Chapter 115: Do you want to step in? ?

After listening to Ferdinand, Fohu also calmed down, anyway, the relationship between the two countries has always been this way, no matter how bad it can be? What about the evidence? Does Serbia dare to fight now? Fhuhu figured it out, and began to think about the next step.

"Her Majesty, what are we to do with the rebels in Serbia now? They are in a very bad situation! If we hadn't been paying for it, they would have been over!"

After thinking about it, Jeff Ferdinand said, "It's expected! They are a group of black people. They hadn't expected to be able to rely on them! They can fight guerrillas with government forces for such a long time, it is an unexpected joy!

Since it has been exposed, then you are doing something explicit, and the army is going to change clothes immediately. Replace those torn or sold or sent, and throw some to the rebels! "

Hu Fuhu said forcefully, "Yes! Grandpa, I know what to do next!"

Uh ...

斐 Ferdinand was not ready to look for Serbia's obscurity now. They have not completely gone out with the boss, Austria-Hungary. At this moment, it won't take much advantage!

"If you want to plant flowers, you can't bloom them.

Unexpectedly, under the butterfly effect, a small riot in the history of Serbia actually turned into a civil war!

It is normal to think about it. Serbia is already poor. It was beaten by Bulgaria a few years ago, and it has not recovered its vitality. It just happened to have a second and second king's confused cabinet! Seeing the expansion of Bulgaria, regardless of whether the finances could bear it, he stumbled to follow up, and then increased taxes without money!

Unfortunately, the economic crisis is here again! It was another disaster for Serbia. The people could not bear it. A Mars ignited! !!

It should have been suppressed very soon. Coincidentally, the Austria-Hungary financial crisis broke out again, the original loan was gone, and the government's lack of money delayed the rebellion time!

He happened to be followed by Ferdinand. Bulgaria, an international fighter, provided favorable support to the rebels. With the nurses, the rebels were not so easy to deal with! !!

Even if it is a group of black people, he can't hold his gun! They ca n't deal with the army on the right track. They are playing guerrilla wars and hiding cats. Everyone is afraid of them!

After all, the rebels are the representatives of the working masses, and the mass base is beyond doubt! The people who can't survive are their continuous new blood, so they are consumed with government forces.

I do n't have a great record. To kill a landlord today, to kill a noble tomorrow, and to break a small town the day after tomorrow is still indispensable!

Now is Serbia's weakest time, Ferdinand would not be willing to let this opportunity go!

If you can give him a ruthless reparation, at least for 20 years, you don't need to worry about Serbian threats!

Wandering around, Ferdinand decided to convene a military-political conference to see what kind of judgment the Bulgarian elites would make!

Uh ...

Jeff Ferdinand has a face, which is definitely not found in Serbia. The completion is that Serbia has destroyed free trade and seriously damaged Bulgaria's interests!

Uh ...

Han Khan, the opinions of the military are simply considered in the military, and the political and diplomatic influence is completely ignored. In summary, they are "to fight" and "revenge"! !!

I did n't know that I thought Bulgaria 's previous war was defeated, and was beaten to Sofia? ? Now we are going to rise up the soldiers in revenge for nine years of revenge! !!

Jeff Ferdinand resolutely chose to ignore, hate that thing and ca n't eat it as food, it is a good medicine when needed, and let it cool down when not needed! Anyway, it was n't Bulgaria that lost the last time. If you count the hatred value, Serbia is even bigger. Now it is Alexander I who wants revenge!

I set my sights on the government, the military attitude still played a role, at least gave them enough confidence!

Duchkov was the first to open his mouth. He has been a firm anti-Serbist after experiencing the Bulgarian War, but after entering the cabinet, he began to look at the issue in a comprehensive manner and gradually reduced his hatred.

He was rather gloating and mixed with an angry tone and said, "If it is just a Serbia, there is no pressure on us! Ever since they were defeated in the Pasir War in 1886, life has been difficult.

Before he could recover, he caught up with the economic crisis, and then the civil war broke out. Although the rebels have been suppressed and turmoil for two consecutive years, Serbia can now be said to be the weakest period!

'The poor and the poor in the country, the internal and external difficulties' is the best portrayal of Serbia! It is inversely proportional to our high-speed development. We have been far removed from our national strength! (Remarks: Bulgaria was overtaken by Serbia due to civil unrest before 1885, until the outbreak of the Bulgarian War, occupying an advantage. Serbia completed a counterattack by the Bulgarian army with weak victory and strong, interrupting the development of Serbia!)

关键 The key issue now is the attitude of the powers. At least the attitudes of Russia and Austria-Hungary are very important. At least they must get their acquiescence!

Otherwise, think of our army hitting Niš in 1886 If it were not for Austria-Hungary interference, Serbia would not exist! The result is that all our efforts are turned into water! "

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Jeff Ferdinand said, "No, we did not try our best to waste nothing. Although we didn't get the due spoils, but we hit the aggressors hard? Serbia hasn't slowed down till now. This is the biggest gain!

Everyone still considers from the perspective of political diplomacy, we will weigh the pros and cons of Serbia in a comprehensive manner and make the most powerful decision! Everyone continue! "

After listening to Ferdinand's words, Chekov also realized that he had made a mistake. Although it was true, it was absolutely impossible to say politically! Awkward at a loss, I looked at Ferdinand gratefully, and mixed with a little shame!

After a few moments of work, the meeting returned to the theme again!

Next was Foreign Minister Georgi Lakowski made a statement: "From the perspective of diplomacy, the Serbian government is also currently in a very awkward position! After the outbreak of the Austria-Hungary financial crisis, major banks have adopted internationally. Shrinking strategy, Serbia has also been affected, the loans already negotiated are gone!

The poor Serbian government found the Russians, and under the bridge of the Russians, they obtained a group of loans from France, and the minerals previously granted to the Austro-Hungarian Bank were collected by the Austro-Hungarian bank in default, and mortgaged again It was given to France, but it was done with the intervention of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the relationship between the two countries also dropped to ice!

The French forces entered Serbia, which made the Austro-Hungarian government very unhappy. It is said that Franz Joseph I was furious! "

Don't be surprised, the 19th-century powers are so overbearing. I can break the contract, but you can't! If you are not convinced by the theory, the cannon is sure to convince you!