Chapter 89: Election 2

After all, smart people like Charles who can see through the essence are still few. Many people also dream of being able to counterattack by general elections and lead Bulgaria back to the bright road of freedom.

The Bulgarian New Liberal Party is one of the best. This new party, born out of the Liberal Party, basically inherits most of the Liberal Party.

I was badly scolded by the people and forced to change a vest. Although most Bulgarians couldn't tell the difference between the two, they still scolded.

The current party leader Kashton Ivanov, who was originally a competitor of Stam-Bolov, has been suppressed before. It was not until the fall of Stam that he was pushed out as a life-saving straw by the misty Liberals.

Although Cashton lost to Stam in the previous power struggle, his influence in the Liberal Party is almost the same. So after he took power, he quickly stabilized the Liberal Party. Except for some of Stam's irons leaving, everyone else basically stayed.

Although the Liszt fell, the Liberal Party was notorious, but it was still the largest party in Bulgaria compared to several other virulent governments.

He was very supportive of Ferdinand's downfall, but cast aside the Liberal Party and set up a temporary cabinet alone, which was 10,000 dissatisfaction.

However, because the Liberals were already unable to protect themselves at that time, there were major factions opposing each other, and a large number of hostile parties were jealous. Cashton also did not have the energy to cause trouble for Ferdinand. When he had resolved the internal contradictions, he would have to tear up with other political forces. The troubles have not yet been resolved.

的 The struggle between Bulgarian political parties has exacerbated the weakening of political power. The Liberal Party had forged fierce hatred with other parties during the time of Stam, and there was no room for relaxation on both sides.

I know in my eyes that if the major political parties continue to fight like this, everyone will be finished sooner or later. Cushton has repeatedly discussed secretly with other party leaders in an attempt to ease the conflict.

But the Liberals are willing to negotiate, but other parties are unwilling. Even if the party leader can relax the relationship for the sake of the overall situation, the people below will not agree!

Especially, some relatives and friends lost their lives during the Stam period. The blood and deep hatred cannot be resolved in a few words. Since the Stam cabinet is now exiled abroad, it is not wrong to count this account on the Liberal Party.

After fighting each other for several years, everyone was very hurt, and Ferdinand introduced a series of bills restricting the development of political parties, which is even more difficult.

At present, all major Bulgarian party forces can be said to have no more than ten, even the largest party in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian New Liberal Party, has less than 3,000 members.

Compared with other parties, the New Liberal Party maintains sufficient advantages in both numbers and influence.

For the so-called authorities, in accordance with Bulgarian practice, the largest party that won the parliamentary election and won the dominant seat will be ordered to form a cabinet.

However, it is clear that there will be an exception this time. The parties that have won the previous elections have not less than 50% of seats in Congress. Of course, it is logical to form a cabinet.

内部 At the internal meeting of the New Liberal Party, Cashton is now giving a cheerful speech: "Sirs, we have waited for a long time! The opportunity to win this election and we will return to the center of Bulgaria again!"

Uh ...

The meeting ended in cheers from the New Liberals, as if they had won, and even the outline for future development was ready.

No matter what everyone thinks, Bulgaria's parliamentary elections are still underway. For the successful completion of this election, Ferdinand invited Bulgaria's major media to participate in the supervision, and set up a total of 68 election sites in major constituencies across the country.

The election started smoothly, this time all anonymous votes were taken. Eligible voters write their candidates in written notes and put them in designated boxes.

After the voting was completed, it was opened on the spot under the eyes of the public. Local elders with high morals were invited to take charge of singing and registering to ensure fairness and fairness as much as possible.

Is Jeff Ferdinand's martial arts so high? Of course it does not exist, and he is not a fighter for freedom and democracy. In order to reduce as much as possible the political parties who may cause him trouble in the future, the pre-election government also announced the resumes of the candidates.

All of them have real evidence, and they use real conspiracy. They are all equal and can't say anything. In addition to the introduction of the individual's basic information, it also includes the social group activities that they have participated in, and what contributions they have made to the country, etc. It seems clear at a glance.

On the surface, it is fair and fair, but the party members are crying. They are both from the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. Although the vests are now changed, the impression that the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party leave is too deep At first glance, they hated their teeth, and voted for the opponent without hesitation.

Not only are political party people being hit, many democrats have not benefited. The main contribution is to the country, which basically is to help people canvass. If there is no subjective tendency, everyone will naturally vote for people who have contributed to society.

These are tangible contributions that can be widely recognized by the society. Like the usual comment on the world, ancient and modern, these controversial and uncertain can only be recorded in the resume, and suddenly it seems that their role for this country Not as good as an ordinary worker.

The sudden attack by Jeff Ferdinand has caught many people off guard, but it has made it impossible for them to directly oppose it. It is completely open and transparent.

Cashton is in a bad mood right now. In his opinion, Ferdinand is a typical demolition bridge crossing the river, although it has been once before.

Under the circumstances at that time, after all, Ferdinand did not completely kill, but only expelled Stam's cabinet. He understood that despite his position.

Including the previous, the psychiatric determination of the members of Stam's Cabinet, Carterton fully supported. Of course, these must be true, otherwise how can the Liberal Party retreat.

不用 The results of the election don't need to be seen. Kashidun knows that he is out. Is the cemetery killed by the people outside Sofia? No matter how hard he worked before and how he was respected, the Sofia people who had experienced white terror couldn't possibly support a core figure of the former Liberal Party.

In the 19th century, behind the transmission of information, Cashton, who had failed to compete for power within the party, had not had the opportunity to enter the political arena, knowing that his ordinary people were really few. If it is customary, who will reveal the old man?