature, it was called Maliwu, or Malan.

梅 After Merf merged into the territory of Russia, Turkmenistan officially became part of the Russian Empire.

1 Alexander III, who was affected by the assassination of Alexander II, had a shadow in his heart and was afraid of being assassinated. He often lived in the palace Gatchina on the outskirts of the capital.

He was known as the hermit of Gatchina, and because he seldom waged war, Alexander III was also made peaceful.