Chapter 81: Albanian Bank

This sudden marriage is both unexpected and reasonable.

The marriage of European nobles, pay attention to the door to door, and value the bloodline. As a result, the range of options is already very small. If political factors are considered, the choice will become narrower.

In history, the original owner Ferdinand will not drag on until 1893, and marry the daughter of Princess Roberta I of Duke Parma and Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Two Sicily, Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma.

谢 The Grand Duchess of Shenia was married to his cousin Alexander in 1894 in a hurry so that the aristocratic blood would not be destroyed. (There is also a less reliable speculation that Alexander III was already ill at the time and was about to die, so he hurriedly married his daughter!)

This world is no exception. Ferdinand's life-long event has dragged on. Although Princess Clementina has also made a lot of efforts before, they have finally given up. The Saxony-Coburg-Gotha-Kohali family Don't lose face.

The marriage of Jeff Ferdinand is not only a personal problem, but also involves the honor of the family. Waiting for no suitable candidate, many European nobles come here.

It's not that they don't want to get married earlier. The problem is that the range of choices is too small. The pedigree factor in this respect is greater than politics.

The situation of the Grand Duchess of Shenia is similar. Historically, due to the poor diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Russia at the time, the two were naturally not considered.

After the crossing of Jeff Ferdinand, the relationship between the two countries has improved under the butterfly effect, and they have come into sight of each other.

关系 The relationship between European nobles is intricate, and there is almost a marriage between the major nobles. For example, Ferdinand's cousin, Edward VII's wife, and Alexander III's queen, Maria Feodorovna, are sisters.

More than that, anyway, the marriage between European nobles is a mess. Ferdinand also knew that his mother, Princess Clementina, the French princess and Queen Maria Feodorovna were also cousins, and they had a good relationship with each other, and then they logically hooked up.

(Sorry for the generations, I'm sorry, the author doesn't know how to calculate, there are less three or four different answers, and you can push a few more generations to get more than a dozen answers.)

The two sides are on the door, and now they are allies in politics. Under normal circumstances, only Ferdinand St. Petersburg and his party can finalize.

Well, these are not in a hurry. Ferdinand has to go to solve the domestic problems. Now there are still a lot of troubles in Bulgaria. The economic crisis has been detonated in advance. The government's measures have been put in place. Although the destructive power has been weakened, the aftermath is still indispensable.

Compared with the situation in the Balkan countries, Ferdinand is still very happy.

保加利亚 Bulgaria had been Russia's sphere of influence until 1886, when Russian capital was dominant. However, during the Stam administration, the relationship between Russia and Bulgaria broke down, and even diplomatic relations were severed. They began to introduce large-scale British Austro-Hungarian capital, suppressing Russian capital frantically.

This is too exaggerated in Bulgaria. Little Bulgaria can't attract the peep of capital predators, that is, several bank offices plus a bunch of compradors.

The comprador was killed by Ferdinand for a long time. Oh, and there is still a fish that is leaking the net to reverse the case!

Unfortunately, Bulgaria is now a legal society. Unless evidence can be provided to show that it was wronged, the case cannot be reversed.

Since Ferdinand announced his vindication, the exception is dead. The rest are really vindicated. As for the return of assets, take evidence!

抄 Copying the accounts of the family at that time has long been ruined by accident. So far, in addition to returning a few properties, go to the Stam government to prove the remaining assets!

Want to make a comeback without money? The rising capitalists who are being flogged by Ferdinand are vegetarian, can't even figure out a few miscellaneous fish?

However, banks are disgusting. Loans from previous governments have successively mortgaged a lot of sovereignty. Now that the economic crisis has broken out, major banks are shrinking funds to cope with possible runs of domestic runs.

If Ferdinand did not take the opportunity to drop the rock, he would cross it in vain. The major powers have always been the target of the work of the intelligence department. Now it is Verhu's turn to perform.

Ferdinand has always believed in, "Eat bite and bite!" Due to geopolitics, Bulgaria 's financial capital is currently led by Britain and Austria, followed by Russia (forgive them, because of Russia 's poor financial conditions, it is good to maintain its influence, and still lack money?), Germany has just entered .

During the Mustam government, Bulgaria's customs duties were mortgaged to the British, and most of the mineral resources were mortgaged to Austria-Hungary.

选择 This multiple-choice question is easy to do. Now the financial system of the British Empire cannot be shaken by a small economic crisis; by contrast, the financial system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is much worse, and there are not enough colonies to release floodwater. The impact is greater. UU Reading Book

Well, this time the opponent is much smaller, just a bank-Austria-Hungary Bank. You know by name, this bank is not easy.

The Austrian National Bank was the predecessor of the Austrian State Special Bank, which was established in 1816 and reorganized into the Austrian-Hungarian Bank in 1878. (Don't get me wrong, it is still a private bank, and Austria-Hungary became the Austrian state bank only after its dissolution.)

一家 In a closet in Vienna, Fohu convened several intelligence chiefs for a meeting, which can be said to be a task assignment.

"This time your task is very simple. It is to spread the news that the Austro-Hungarian Bank is about to go bankrupt. This is the information. There are truths and falsehoods. You just take it as a real declaration!"

Uh ...

Soon a street newspaper in Vienna published the news that the Austrian-Hungarian Bank provided a 50 million kronor loan to the Serbian government three months ago. The news is true! However, the editor's bold speculation was added later: Serbia is about to go bankrupt during the economic crisis, and this loan may not be collected!

Plutonium immediately caused a sensation in Vienna. This is not a small figure of 50 million crowns, which is already close to Hungary's one-year tariff income.

Everyone is talking about the bad luck of Austro-Hungarian Bank. Such a huge sum is enough to hurt it.

However, this did not immediately arouse the concerns of senior Austrian-Hungarian banks. Yes, they nominally issued a loan of 50 million crowns.

This fat is not swallowed by the Austro-Hungarian bank. In fact, the loan was issued together with a bank group.

Also, the loan was deducted first and then distributed in batches, and now only half of it has been issued. In addition, a large part of this money was also used by Serbia to purchase weapons and equipment in Austria and Hungary, and the funds returned a portion. In fact, the cash released was not much.