Chapter 84: Acquisition

Since the Austro-Hungarian Bank was crying for a big sale, Ferdinand had planned for so long, how could he not rob him?

斐 Under Ferdinand's advice, Ferrantz proposed to the Austrian-Hungarian Bank the intention to acquire the Bulgarian branch.

No surprise, Vickers only hesitated for a few minutes before deciding to sell. It is time to save yourself first, as to whether it will reduce the influence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Bulgaria and not offend the Austro-Hungarian government, and now it does not care so much.

The current situation has exceeded Ferdinand's most optimistic estimate. It is completely good. Many of the coveted industries in the Austro-Hungarian Empire can now be started.

This economic crisis, the gang of bankers are full of food and still stunned. Of course, it is not obvious now. In the economic crisis, many assets have depreciated. Once the situation returns to normal, the situation will change.

Now that the financial crisis has erupted, the Austro-Hungarian Bank began to cry and sell, and other banks could not help it.

At the moment of life and death, who cares whether it is a loss or whether it is important to let go early. Raise funds first, get rid of the financial crisis, keep the core industry-banks, and then discuss future development.

Everyone knows that the more this kind of time, the cheaper it will be, but the long line in front of the bank will not be able to wait for the rice!

Ferdinand, who is cautious, knows that "being the head of a gun", in order to become the target of public criticism, his vests have been dispatched. No matter how much, buy the high-quality assets first, and you can run it yourself in the future. Make a fortune.

Now that the Austrian-Hungarian bank is in short supply of cash, after being reported to Wix for approval, Ferrantz's negotiations are progressing smoothly, and it took only three days to finalize it.

Although the valuation of the Bulgarian branch of the Austro-Hungarian Bank is very different, the Austro-Hungarian bank's own valuation is 150 million levs, and Franz's valuation is only 50 million levs. The same offer is only 50 million, and the counter-offer is declined.

条件 This condition is already too much, but now the Austro-Hungarian Bank can't afford it because the Bulgarian branch also has a long queue for withdrawals. The branch's inventory funds can only support up to two days.

I can't blame Ferdinand despicable, if in this age if no means is used, it is a fool. If it wasn't for the haste of the Austro-Hungarian Bank, the other party directly transferred its branches to other powers, and Ferdinand would not go out for 50 million, which would directly bankrupt the other party in the run.

After talking for a day without success, the head of the Austrian-Hungarian Bank Bulgaria branch directly reported the situation to Vickers.

斐 More than Ferdinand was robbed in the fire. The assets of the Austrian-Hungarian Bank in many places have been underestimated. No matter how good the relationship is, everyone is able to kill one knife at a time, without giving mercy to his men.

In the past few days, Vickers didn't know how many things had been smashed, and his office had been changed several times.

He bit his teeth hard and greeted Ferdinand's family and even his ancestors in his heart, and finally decided to sell it unwillingly.

It's not that Vicks couldn't find a buyer, and both German and British banks are interested in the asset.

But the Bulgarian branch of the Austrian-Hungarian Bank cannot support it. In order to ensure that the acquisition can be carried out smoothly, the Bulgarian branches of several other foreign banks have also fallen into large or small runs, and everyone dare not act lightly.

No doubt, who can dare to engage in such unscrupulous things in Bulgaria, except Ferdinand?

Once the Austro-Hungarian Bank is run on bankruptcy in Bulgaria, don't doubt that the Bulgarian government will definitely let it go bankrupt and liquidate. I'm afraid the Austro-Hungarian bank will lose its money.

If before, Vickers could also use pressure from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to make Bulgaria dare not to act rashly, but after the alliance between Russia and Bulgaria, all this has changed. Needless to say, the poor relationship between Austria and Hungary?

This is now, the international situation is so, Ferdinand paid for the rules. If the two major groups are in opposition after 20 years, he can swallow them directly.

Then I would like to say that Ferdinand is very clear about the Austrian-Hungarian bank's home in Bulgaria. Signing the contract, Ferdinand paid quickly and immediately sent someone to take over the Austrian-Hungarian bank's assets in Bulgaria.

In fact, in order to complete the acquisition, Ferdinand began to raise funds long before the economic crisis. At 50 million levs and 20 million pounds, it felt like a huge sum at the time.

Even after Ferdinand crossed, he has been working hard to make money, and only affect half of it without affecting other industries.

Of course, no money is a loan. Ferdinand has collateral, and the ability to repay is obvious to all. Good quality customers.

Then Ferdinand began to lend, loan, and loan, and lent more than 20 million pounds from major European banks. Obviously Ferdinand is going to play once, and this is also the Austrian-Hungarian Bank. I don't know if Vicks will be furious after knowing the news.

For this reason, Ferdinand now repays more than 1.2 million pounds of interest each year. However, this business is still a big profit, and the debt of the Bulgarian government just transferred from the Austrian-Hungarian Bank is enough to recover the cost.

The Bulgarian government owed a total of more than 58 million levs to the Austrian-Hungarian Bank.

的 The interest to be paid each year is more than 4 million levs, or about 1.8 million pounds.

At the first hands-on effort, Ferdinand added nearly 600,000 pounds of income each year. Needless to say, the other Austrian-Hungarian banks' assets in Bulgaria are definitely astronomical.

In fact, the Austro-Hungarian bank 's previous valuation of 150 million levs is not baseless. In addition to government loans, it also holds more than half of Bulgaria 's minerals. Although Bulgaria 's mineral resources are barren, they do not add up Small numbers.

Looking at the list of statistics, Ferdinand said with emotion: "Sure enough, he still robbed the fire and got rich quickly! The Austro-Hungarian Bank is also really amazing. Such a large loan was swallowed by their family. So much investment overseas, it will be a matter of time before problems arise! "

If Vicks knows Ferdinand's thoughts, he will definitely scream. The operation of Austro-Hungarian Bank has always been very good. If it wasn't for you, you would get blood mold!

After this huge acquisition was completed, Ferdinand, proud of the spring equinox, made another decision to establish the Royal Bank of Bulgaria.

The Austrian-Hungarian Bulgaria Branch that was just acquired was merged into it, and the old but powerful Karl steward became the first president.

Well, Ferdinand's habit of opening vests broke out again. The bank that had previously been commissioned by Ferrantz to become a vest industry was named: Bulgarian Construction Bank.

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Chen Yu passed through and became a poor and impoverished military household in the late Ming Dynasty. Started the counterattack journey of life! !!