Chapter 77: Expansion-assassination

As soon as Bulgaria announced an expansion, the conscription office was full of people, and even neatly registered teams lined up the streets, and the people eagerly joined the army.

Well, all of the above is the official content of Bulgaria. The recruiting office was indeed full, and the team did line up on the street. As for whether the people are enthusiastically joining the army, this is hard to say. Because Bulgaria uses a compulsory military service system, this must happen every time.

Bulgaria's finances are not so rich. Although it has increased a lot compared with before, the fiscal revenue in 1891 was as high as 130 million levs. However, there is still no surplus in the gold beast of the "Two Five Plan".

So even though 60,000 troops were recruited this time, the budget for weapons and equipment was not large. Ferdinand intends to wait for a large-scale change after the military reforms, and the eliminated weapons are just for recruits.

斐 Since the downfall of Stam's cabinet, in order to maintain stability, Ferdinand has not carried out major military operations.

I only used the Guards to cultivate credible and silent reserve talents, and at the most, made use of exchanges between soldiers to subtly affect the army.

Since the Army has almost doubled in one go, large-scale personnel transfers are of course reasonable.

Then many people in the Bulgarian Army were promoted. The original small group was suddenly demolished.

Even if someone wants to oppose, they can't stop their promotion! It turns out that there are so many positions in the army, and the promotion can only be dropped out. Ferdinand's long-established cronies also took the opportunity to insert them.

This is just the beginning. Ferdinand, who is familiar with the importance of "guns", has completed another mid-level salary adjustment after completing the adjustment of middle and lower rank officers. Collective promotion.

Jeff Ferdinand punched them all together, and the original senior officers of the army suddenly broke off the front line, nominally raising everyone's status. They only needed to report to the king and became a parallel agency with the cabinet.

Sava Mutkurov was in a bad mood lately. He hesitated when he faced Ferdinand's draw and did not stand in the team for the first time. Although in the end he chose to support Ferdinand, but who knows that the Stamm administration has finished so quickly, his role has not played much.

后 After the new government was established, in order to stabilize Sava-Mutkurov, it was reused and eventually promoted to war minister. It was a spring breeze.

However, Sava-Mutkurov's political thinking is not so sensitive, he did a stupid thing recently, "opposing military reform"!

Then there is no more. The military commissions formed by Ferdinand and the Minister of War have a lot of overlap. What's more important is that Sava-Mutkurov is now an ordinary member of the military committee and does not serve as chairman.

In hindsight, Sava-Mutkurov also knew that he had been suspended. The members of the military commission are all big brothers of the Bulgarian military. Now everyone has the same powers. Who will listen to him?

This reform, many frustrated people like Sava-Mutkurov, but nothing can be done except to vent their own!

As for the coup, their influence in the army has weakened to the lowest point. This time the personnel transfer, almost all officers above the company level were transferred. Besides, Ferdinand didn't kill everything, didn't everyone "promote"?

Someone is frustrated and someone is proud. Stefan Tosev is very proud now. Due to the butterfly effect of Ferdinand's expansion of the Guards, and then joined in, with his extraordinary ability, he was promoted to head of the regiment a year ago, and now he has caught up with the good times. Army Eighth Division Commander.

There are many such cases. After the reform of Ferdinand's military system, in addition to the official position, two deputy positions were also provided as reserve officers. It has also caught up with the large-scale expansion, and the demand for officers is several times the original. If this cannot be promoted, then there is indeed a problem.

Of course Ferdinand has no energy to pay attention to these small things now. An important historical event broke out-the assassination of Crown Prince Nicholas in Japan!

Originally thought that Nicholas had been delayed in Bulgaria for a short time, and his visit to Japan was postponed. Assassination would not occur, and Ferdinand would not pay attention.

I never thought that Nicholas II went to Japan more than a month later in history, but this unlucky child still did not escape the sword.

I can only say that Little Japan 's ability to do death is really leveraged, assassination of the Russian crown prince. Fortunately, there was no success. Otherwise, we will start a war with Russia immediately!

The Sino-Japanese War has not yet erupted, and no compensation has been obtained from the big apples to make great progress. This era is still a poor Japan against the furry bears of the heyday. Think about it and know the end.

No matter how Ferdinand yy, any news in the world is fried. Political assassination has always been a taboo. The Japanese dare to assassinate the Crown Prince of Russia. Regardless of whether it has anything to do with the government, don't try to get off the hook.

Isn't Bulgaria an ally with Russia? Of course Ferdinand, who hadn't caught a cold in Little Japan in the past, will certainly go down.

He decisively signaled the domestic media to shake their flags. Not only did he instruct Vuhu to guide Russian domestic opinion, he also developed a theory that Japan is a traitor.

也不 Anyway, I do n't have any eyeballs anymore. Revenge for Crown Prince Nicholas is politically correct. Everyone is scolding the Japanese. It 's not a bad thing for me!

It's not over yet. Ferdinand also sent a telegram to express her concern. By the way, she also asked: When should I greet the Japanese and need help?

Obviously, Ferdinand is looking for excitement. Is it possible that Russia is now at war with Japan? If it wasn't Alexander III who was in office, that would really be wrong! It is now clear that Alexander III had no plans to go to war, otherwise Russia should prepare.

Yuan Yuan was the crown prince of Nicholas in Japan. Now he is really angry. He just came out and traveled around. In which country is he not a good host, but assassins came to Japan!

Now send a few officials to apologize Is this over? It 's great to think about it. Anyway, the assassins mixed in the crowd are all your security work is not done well, you must be responsible, even if you apologize, the emperor must come here in person!

检查 After examining the injuries from the hospital, Nicholas ignored any diplomatic etiquette and went straight to his home, regardless of the Japanese's current feelings.

The emperor Nicholas, who had just left Japan, received a telegram from Ferdinand. He tore up the telegram and cursed: You think I don't want to go to war, I want to hit him now, but I don't think it's worth it!

After a while, the British began to mediate. Ferdinand felt that it was too cheap for Japan to pass. I thought about it a second time, and sent another telegram to the Crown Prince Nicholas.

Nicolas' mood is much better this time. Ferdinand's idea this time is much more reliable. That's right, it is to find the Japanese government to lose money!

You ca n't ask for compensation if you are injured. Anyway, you are also the Crown Prince of the Russian Empire. You must have a compensation worthy of status!

This makes sense everywhere, even if the Japanese government has reached an agreement with Russia under British mediation, it cannot deny Nikola's right to claim compensation.

This time the Japanese arrived very refreshingly and expressed openly in the newspaper that they were willing to compensate.

Jeff Ferdinand said "hehe" on the side, what is worthy of compensation?

The advice given by Jeff Ferdinand is 100 million pounds, no matter how much the Japanese can give, at least that number makes Nicholas very happy!

Jeff Ferdinand did a good job with this fart, which also means that the Japanese government is in trouble, because no matter how much they give behind, Nicolas will not be satisfied. A hundred million pounds is impossible!