Chapter 80: Life events

Is it difficult to open a bank? There is no doubt that it is really difficult. In addition to capital, the reform requires a lot of financial talents.

However, for Ferdinand, all this is very simple. There are many banks that went bankrupt during the economic crisis. It is not easy to dig people or buy a small bank for reorganization. It is not a problem.

The establishment of a bank can not only facilitate your own use, but also solve the Bulgarian financial crisis. In the future, it will be a big deal to manipulate loans to the government behind the scenes, and make a lot of money by the way.

Ferdinand thought more and more, but Alice soon interrupted his good mood. Here comes a big man whom he doesn't want to face but has to face.

His mother, Princess Clementina, has been "killed" from Vienna.

斐 Since Ferdinand became the Grand Duke of Bulgaria, Princess Clementina has mainly lived in Vienna, and there has been much less contact with each other.

I can meet a few times a year, but it doesn't mean that Ferdinand can ignore Princess Clementina.

In fact, Ferdinand still respects Princess Clementina, and basically will not fight against her. The one exception is lifelong events.

I also met many noble ladies in Vienna before, but Ferdinand did n't have much interest. Of course, he was not very old at that time, and European nobles were used to late marriage. His pressure was not great.

After he became King of Bulgaria, his marriage was not so easy, and it also involved political influence.

Then it was delayed, and Princess Clementina did not worry about this matter, and ended Ferdinand a few, but he was pushed by politically unsuitable.

This time Princess Clementine came over, Ferdinand was already guilty of conscience, and thought to himself: Or else, just find a way to deal with it. Save this toss, anyway, in this position is already doomed to get rid of political marriage, do not expect to find any love.

After pondering for a while, seeing Ferrantz still alive, Ferdinand sorted out his thoughts, and now he was not in the mood to deal with his official business. He said, "Mr. Ferrantz, you will take care of the bank. You can build a new home, and it's best to complete it within the year! "

好的 "Okay, Your Excellency, I will get it done as soon as possible!" Ferrantz said lightly.

Ferdinand nodded, Ferrantz's ability need not be doubted. After he has been honed over the past few years, the potential has been stimulated, and it is definitely the top talent in this era.

Loyalty can also guarantee that he has passed the test of Ferdinand, and that all the young and old follow the Hakoli family to live, and the possibility of betrayal is almost zero.

Jeff Ferdinand is very fortunate to have a big family, whether it is a relationship or a talent pool, he has enough knowledge. If you start from scratch, you may worry about your livelihood now.

Time passed in a hurry, Princess Clementina had entered Bulgaria, but was not in a hurry to find Ferdinand's mischief.

Bulgaria is worthy of God's back garden, and now it is the season when the roses are in full bloom.

Princess Clementine went all the way to admire the scenery, and she could see that she was in a good mood. She didn't seem to be anxious at all, and there was no urgency on the telegram.

Originally entered Bulgaria. It took less than a day by train to reach Sofia, and Princess Clementina dragged her for five days.

Seeing Princess Clementina's performance, Ferdinand knew that it was in trouble, and most of this time she could not hide. Now I just hope that this time, the noble lady, don't be too scary.

In fact, since Ferdinand succeeded the Grand Duke of Bulgaria, Princess Klementina has hardly ever asked him about his marriage.

Poor parents, it seems that every time Princess Clementina comes over, it is for this matter. Basically, the more satisfied she is, the more leisurely she can go. She has gone through a lot of troubles, and she is still happy.

From the performance of Princess Clementina, Ferdinand has determined which kingdom is the princess. If it is only the daughter of an ordinary nobleman, it is usually a telegram, and a pile of information is attached. When Ferdinand refuses, he will rush over.

Princess Clementine has a little urchin posture as she gets older. Now it seems that making fun of Ferdinand has always been a pleasure in her life.

This time, Princess Clementina quietly entered the palace, blocked the maid who wanted to report, and suddenly appeared in front of Ferdinand.

He was taken aback by Ferdinand, who was on business. Without waiting for Ferdinand to speak, Princess Clementina said, "Why didn't Ferdinand welcome me? Poor people rushed to see you from Vienna day and night, and you actually ~~"

Jeff Ferdinand is already running with a group of grass-mud horses in his heart. Is it really good to seduce your son like this? Do women think different from ordinary people when they reach the age of menopause? Menopause in previous lives, I have not heard of this state!

Okay Ferdinand admits that he was an orphan in his previous life and did not really care about this.

He hurriedly said, "How can it happen? Clement Mountain, you are my most respected mother, how can I not welcome it?"

"Well? That's great! By the way, I forgot to ask, how many mothers do you have?" Princess Clementina said earnestly

Jeff Ferdinand was stunned, what else? ?

Seems very satisfied with Ferdinand's performance, Princess Clementina fluttered: "Haha ~ haha ​​~~" He bent over with a smile, and said after half a ring, "Do Ferdinand know? Your expression was so funny Just like when you were a kid! "

Looking at the maids who wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, Ferdinand was now crying without tears, this time shameful.

It seemed that Princess Clementina had enough fun, and she let Ferdinand go. By the way, he was given an invitation to invite him to St. Petersburg to participate in the dance of the Grand Duchess of Senia.

Jeff Ferdinand was even slow to react and knew what was going on. Under normal circumstances, who would go thousands of miles away to invite others to the ball?

The 19th century is not the 21st century. It takes only a few hours to fly from Bulgaria to St. Petersburg. Now the carriage and train will take half a month!

Jeff Ferdinand knew that he could not refuse this time. His mother, Princess Clementina, was probably ready, and as the last known party, only the accepted part was accepted.

Ferdinand rummaged in the memory. For the impression of the granddaughter, the original owner still stayed in a cute little girl, whom he had seen about ten years ago.

The Grand Duchess of Shenia has very little brushwork in history. He is a **** history enthusiast in Ferdinand and has no understanding of her, only that she is the daughter of Alexander III.