Road Chapter 83: Run

As soon as the run started, it made a sensation in Vienna and began to spread to all sides. The stock market reacted immediately, and the Austro-Hungarian bank's stock price began to plummet.

Vickers was anxious at this time. No bank is not afraid of runs, especially in the economic crisis. The shareholders' meeting was convened immediately, asking the major shareholders behind the scenes for help.

Vickers' decision was correct, and the shareholders behind the Austro-Hungarian Bank were all the powers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As soon as these gangsters acted, the Austro-Hungarian government came forward to rumor and guarantee the Austro-Hungarian bank, and Vickers borrowed a sum of funds from other counterparts in an emergency.

At the same time, he also used the relationship to talk about the good media and began the public opinion offensive in an attempt to reverse the adverse effects.

If no one is making trouble, the Austro-Hungarian Bank has now passed the crisis. However, Fohu would definitely not give up. Ferdinand's purpose is to greatly hurt the Austro-Hungarian bank, and it is best to directly bankrupt.

Austro-Hungarian Bank's biggest problem now is "credit." As long as the public continues to spread the bad news of the Austro-Hungarian Bank, no one can save it.

末 At the end of the 19th century, government supervision of public opinion was minimal, and media freedom was extremely high. Fohu still chooses the old method-with rhythm, for example: Tianweirui Textile Factory went bankrupt last month and owed a loan to the Austrian-Hungarian Bank, which was a bad debt; half a month ago, the Carsdon Hardware Factory went bankrupt again. Also owed, a loan from Austria-Hungary Bank, bad debts and so on.

Reporting bad debts are all minor problems. How can a bank open without bad debts? The specific amount has not been mentioned yet, but it is all described by "huge loans". How much of this "huge amount" depends on the brain of the masses.

普通 For ordinary people, a loan of ten thousand crowns is also huge, and a loan of one million crowns is still huge. Anyway, it is possible, and ordinary people guess based on numbers that they think are reasonable.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that there was a problem with the Austro-Hungarian Bank. Recently, I've always had bad debts. This is just public. I don't know how many secretly? No, the Austro-Hungarian Bank is afraid that it is dangerous, so you have to get the money out quickly! The run-in crisis has intensified.

Public opinion orientation in Vienna is very strange. Most mainstream media are calling on everyone to calm down and stand for the Austro-Hungarian bank; other street tabloids have reported on the bad debts of the Austro-Hungarian bank, and they have talked to each other.

In general, Vickers' public relations are effective. The Austrian-Hungarian Bank has gradually reversed the adverse influence on public opinion, but the number of withdrawals has indeed increased.

Vickers certainly does not know that there is a kind of "hype" in future generations. It is not necessary to produce evidence for everyone to believe. As long as some people doubt it, the goal can be achieved.

Talking about the media, the topic of the Austro-Hungarian Bank crisis has now been copied, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish between true and false.

Many people chose to withdraw money from Austro-Hungarian Bank in advance for the sake of safety. Seeing the queued people strengthened their determination, and then affected more people.

Vickers panicked, and the Austro-Hungarian bank runout crisis broke out. Now millions of cash are being taken away every day, and this number is still increasing. Even some big customers are starting to wait and see. Once these people join in, then the Austro-Hungarian Bank is really dead.

Vickers decided to completely reverse public opinion. He was well aware of the **** nature of the newspaper, no matter how it was reported for the sake of money. There may be newspapers that really exist for justice and justice, but they are worthless in the face of money.

Austro-Hungarian Bank has stepped up its money offensive, but Fohu will not sit still. Ferdinand's intelligence organization in Vienna was the earliest to start a business. The forces are definitely not superficial.

Soon, Fohu had the evidence of the Austro-Hungarian bank buying the newspaper. A picture of the money transaction between Austro-Hungarian Bank and the newspaper was published on the front page of the next day.

下面 A small photo of a bullet is also attached below the photo, and the editor 's passionate commentary explains that axioms will not yield to money, justice will not compromise the bullets ... it is necessary to expose the despicable means of the Austro-Hungarian Bank.

There is a picture and the truth. The reverse caused by this time is much larger. The people of Austro-Hungarian Empire are angry. They have joined the controversy with the Austro-Hungarian Bank. They even dare not stay if they have a deposit.

Now it 's too late for Vickers to do anything, and the public has identified problems with the Austro-Hungarian Bank. Otherwise, why spend money on newspapers and threaten people?

Vickers now wants to cry without tears, and he did it right to spend money to buy it, this is a very common thing, buying public opinion is normal, nothing more than doing a little too much.

But sending bullets, this kind of garbage means is really nothing to do with him. It is not easy to deal with a street tabloid. Is it necessary to give people a handle?

But now any explanation is futile. Except for the newspapers under their control, other Vienna media will no longer dare to speak for them, which really affects credibility.

Vickers is no longer in fact, and in fact, there is no need to think of other methods, it is the right way to deal with the run-on crisis. UU Reading Books

As a qualified banker, Vickers knows that to overcome this crisis, it is in the word of money, and the most urgent task is to make every effort to raise funds.

But another bad news came, Wiesen Czech Bank went bankrupt!

"Mountain Rain Is Coming to the Wind"

Although the Weissen Czech Bank is not as good as the Austro-Hungarian Bank, it can also be ranked in the top ten of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Such a large bank is so finished.

On the eve of the financial crisis, Wiessen Czech Bank was ambitious and aggressively expanded the financial landscape. Then it was too painful to step up and caught up with the financial crisis. It was really untenable. Shareholders simply came out of a golden cicada to get out of the shell.

He quietly transferred some high-quality assets, then suddenly declared bankruptcy, and gave the Austro-Hungarian Bank a severe blow in the storm.

The financial world of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is now in a state of turmoil, and the run of the run has begun to spread. People seem to have lost confidence in the banks, and they have taken to the streets and queued up.

The Austrian-Hungarian government was also unable to sit still, while announcing its contribution to the world, and appealing to the German financial community for help.

Bankers also started to save themselves. Vickers took the lead in announcing the suspension of loans, and then began a tearful sale to sell Austro-Hungarian bank assets in response to the credit crisis.

After receiving the news from Ferdinand in Bulgaria, Wu Yuan knew that it was almost time to close the net. The financial crisis in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was caused by the lack of confidence in the bank caused by the economic crisis, which was suddenly detonated by the opportunity of Fohu.

I waited for the Austro-Hungarian government to respond. The crisis of joining the Salvation will almost pass. Besides, it is impossible for Germany to watch the Austro-Hungarian financial collapse. The economic ties between Germany and Austria are very tight. Unless they feel that the German economic crisis is not big enough, they must save Austria-Hungary.