Chapter 97: Crash Course for Military Cadres

Ferdinand returned to Sofia in February 1893. He spent more than two months in St. Petersburg like a year. The biggest gain was an extra fiancee and a brief march map.

I returned to Sofia and saw the sketch of the Guards painting, Ferdinand suddenly responded, missed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Fortunately, there is still a chance next time. Ferdinand has already made up his mind, and the follow-up activities must be vigorous. It is best to dispatch tens of thousands of troops together. So you can't miss the opportunity to understand Russia with a fair and bright light.

In order to draw a detailed map of the Balkans, the intelligence organizations did their best to steal the military maps of various countries and modify them. Even so, it took only half a year to complete.

Not to mention the vastness of Russia. It is difficult to draw detailed maps. It is much simpler to go directly to the army. The geographical terrain is clear at a glance.

As soon as the news of Jeff Ferdinand's engagement spread, the Bulgarian media became lively. Various entertainment gossips are emerging endlessly, and they are divided into several factions. There are pro-Mei chasing horses, love theories at first sight, and ...

For this reason, the News Administration also sent a telegram to St. Petersburg, asking Ferdinand whether to ban such news. Considering the terrible nature of entertainment gossip, Ferdinand approved it decisively. This kind of news is definitely spreading faster and faster, it is better to let the newspapers write it, anyway, they dare not touch the black.

Do not think that "seeing the excitement is not too big" is our patent, in fact, foreign entertainment gossip is not too much.

Thanks to Ferdinand's good reputation, the Bulgarian people are also very concerned about his life-long events, and he is very happy to hear such news. Many people have speculated based on their own understanding, and have derived many versions of the story.

Later generations have also collected these stories, compiling a "Love Story that Grand Duchess Ferdinand and Grand Duchess of Senia have to tell". After entering the 21st century, it has been adapted many times into movies and TV series.

Ferdinand doesn't know the future, but the current problem is enough to depress him. Does the "love story" have anything to do with him? He and Princess Shenia had a fart story, even if he had met before, it was his predecessor. Anyway, after the crossing, it was the first time the two met in St. Petersburg. Love at first sight may exist, but it has nothing to do with him.

Princess Shenia is indeed a beauty. If it is a previous life, Ferdinand is desperate. Regardless of his affection or not, a beautiful wife is enough. But now, the aristocratic life of the drunken and infatuated gold, Ferdinand has become more pretentious.

If you can, Ferdinand hopes to be single all the time! Think of the Yingying Yanyan in the palace now, he is completely free to do whatever he wants. Whether it's day prostitution or big sleep, Ferdinand's favorite. Now all this degenerate life must leave him, at least in the palace his behavior must be restrained.

Princess Shenia, as the daughter of Alexander III, such a heavenly girl, has no pride to know, she has her own pride! Under the western monogamous tradition, coupled with the emerging feminism, it is already tolerant that Ferdinand can tolerate going out to find a lover. Dare to mess around in the palace, God knows what will happen? Anyway, Ferdinand didn't want to try, at least before the demise of the Russian Empire, he had to converge.

When thinking of the futuristic **** life, Ferdinand decided to hurry up and enjoy the good life. The beautiful girls are struggling to wave their dancing poses, and their brushed white legs are shaking in front of Ferdinand, one by one winking at him constantly ...

Biffinan couldn't help it, got up and rushed down, grabbed a beautiful girl who was happy, quickly ran out, and a battle began ...

A happy life is always short. Numerous cases have taught Ferdinand. If you don't want to follow in the footsteps of the history of the original owner, then work hard!

I left for more than two months. Although most of the government affairs are done by the cabinet, there are still many things that Ferdinand needs to make decisions in person, and nothing can be telegraphed.

At least the information submitted by the Military Commission is a top-secret file. Even Ferdinand, even Prime Minister Constantine, has no right to ask questions.

Now Ferdinand summoned the chief of staff Petrov in the palace: "Colonel Petrov, why is the process of military reform so slow?"

Petrov said in embarrassment: "Her Majesty, we lack enough officers now! Since the reorganization of the army, each serving officer has been assigned two additional positions, and the army has almost doubled in size. Our officer demand is equivalent. Yu Ping has increased five times, greatly exceeding our reserves! The grassroots company-level platoon officers are okay. We can promote some veterans with outstanding capabilities to make up most of the staff. However, middle- and senior-level officers must ensure the quality Next, we really can't get so many officers! "

Jeff Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction, affirming the pragmatic attitude of the military. In history, the combat effectiveness of the Bulgarian army was the highest in the Balkans It is known as the "Prussian Balkans". It was even more brilliant in World War I and attracted worldwide attention. It has nothing to do with the current military's lack of indulgence and pragmatic attitude.

"Well, you would rather be short, you did a good job! So have you considered sending some outstanding soldiers to military schools for short-term training to make up for the shortage of grass-roots officers? It is also possible to send some officers with insufficient capabilities to the military school to continue their studies Improve tactical capabilities over time? "Ferdinand asked in a proposing manner.

Jeff Ferdinand has always pursued professional matters and handed them over to professionals. There is no doubt that he is ignorant of the military. If the military information on Baidu is reliable, he can barely be regarded as an expert.

Although this temporary training mechanism for officers has proven to be very effective in the past, the cultures between the East and the West are very different. It is difficult to say whether Bulgaria can work in this time and space!

Petrov pondered for a moment and was very distressed to answer Ferdinand's words: "My Excellency, I am sorry! I am afraid I cannot answer this question. We have no experience in this area, and no one is sure how effective it will be! But I personally think your proposal is constructive and worth trying! "

Jeff Ferdinand nodded dejectedly. The German Army has always been the object of the Bulgarian military's study. Now even the officers' approach is approaching them unknowingly. Whether this change is good or bad, Ferdinand is not clear. History proves that it works well. Just let it go!

"Then pilot it first! Let the military academy specially set up a short-term training class, choose a group of people to try it, if the effect is good, promote the whole army, or cancel it!"