Chapter 114: Serbian rebellion

Ferdinand suddenly reacted after he knew it later. Wasn't the fast-fire gun of this period the famous "Miss France 75mm field gun"?

小姐 "Miss France" 75mm field gun, using anti recoil device, its rate of fire has been greatly increased, can reach 15 rounds / minute, it is considered to be the beginning of the fast-fire gun! !!

When watching "Bright Sword" in previous life, when he saw Li Yunlong attacking Ping'an County, Ferdinand was still wondering what the "Italian Cannon" was. I also checked the information specifically on the Internet, and found out that it was another name for "Miss France" after its introduction into the East, or its imitation! !!

What else do you say? The main artillery equipment of the French Army during World War I was still used in World War II. Needless to say, the performance of this artillery was absolutely leveraged at the time!

Of course, it was immediately funded, and then the arsenal began to work hard to solve the "Miss France". Ferdinand also tried to go to Europe to dig people in the major artillery production plants, and then made a breakthrough! !!

Received the good news from the arsenal, Ferdinand immediately ordered the arsenal to fully produce, and strive to produce ~ 500 "Bulgarian 75 field guns" within two years! !!

Well, Ferdinand has registered again. If it is not to maintain the firepower advantage in the next war, it must be kept secret. He also wants to earn a wave by selling technology!

The artillery artillery content is much higher than that of a rifle. Without design drawings, there would be no three or five years to imitate at the time. Wanting to achieve results is no less than a crazy dream! !!

Uh ...

"What ?? Production of five hundred 'Bulgarian Type 75 field guns' in two years?" Director Stoyan Mikhailovsky said in surprise.

怎么 "What ?? Is there a problem?" Petrov asked, puzzled.

Stoyan shook his head, in a slightly excited tone, and said with a slight reminder: "No, it just feels a bit too much! Mr. Chief of Staff, you must know that the cost of the 'Bulgarian Type 75 Field Gun' is not low! Is it necessary to produce 500 gates at a time?

I think that the current production capacity of our arsenal can only complete 12 gates per month, 500 gates in two years, and expand the production line! "

Chief of Staff Petrov nodded, expressing his acquiescence, and then added: "To Mr. Stoyan, the previous field gun production missions have been terminated from now on, focusing on the production of 'Bulgarian 75 Field guns' !!! "

"Mr. Chief of Staff, I admit that the" 75-type field gun "is indeed an inter-generational weapon, but although other field guns are a little slower, it is not all insignificant? Abandon them all, too Wasted, right? "Stoyan asked wonderingly.

"Of course, you heard it right! The future will certainly be the era of rapid-fire guns. Now it seems that these artillery can still be used, but it is destined to be eliminated in the future! If it is only a supplement, our active artillery is enough Come on! "Explained Petrov

"Well, good Mr. Chief of Staff, I see. In this case, we can increase the output of five gates per month. In this case, two more artillery production lines will be enough!" Stoyan thought and said

"Oh, you are a professional in this area, we all listen to you, and I ask you to make a budget report as soon as possible! By the way, ammunition production must be considered, and the basic consumption of these five hundred artillery must be met!" Peter Rove added

"Okay, I'll get it, you can see the budget within three days !!!" Stoyan shrugged and said

Uh ...

The sunshine in April was warm and enchanting. A man was lying quietly on the green lawn and basking his head, freely enjoying the vitality in the sun and enjoying a leisurely moment.

There is also a coffee table next to the urn, with a set of ceramic tea set on it, which is fragrant Longjing. There was also a beautiful young woman holding a cup of fragrant tea in her hand, sitting quietly on the grass, looking at the sky, and taking a small sip from time to time.

The scene looks so harmonious. This is the married Ferdinand couple, respectful and welcoming, bland and warm couple life! !!

Leisure time is always short, especially for a king with great power, things will come up at any time! !!

侍 A maid came over and said softly, "Prince, Mr. Fohu is here, something urgent!"

"Well, let him wait in the lounge! I'll be right there!" Ferdinand said helplessly

I glanced at my wife, Ferdinand reported with a wry smile, and I could not afford to miss the appointment again!

"Go and get busy, I'm used to it!" Shenia said with a smile

Think about being in the emperor's house, and your love is a luxury! As ruler of the Russian Empire, how could Alexander III have less work? ?

Jeff Ferdinand nodded and turned to leave! In rights and family, he did not hesitate to choose the right, who can not call him the Grand Duke of Bulgaria? ?

The Balkans are known for their European gunpowder barrels If you want to gain a foothold here, be vigilant at all times, war can happen at any time!

In this regard, Ferdinand's feelings are deeper, and history has told him to work hard! !! The shadow of the World War is always spurring him to lead Bulgaria forward!

Looking at the perspiring Fuhu, it is still spring now, Ferdinand asked in wonder: "Fuhu, so anxious, what happened?"

Hu Fu said in a panic, "Her Grand Duke, our people have an accident in Serbia!"

For a long period of emperor life, Ferdinand has already trained Tarzan's ability to change the top, without changing his face, and said, "Oh! Slowly, what happened?"

After Fhuhu calmed down as much as possible, he said, "Her Majesty, you know that our intelligence personnel in Serbia previously, there was a rebellion in Serbia soon!"

After Ferdinand nodded, he said, "I know this! I also ordered you to make Serbia as chaotic as possible. Didn't it go smoothly before? Is it that our potential personnel have been exposed and caught by Serbia! "

Verhu explained: "No, but it's almost the same! You know our people have also been involved in the rebellion and have a certain status in the rebels. Then we contacted the rebels and gave them back Provided some support!

According to inside information, the last time the weapons provided to the rebels were intercepted by government forces. Now the Serbian government is likely to have discovered our existence and even hold evidence of our participation! "

Jeff Ferdinand was shocked, pretending to be calm: "Don't worry, wasn't you ready to be discovered before? Anyway, with our relationship with Serbia, we don't care about this time!"