Chapter 78: Temporary economic policy

For the future of Nicholas II and the Japanese, Ferdinand couldn't control it, and left a fire behind.

Because Ferdinand warned of the economic crisis in advance, the Bulgarian government sent someone to monitor the financial market, and now some economists have noticed the crisis.

Ferdinand did not expect that the economic crisis would spread to Bulgaria so quickly. According to economists' expectations, the crisis should have spread to the Balkans by the end of 1892.

The previous response plans were prepared in accordance with the outbreak of the economic crisis at the end of this year, which should not be ignored by Ferdinand.

As a financial innocent, Ferdinand can only choose to listen to experts. As for the other traversers who made a fortune by relying on the economic crisis, Ferdinand said: Without the protagonist's aura, he would not dare to die.

末 At the end of the 19th century, it was a paradise for monopolies, and the entire European economy was controlled by large and small consortia. If you want to make a big splash in the stock market, people can modify the rules in minutes to make you lose money.

Of course, there are no big moves, and there are still many small moves. How can Ferdinand also be a member of the rule maker? It is still possible to take a share of it.

The most loyal Carl steward, this time took the heavy responsibility and went to Germany, where the crisis first erupted. Ferdinand is not good at financial affairs, but it is simple to buy the bottom. Buying bankrupt enterprises with the price of cabbage, this kind of work without technical content can still be done!

What's the harvest, Ferdinand has not had the energy to care, and now he has to deal with Bulgaria's economic crisis.

The Royal Palace of Sofia, now the Bulgarian government is gathered together, one by one is frowning, what a terrible word "economic crisis".

Especially Chekov, who has just returned from abroad as a diplomatic representative, but he has seen the tragic situation in the German economic crisis, tens of thousands of factories went bankrupt, and nearly ten million unemployed people. Everyday human tragedies occur.

Jeff Ferdinand is the most calm one. He knows that in this economic crisis, the extensive colonies in Britain and France were not seriously damaged; the backwardness of Russia's industry itself did not cause an economic crisis.

This means that the economic crisis is not global, and the crisis in the Balkans is mainly affected by Germany.

"Gentlemen, please let us know what the economic crisis is. Let 's listen to the experts of Rennes first!" Ferdinand said with confidence.

Ernest Holman Austrian, one of the well-known economists of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was dug up by Ferdinand at this cost. This time he asserted that the economic crisis had spread to Bulgaria.

Ferdinand had just finished speaking, Renn Holman was not polite, and said directly: "This economic crisis was originally caused by Germany. Capitalists have blindly invested in railways. Railways in many regions have been repeatedly constructed, exceeding market demand. The German railway bubble exploded in 1890.

Then caused the stock market to plunge. Since then, the stock prices have continued to decline. Since then, a large number of companies have gone bankrupt, and they just happened to encounter arrears of food, which exacerbated the crisis.

后 After the economic crisis broke out, German companies urgently sought out the market in order to survive. At present, there are signs that they are eyeing Bulgaria!

But this problem is a bit strange. Under normal circumstances, an area with a backward economy and limited markets like the Balkans should be the last choice! "

After speaking, Ren Holman was still a confused expression, surprised by the performance of German capitalists.

However, Chekov's complexion is now very blue, and co-authoring this crisis is also related to his visit. At the time, Germany was in the midst of the economic crisis, and many industrial products were sold in tears. Of course, the delegation bought and bought. Obviously, the delegation's large purchases caught German capitalists' attention.

Now that things have happened, it's too late to regret it. Ferdinand saw everyone with a weird expression and said with a bitter smile: "Well, things have happened and our strategic goals have been achieved. Now we must find a way to deal with the next crisis!"

先生 "Mr. Rennes, I want to know what would happen to the worst if the economic crisis breaks out?"

Rennes Holman thought for a while and said, "Her Grand Duke, Germany is a big industrial country. If we don't take measures, domestic processing and manufacturing industries will face fierce competition. And the financial market will affect each other, and this crisis will certainly spread. In other countries, our worst is probably facing dumping by big countries. "

Ryan didn't say the result, but after analyzing the situation, everyone understood. This time Bulgaria's processing and manufacturing industry is going to be bad.

那么 "So what can we do now? Will the government pay for the market?" Prime Minister Constantine asked uncertainly.

"Issue an early warning of the economic crisis to prepare capitalists to reduce production, but it is forbidden to lay off staff! If a company is going to lay off employees, the company must first apply for bankruptcy, and all shareholders of the company will not be allowed to engage in this industry in the future!"

Everyone took a breath, this was to cut the capitalist's flesh. But this is also the best way to maintain social stability most effectively.

I guess that the Bulgarian government dared to do so. If other countries, capitalists would have been upset for a long time.

In fact, the Constantines are also very puzzled about why Bulgaria 's big capitalists are obeying the rules. The government 's laws have always been very consistent and never contradicted. Basically, the small capitalists have committed crimes. The capitalist who is profitable with other countries is not a creature at all.

I can't figure it out, they can only boil down to simple folk customs, strong patriotism, and know the whole situation.

Only Ferdinand knew that it was his own vest, and of course he would not come out and sing a show against him.

"Her Grand Duke, in addition to this, can we still take financial control to restrict the outflow of funds!" Constantine took the words of Ferdinand

"Yes! In addition, we can also start some government projects in advance to absorb unemployed people! Also during the economic crisis, we can try to find a group of engineers from abroad." Ferdinand thought for a while Say

Uh ...

Then in just a few hours of discussion, the Bulgarian government came up with a set of temporary economic policies and was ready to start.

Ferdinand still has some self-knowledge. Although many measures are copied from later generations, but he still can't figure it out. He asked: "Mr. Rennes, you are an economic expert. How do you think our strategy is feasible? ? "

Ren Holman was stunned after listening to the discussions of these people. I dare to think of these measures. Have Bulgarian capitalists changed to vegetarian?

Hearing Ferdinand's questioning, he hesitated for a moment before responding, and then he was very cautious and reminded: "Her Grand Duke, these measures are theoretically feasible, but they have seriously harmed the interests of the capitalists. I am afraid that Cause trouble! "

Jeff Ferdinand said with a smile: "As long as it is feasible, Bulgarian capitalists are of high quality, and they will take care of the overall situation! Our government must also explain in the newspaper, I believe they will understand!"

Ryan Holman was a little dumbfounded to hear Ferdinand's explanation. Is the Grand Duke so naive that the capitalists will sacrifice their own interests in order to take care of the overall situation?

I ca n't do it, I must find a way to stop it, or it will be spread to let people know that this is my participation in the formulation, and the name of I will not be ruined. Then he turned his attention to the cabinet for help, and as a result, everyone seemed to agree.

Rennes wondered, did all the high-level Bulgarian government go crazy? Or is the quality of Bulgarian capitalists so high? ?