Chapter 90: Election

No matter what Kaston thinks, on October 28, 1892, the Bulgarian election came to a successful conclusion. Of course, the impact is also far-reaching, marking the end of partisan politics prevailing in Bulgaria.

Jeff Ferdinand knows that this is only a short time, and in the long run political parties will still be on the stage of history. In fact, this is also a helpless move. At present, if Ferdinand secretly forms a political party, it can be said to be easy, but what are the consequences? ?

Constantine's coming into power has been determined. At present Bulgaria has not been able to compete with him. If there is another party's support, this will definitely affect Ferdinand's authority.

Jeff Ferdinand had no plans to cultivate a competitor. He did not dare to underestimate such historical figures. There is no bottom line in politics. If he accidentally gets overturned, he will have no time to cry.

Jeff Ferdinand didn't want to test people's hearts. The best way was to not give them a chance. Political parties and monarchies are naturally contradictory, and constitutional monarchy is fairly good. If it is not a direct republic, Ferdinand will be too late to cry.

Come and forget once and for all, at least under the influence of Ferdinand. This generation of Bulgarians is not cold about political parties. Without the support of the people, do you want to grow bigger?

I waited for the people to forget all this, and Ferdinand had already become the trend. Just like Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom now, prestige has become popular. Even if the monarchy is constitutional, she has begun to alienate politics and still control the direction of Britain.

It 's cool for everyone to be happy, and the overall situation is set. This congressional election is conducted entirely in accordance with Ferdinand 's will. In addition, he has secretly controlled half of the votes, and he really did not expect the possibility of losing. Now Ferdinand is back to normal, enjoying the beautiful long legs in the royal palace leisurely.

At this time, Alice came in, handed in a document, and said slightly redly, "Prince, this is the result of this election. The list of members of parliament is here!"

Jeff Ferdinand reluctantly withdrew his thoughts, and the business matters, and the lessons of history tell him that Nicholas II is a role model if he acts recklessly.

Looking at a thin list, I also attached a thick stack of information at the back. Ferdinand just swept away. There were no accidents in this election. He had more than six floors of seats. There are very few party members, and no doubt women candidates have been eliminated. However, one of the episodes still aroused his interest.

Under normal circumstances, there will be winners anyway. Even if the number of votes is the same, another round can be made, but an accident happened here. Ferdinand asked wonderingly, "Oh, what's going on? How could no one win in the Gabriel constituency? Did the candidates collectively draw their winds?"

Alice said playfully: "The Grand Duke, these issues are listed below for detailed reasons. The candidates for this constituency are former Liberals, and the local people are very dissatisfied after they know. A total of more than 3,000 people voted, the highest votes Kaki-Ivanov did not exceed 30 cards. All the candidates combined had no 3% of the votes. The other people filled in the content are very interesting, you can check it out. "

Jeff Ferdinand turned back a few pages and stopped on page 16. The content inside caught his attention, and the voters filled it out very interesting.

It is indeed the people who believe in God. The highest rate of votes is: "God", occupying 48%; followed by "request to dismiss several candidates for election qualifications", accounting for 3%. sixteen.

Also attached various reasons, normal reasons such as: previously hidden identity information, moral problems; strange reasons such as: too ugly to represent me, suspected that they are censors suggested by foreign spies, they are the incarnation of the devil ...

得 I could not see Ferdinand crying or laughing. I can imagine the expressions of several candidates at the time when they heard these reasons at the scene, it must be very exciting!

It is inevitable that no one is elected. Even the unlucky one, Kaki Ivanlov, is really embarrassed to announce that he is the winner!

Otherwise, he is the shortest elected member of parliament in the history of Bulgaria. It is estimated that the voters at the scene do not mind exercising their right once again-to remove members.

Even so, they will become the laughingstock of history, and they will become world-class celebrities. As a negative example, they will educate posterity-politics is not something everyone can play.

The rest of the people filled in a variety of content, including their own names, some of the heroes in Bulgarian history, as well as the king of Ferdinand, and some of the international characters.

They expressed their dissatisfaction with the candidates in various ways. The moderator was still very clever. As soon as the statistical results came out, no one was elected and the people with the highest votes were not elected in accordance with the regulations people.

By the way, I also asked the candidates on the spot, without thinking about their mood at all. Needless to say how embarrassing the scene is, anyway, the voters are satisfied and not despised. I would like to leave the position of the parliament member vacant first and fully exercise the right to be the master of the house once.

After this incident spread, it still had a very profound impact. Since then, "candidates" have been boycotted in elections around the world, including the presidential elections of the later European conspirators, and the candidates have been rejected by citizens.

No doubt, the Bulgarian party forces in this election have been hit hard again. The resistance of the people exceeded their imagination, and the total of 13 parliamentary seats won by the 13 political parties was only less than 5%.

I can say that for a long time in the future, they will only continue to linger, and their political influence will be at its lowest point. A new wave of withdrawal from the party has begun, and under the bombardment of relatives and friends, one by one, the **** youths left sadly.

结果 In addition to hurting political parties, the results of this election have also been coldly treated internationally. The British, the Germans, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire were all injured. In order to interrupt Bulgaria's pro-Russian trend, they tried to influence Bulgaria's future national policy through this election. For this election, they also launched their own influence to help canvass, even though the results were so miserable.

最 The most contested women's right to run in this election was met with unanimous opposition from conservatives. Well, there is no support from the new people. It can be said that Ferdinand is a lone fighter this time.

Ferdinand should be fortunate that no female MPs were born in this election, everyone just used it as a chat room after the tea room. Otherwise, the old masters may have come to the gate of Sofia's palace to petition now.