Chapter 99: Quiet military education

After finishing loading at Bulgarian University, Jeff Ferdinand personally awarded graduation certificates to more than 400 students at the scene, and then returned to the palace after having dinner with the school's teachers and students in the cafeteria.

After a busy day, Ferdinand had no time to rest, and the Minister of Education Chekov ran over sweating.

Jeff Ferdinand asked in confusion: "Chekov, what is so urgent?"

"My Excellency, I apologize for interrupting your rest !!! We are in trouble regarding the arrangement of college graduates!" Chekov wiped his sweat and said

After hearing this, Ferdinand was even more puzzled. You must know that the quality of this year's college graduates is very good, and they are all majors in science and engineering. They are scarce talents. It is not easy to set up employment! So he asked, "What's the trouble?"

Chekov looked at Ferdinand, and said in a bit embarrassed, "My Excellency, this is an underestimation. Regarding the arrangements for college students, they are carried out in accordance with returned students. We have also conducted related surveys before, according to their The willingness was adjusted. But just now the school sent us new applications for students. Many people gave up their original administrative positions, hoping to go to the front line to do technical work! "

After listening to Chekov's explanation, Ferdinand knew the cause and effect. Mostly, his speech today stimulated these young students. As soon as his mind became hot, he decided to join the tide of national construction. At the same time, he was even more confused, "This is a good thing! Haven't we been advocating?"

这个 "This ~ is mainly because we didn't expect such a change, and we can't take out so many suitable positions for a while!" Chekov said eloquently.

"Oh! I see, this is really troublesome, let me think about it!" Ferdinand said with a headache

If it is normal, this is only a small trouble. Some people will be resettled first, and some people will be resettled for a few months. The problem now is that Ferdinand just installed a push today. In the face of the school's teachers and students, he explicitly promised that everyone will be employed together and cannot be beaten!

This is why Chekov hurriedly came here. In fact, this year's college students were in demand, and many departments were working on ideas. They were not enough points. The list of job placements was already established and sent to schools. Due to Ferdinand's reasons, many of the previous arrangements were abolished.

Ferdinand lingered back and forth, and after a moment of work, he suddenly flashed, uncertainly saying, "Isn't the reserve plan started! Just organize them and train for three months, how about it?"

Chekov said cautiously: "Okay! There is a buffer of three months, which is enough for us to deal with the next things! And now that the national reserve has started, they will also participate in training sooner or later, no one can say anything!"

斐 Ferdinand's turn was dumbfounded this time, and he did not expect this unreliable proposal, and Chekov would also support it. A reasonable excuse was also found. Does Bulgaria's reserve plan include these college students? Obviously, as long as Ferdinand is not an idiot, it is impossible to send them to the battlefield as cannon fodder. This is his fate! !!

I thought about it, Ferdinand decided to do just that! After that, all the students graduated from basic training for three months. That is to exercise their bodies and hone their willpower, kill two birds with one stone!

"Then it will be popularized. From elementary school to university, all students must have at least one month of military training each year, plus three months after graduation! For patriotic education, we need to increase class hours. The Hungarian experts have prepared it, let 's take a look! "Ferdinand made a decision with a big wave.

The startled Chekov was stunned, and after a while he reacted, nodding his head stupidly.

Then the Bulgarian students fell out of blood mold, and what used to be a happy holiday has now become a painful training. Ferdinand is also known for improving the comprehensive quality of students, which is actually a complete militaristic education.

However, in the 19th century, militarism was not infamous, especially in the Balkans. There are some militarism in all countries.

Patriotism education, not to mention, at that time, loyalty and patriotism were almost one. Ferdinand's private goods were not faulty on the bright side!

的 Students of this age do not have the spoiled children of later generations. There are not many families, and no educator has shouted for them. Without holidays, wouldn't there be more study time and no increase in tuition fees? What a good thing, parents would not care about their opinions!

Jeff Ferdinand knew that since the electricity age had not yet fully entered, the tasks of Bulgarian students were not very heavy, and at least the self-study in the future would not have been done. There is not as much to learn as later generations. Shenma pianos, paintings, dances, etc. are still the patents of nobles.

If cost is not taken into consideration, Ferdinand really does not mind, and moved his current schedule to Bulgaria. After thinking about it, Ferdinand still gave up. Electricity in this era is not cheap! The annual electricity bill of the Bulgarian University alone has caused the Ministry of Education to suffer, and it only supplies power to classrooms, laboratories, and offices. Other dormitories and cafeterias are sorry. Bulgaria is not so proud. UU Reading Books

Even then, Bulgarian students were the hardest in the world. Starting from the "Two Five-Year Plan", the weekend was changed to single holiday. Winter and summer vacations did not exist. The longest Christmas holiday was only three days.

The concept of the education industry is "quality is not enough, just use time to make up!" Anyway, more effort will always be effective, and it has proven to be very effective. In the past two years, the graduation rate of elementary and middle school students has greatly increased.

末 At the end of the 19th century, the living standards of Europeans mostly lived on black bread. They did not necessarily eat meat several times a year, and it was good to be able to eat enough food. Bulgaria has developed well in recent years, and the improvement of people's living standards is limited to the fact that everyone can fill their stomachs, and there are more vegetables and fruits on the table, and occasionally they can eat meat once.

Jeff Ferdinand knew that if military training was carried out, many children of hardship would have nutritional problems. He also knew that the Ministry of Education had proposed food subsidies long ago, but due to financial difficulties, only some outstanding students could receive subsidies. So he asked, "Chekov, how much would it cost if we subsidized food for students throughout the country during military training?"

Chekov, who was still thinking about it, suddenly came over and thought, "His Excellency, there are more than 364,000 students in the country now. According to the one-month military training of the students, the graduates are three months. Military training calculates that with basic subsidies, the annual expenditure is about half a million levs. "

Just heard the number, and also surprised Ferdinand, thinking that it would be an astronomical figure, but the price quoted by Chekov was much smaller. Needless to say, Ferdinand also knows what is going on. Bulgaria itself is a food producing country, and the unit price of unified government procurement is much lower.