Chapter 98: , 188,933

1893 was a turbulent year. On January 17th, the last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Queen Lili Lili Ookalani, tried to amend the constitution, but a coup drew from it. In this coup, Hawaii The kingdom was eventually overthrown.

What is worth mentioning is that after the coup d '美国 at, US troops quickly landed in Hawaii, making the coup d'état a success. After the coup, the queen was placed under house arrest in the Irany Palace, Hawaii's monarchy was replaced by the interim government of the rebels, Hawaii entered the Republic period, and eventually became part of American territory in 1898.

100 100 years after the coup d ', at, the U.S. Congress passed a public international law 103-105, also known as the "apology resolution", which publicly apologized for the US government's participation in supporting the coup in the Kingdom of Hawaii. This resolution was signed by US President Bill Clinton on November 23, 1993.

The demise of the Kingdom of Hawaii marks the United States' unwillingness and loneliness, setting off a horn of expansion into the Pacific Ocean, and also laying a hidden danger for future US-Japan contradictions.

英国 Britain announced the establishment of the "Nigerian Coastal Protectorate" in 1893. In the same year, France occupied the neighboring Dahomey region. The British "Royal Niger Company" had a fierce conflict with France ~ on the western border of Nigeria. This time the Niger crisis, Britain and France almost went to war. The conflict continued until 1898, when the two countries signed an agreement to divide West Africa.

In the same year, the crisis in Britain, Germany, and South Africa broke out. In order to prevent Britain from acquiring the entire South Africa and annexing the two Boer republics, German capitalists built the railway from Billetua to today's Maputo with the support of the government in 1893.

The Boer Republic gained access to the Indian Ocean, freed its dependence on British ports, Germany controlled most of the Boer trade, and the conflict between Britain and Germany in South Africa intensified.

Uh ...

These important international events have little impact on Bulgaria in a short time, but it is important to study international relations. Ferdinand has maintained a good habit of collecting information, and a copy was sent to important members of the military and political circles to help them broaden their horizons.

经济 The economic crisis broke out in 1893. The United States, which was far away in the Pacific Ocean, suffered ravages this time. The aftermath of the over-investment in railways caused the railway bubble to burst, triggering a comprehensive economic crisis.

传说 The legend of the American railway crisis has aroused the attention of all circles in Bulgaria. Bulgaria's large railway plan has also caused widespread concern in all walks of life and people's hearts. In order to stabilize the people's hearts, Ferdinand circulated articles in Bulgaria's major newspapers.

The obituary pointed out the cause and effect of the outbreak of the American railway crisis, and emphasized that "repetitive construction, vicious competition" is the core of this crisis. There is a lot of evidence that the Bulgarian railway plan is feasible, and the government has publicly announced that it will not approve the construction of multiple railways on the same line to avoid vicious competition.

1893 was a crucial year for Bulgaria. On August 15, the first steel plant in Bulgaria, the Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen Steel Plant, was formally put into operation, with a daily output of 525 tons of steel, including 105 tons of steel and 420 tons of iron. (Note: 19th century steel plant equipment maintenance takes a lot of time, can not guarantee production every day)

The launch of Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen marked a new page for Bulgaria's heavy industry. The Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen Steel Plant was not only the largest steel plant in Bulgaria at the time, but also ranked in the top 30 even in the world.

Thanks to Bulgaria's large railway plan, Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen Steel Plant can enjoy full production without worrying about sales in the short term.

保加利亚 Because Bulgaria lacks coking coal for steelmaking, it needs to import from Ukraine, which raises the cost of steel mills. Compared with the current price of steel in the international market, it is not competitive, but the Bulgarian government still chooses to support domestic production.

In fact, as soon as the Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen Steel Plant was put into production, Ferdinand stopped importing steel abroad, even if it was cheap during the economic crisis. (After the economic crisis broke out, international steel prices fell by a third)

Jeff Ferdinand is very aware of the importance of steel to a country. Even if the Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen Steel Plant is not competitive in the short term, and even loses money, it must be continued.

Well, with the establishment of the Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen Steel Plant, Ferdinand made another small and medium profit. The machinery factory that has been transformed into a spare part has finally obtained a long-lost large order. Although the product profit is not huge, the later equipment maintenance is the big head. Anyway, now only Bulgaria and the entire Balkans have this technology.

