Chapter 121: ,preparation

(Remarks some places in the front, the exchange rate was wrong by a decimal point, 1 Lev = 1 dinar = 1 Leu = 1 franc ≈ 0.29 grams of gold, now changed.)

In international diplomacy, as long as you judge the ownership of the interests, in the hearts of the big people, you can roughly guess the context, as true and false are often not important!

Jeff Ferdinand thought that the secret transaction with Austria-Hungary was so inferred that Alexander III speculated!

The Crown Prince Nicholas took a deep breath. He was clearly unable to deal with Alexander III. He was very worried and said, "Does the transaction between Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary mean that their strategic change will affect the peace? What about us?"

三 Alexander III asked, "What do you think, Nicholas? I want to hear your own judgment!"

The Crown Prince Nicholas pondered for a moment and then said, "I think Bulgaria's strategy has remained unchanged from the beginning to the end! Ferdinand's goal is still the Ottoman Empire. Although Ottoman has fallen, it is not the Bulgarian challenge of!

The contradiction between Bulgaria and Serbia is deeper than that between Germany and France. There is no possibility of easing. There must be a battle between Bulgaria and Serbia!

Now that Vienna wants to teach the disobedient Serbs, and the Bulgarian goal hits the mark, Ferdinand is planning to fall to the ground!

But that's all, it's impossible for Austria-Hungary to watch Bulgaria destroy Serbia, let alone annex it!

一旦 Once Austria-Hungary intervenes, the war will stop! Ferdinand did not ask us for help, indicating that he was ready for thought! For us, it doesn't seem to matter much! "

斐 If Ferdinand listened to Nicholas' judgment, he would be surprised. Is this still the incompetent Nicholas II in the history books?

If you think about it, the decline of the Russian Empire began with the Russo-Japanese War. In the first ten years of Nicholas II's administration, this huge empire was still operating normally!

的 The Tsar who controls this huge empire, an emperor who can suppress domestic nobles and capitalists; an emperor who has the support of the peasant class even after being overthrown, how can it be an idiot?

Alexander III smiled and said, "Nicholas, your judgment is correct, but this is also our chance! In 1886, Austria-Hungary intervened in the Bulgarian War, and many Bulgarians are still worried now, presumably after this time. , Their grievances will deepen!

Serbia did not pay the price last time, it is difficult to say this time. Once Austria-Hungary's intervention did not satisfy them, it is estimated that they would not like Vienna!

Our opportunity is here, to stir up their folk conflicts, even if Serbia completely fell to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it will not allow Joseph to easily swallow it! "

The Prime Minister said in surprise: "Your Majesty, Austria-Hungary has the ambition to annex Serbia, so shall we intervene in this war, otherwise ~~"

Nicholas interrupted the Prime Minister's words: "No need! Serbia is not so easy to swallow. The British will not let Austria and Hungary become the Balkans. Even their allies, the Germans, will probably oppose it!

Our strategic focus is now the Far East, and a nail in Bulgaria in the Balkans is enough. There is no need to involve too much energy in the short term! "

三 Alexander III thought for a while and said, "Nikolai is right, we don't have to step in now! Even if I stop this war, Serbia will not come to us!

Unless we are willing to fight the Austro-Hungarian Empire for a Serbia! Otherwise, once Joseph's patience is exhausted, all our investment in Serbia will be lost! "

Uh ...

不同 The different opinions of the high-level Russian government are also caused by the different strategies advocated by the factions within the Russian Empire! European factions represented by the Prime Minister, Far East factions led by Crown Prince Nicholas.

The Europeans hoped to expand in the Balkans and then enter the Mediterranean, so they supported the interference in the Bulgarian War. The Far East believed that the Balkans were intricate and complicated. Russia 's entry into the Mediterranean would be resisted by British, German, Austrian and Italian resistance. Expand to the Far East and develop national power, and finally return to Europe!

战略 From a strategic point of view, Russia's implementation of the Far East Plan is correct, and the European powers are too strong to make breakthroughs.

Even if it fails in the Russo-Japanese War, it cannot be said that the Far East strategy is wrong, it can only be regarded as an implementation error!

In fact, Russia's harvest in the East is still very rich. The vast territory and rich resources have laid the foundation for the rise of the Soviet Union in the future!

If it was not greedy, the Russian Empire did not sink into the Balkan quagmire and continue to implement the Far East Plan, and world history would be rewritten again!

Estimated that the Nicholas Crown Prince who is now opposed to interference in the Bulgarian War will never dream of it. He will start a world war for a Serbian that can be abandoned, and eventually destroy his empire!

I just sent away Ferdinand, Earl Paul, Russian ambassador, and I'm in a good mood now. There were no surprises, the Russians were willing to cooperate with this play, and now it can be said that the winning ticket is in the hands!

Uh ...

"Is the government of Constantine ready?" Ferdinand asked

Konstantin said without hesitation: "Dagong, we are ready for everything! Bulgaria can enter the state of war at any time All major domestic factories have been included in the scope of the government's overall planning!

The strategic material reserve is enough for 200,000 troops for one year. At present, special funds of 100 million levs have been raised during the war, but the construction projects in the future may be postponed! "

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction, then said, "Well, it's good, start mobilizing! Although most of them don't need reserve, it's a drill!

怎么 样 How is the preparation of the Chief of Staff? When can I start? "

After listening to Ferdinand's words, Petrov responded confidently: "Her Excellency, please rest assured that there is a Serbia, we can launch an attack at any time!

According to the staff's estimation, this war will not last more than two months. Within a month, under normal circumstances, we can capture Kraljevo and end the war! "

For how to fight, Ferdinand chose the default very wisely. You know your own level. If you talk on paper, that's okay; formulating a strategy will still be the case. You really need to command the battle. It's better than Zhao Kuo!

怎么 样 What is the command capability of the Bulgarian military, this is really hard to say! At least people commanded a group of militia nine years ago, and they defeated Serbia. At least the tactical level is qualified!

Jeff Ferdinand said with a smile: "Serbia has begun national mobilization, so let's get started. You can't really wait for them to be ready before going to war? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for finding a suitable excuse to declare war and other departments cooperate!

The military must not forget the strategic purpose of this war! All battles must revolve around the core goal of minimizing Serbian's living power! "

"Yes"! Petrov swiftly returned