Chapter 72: , "Russia and Bulgarian League" 2

After reading the contents of the covenant, Alexander III looked at Paul Shuvalov and looked at it a lot. He said with a smile, "Earl Paul, you have done a good job negotiating with Bulgaria this time! We paid only a little price, so Bulgaria was firmly tied to the Russian carriage and a nail was nailed in the Balkans! "

Obviously, Alexander III's aura was very strong, at least Paul Shuvalov was fighting in front of him, especially after Germany tore the reinsurance treaty.

Don't think that you are afraid of bullshit, it is the patent of Big Apple, and Westerners are not too lenient. Paul Shuvalov said busyly: "This is your wise and mighty Majesty the Tsar, leading Russia to thrive and make Bulgarians long for it; and the wise and competent Crown Prince Nicholas, I just do my part. Not worth mentioning! "

似乎 Alexander III seemed to be accustomed to these, but smiled and refuted.

After waiting for Earl Paul to finish speaking, he began to say, "Well, stop talking about these bullshit! There will be a conference on Bulgaria in a while, so you can stay and participate!"

伯 Earl Paul immediately made a grateful expression, this time it was sincere. He has been marginalized since the German-Russian relationship broke down and has never participated in high-level meetings.

This time the Tsar left him to attend the meeting, which is obviously a good signal, meaning that he has the opportunity to return to the center of rights.

Uh ...

加 Gatcina, a palace on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, a conference about the fate of Bulgaria was held.

Without cumbersome etiquette, Alexander III went straight to the topic and said, "I want to conclude the treaty with Bulgaria. You all know it! Calling you here today is to determine a long time in the future. Bulgaria's foreign policy! "

(Remarks: not the main characters are called official positions later, foreigners have too many names, and the author will also faint. For example, the then Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Nicholas Giles, with the same name as Nicholas II, such There are a lot more!)

刚 As soon as Alexander III finished speaking, the Minister of Finance said, "His Majesty, now that we have decided to move our strategic focus eastward, as long as we maintain sufficient influence in the Balkans, it is not necessary to invest too much energy!"

但这 "But this is only time-consuming. Europe is the center of the world. We still have to come back in the future. We cannot relax the penetration of the Balkans!"

The Minister of Finance shook his head, and then asked, "But aren't our energies right? The empire's finances can't support our two fronts at the same time. The construction of the Siberian Railway has just started, which has taken up a lot of our funds!"

"Shortening in Europe in the short term is to be able to devote more energy to the East, and it will not be too late to return to Europe after the completion of the Emperor Russia's plan. At that time, our national strength will be stronger, and the Balkans cannot stop the pace of the empire!"

Uh ...

Then all the major politicians of the Russian Empire joined in, and they began to fight, and Earl Paul stood on the side and said nothing.

A fire broke out in the city gate and the pond fish, and seeing that there was a lot of noise below, Alexander III noticed Paul Shuvalov on the sidelines.

Now Alexander III is not very interested in politics at the beginning. Hearing more and more farther and farther, it has deviated from today's topic. "Cough" coughed, and then said, "Okay, everyone is quiet! Count Paul has just returned from Sofia and is familiar with the situation over there. Let's listen to his opinion first!"

Paul Shuvalov was shocked, yelling, now he speaks at this time, isn't this a standing team!

The Russian Empire is now largely divided into: Eastward and European factions, and neutral factions. Oh, this is not over.

The Eastward factions were further divided into: Far East factions that advocated expansion into the Far East; Indian factions that advocated entry into Afghanistan and then expansion into India; and Central Asian factions that advocated expansion into Central Asia Ottoman.

European factions also have factions. They advocate the Balkans who want to expand to the Balkans; the Nordics who want to expand to Northern Europe; and even the radicals who want to expand to Austria-Hungary.

The chaos is messy and varied, of course, there is not so much chaos in the high-level government, mainly the Far East and the Balkans, not so many mentally disabled ideas.

Due to setbacks in European expansion, the Russian Empire is now dominated by the Far East. They have the support of Crown Prince Nicholas.

After hearing from Alexander III, Paul Shuvalov immediately said: "Her Majesty, as far as I can see, the majority of Bulgarians are pro-Russian, indicating that our long-term penetration in the Balkans has been successful!"

"And in recent years, Bulgaria 's economy has developed rapidly, but its own resources are poor and it lacks labor. Now that Bulgaria is moving closer to the empire, this is also the main factor. If we continue to export resources and labor to them, decades later We can control Bulgaria economically. "

Paul Shuvalov is still very cautious, but only returned to the issue of Alexander III, limited to Bulgaria, did not make a clear statement on the Balkan issue, and at the same time showed a tendency to favor the Far East.

刚 As soon as the words of Count Paul came to an end, Alexander III showed great interest. He didn't like war very much, and the cultural influence of economic control coincided with the appetite of Alexander III.

I saw the performance of Alexander III, everyone knew the current affairs and chose to shut up. No one chose to challenge the tsar's authority So how long do we think we can control Bulgaria? Asked Alexander III, watching Paul Shuvalov

Paul Shuvalov thought about it, and then said, "Her Majesty, if all goes well, Bulgaria will be pro-Russian in 20 years, and in 30 years, we can even make it into the empire. A Grand Duchy! "

Sure enough, after listening to Paul Shuvalov, Alexander III smiled with satisfaction.

Is it twenty years long? Of course, that's enough time for a new generation to grow up! It would be too short to integrate a country in one generation.

为什么 Why did the Russian Empire export Slavic culture to the Balkans? Isn't it to assimilate Balkan nations in culture!

Isn't Bulgaria asking for immigration now? Those who have been sitting have ignored that the Russian Empire is not a nation, even less than half of the main nation. Foreign immigrants are also the majority of other ethnic groups. How long will they be oppressed by the Russian Empire?

"Well, if you have no other opinion, then I will ratify this treaty! The future empire's strategy for Bulgaria is to draw politically and economically and culturally!" Alexander III asked affirmatively.

Of course, no one will oppose this issue. The East Progressionists naturally support it. The "Russia-Russia Union" was still promoted by Crown Prince Nicholas, which is in line with their priority Eastern strategy. The Europeans have no reason to oppose this, which does not affect them. Strategy; neutrals continue to fight soy sauce.

After Alexander III ratified the "Russian-Polish Alliance", the Russian government had a rare and effective time. The Foreign Ministry and the Bulgarian ambassador to Russia announced the news on Christmas Eve.