The newly established Royal Bank ushered in its first business and found a market for its iron ore. Despite the supply of cabbage, there are additional conditions. Mercedes-Benz Volkswagen's financial business was underwritten by Royal Bank, which is a cost-effective business in any way.

Recently, the good news in Bulgaria has continued, and the full completion of the "One Five-Year Plan" has begun to bring benefits.

For example, the improvement of transportation has caused Bulgaria's logistics cost to drop sharply, accelerated commodity transactions and promoted economic development. According to statistics from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, in the first half of 1893, Bulgaria's economic growth rate was 13% compared to 1892.

如 Another example is the promotion of new agricultural technologies, and farmers' incomes have increased significantly. In this era, there were not many recreational activities in the countryside. Natural life began to create people, and new babies were born one after another. According to expert estimates, the number of newborn babies in Bulgaria in 1893 was as high as 185,000 to 191,000, and the birth rate continued to remain at a high level, about 4.725% to 4.775%.

Uh ...

的 In the high summer of 1893, Sofia's sky was extremely hot. The sun was like fire, and the earth was like a steamer. The heat was breathless.

On August 18, Ferdinand hurriedly got into the carriage facing the rising sun, and hurried out of the door, trying to avoid the thick sun.

Today is a big day. Bulgaria's first college student is going to graduate. How can Ferdinand, the school's principal, be absent?

Ferdinand is in a bad mood right now, God seems to want to be right with him. Today's weather is extremely hot, and it can be said to be the hottest day since summer.

Although the carriage has ice cubes made by soil to cool down, how can Ferdinand be an enthusiast? I thought the weather in the morning should not be hot. In order to show the spirit of suffering with the soldiers, I decisively retreated before leaving .

Then he regretted it now. The summer sky really couldn't use common sense to cope with it. The weather was fine before going out, and now it suddenly became sultry. Ferdinand, who wants to cry without tears, is now knocking her teeth and swallowing her belly, just hoping to reach her destination sooner.

The journey did not change with Ferdinand's expectations. It lasted for more than three hours before the squadron slowly entered the Bulgarian university. At this time, Ferdinand was sweating.

He stepped off the carriage and looked at the school teachers and students who had been waiting for a long time under the scorching sun. Ferdinand was in a better mood. Finally, he did not suffer alone. As for the soldier's decisive disregard by Ferdinand, compared with the usual training situation, the hurried hours in the hot sun are all pediatrics.

With the warm welcome of all the teachers and students, Ferdinand stepped onto the podium and began a passionate speech under the strong sun.

"Good morning, classmates and teachers, I am very happy to meet you here today! You are all elites of the country and the hope of the nation!

Today, we stand here! Stand on Bulgarian land! Stand in Sofia, the land our ancestors watered with blood and dignity!

Open our history book. For thousands of years, we have too much glorious history, and it is worth going to a big book!

now what? ? ?

A small country in the Balkans! !!

Maybe someone will say will find a lot of objective reasons! !!

Today I want to tell everyone that it's all shit! !!

Why is Bulgaria weak in modern times? ?

Simply put, it means that there are more people speaking and fewer officers! !! !! A big theorist who talks a lot, in fact, the contribution to this country is not as good as an ordinary worker or a hard-working farmer! !!

有些 In modern times, some people of insight have sought the way of European powers. But I want to say that they are all wrong! !!

的 The reason that restricts Bulgaria's strength is very simple. It is not thought or system! !! In fact, we all know that there are only two core issues: one is resources; the other is population!

Looking at the world's major powers, all of these conditions are met! !! Many people dare not face this issue, why? ? ?

Hey are they incompetent? ? Didn't find these problems? ? of course not! !! !!

'Talk to the wrong country, do hard work and prosper the state', do n't have any hope for a group of guns! !! They are not what this country wants, you are! !!

Behind us are four million Bulgarians, and their hard work has nurtured us! !!

What for? ?

Dignity! A person's living dignity! !!

In order to be among the nations of the world, we can proudly say: Bulgaria has risen! !!

Identify the problem, face it, and find a way to solve it! !! !! A strong country does not happen overnight. We can't do it in ten years. What about twenty years? ? It still does n't work, it does n't matter that we can continue to work hard. Fifty years later, one hundred years later, one day we can complete the great rejuvenation of our country and nation ...