Chapter 122: Mobilization in Bulgaria

With the order of Ferdinand, the Bulgarian war machine immediately started to operate. The benefits of vigorously investing in infrastructure are reflected in the strategic materials from all parts of the country to orderly gather in Sofia.

Although Sofia has a long history and excellent climatic conditions, it is not a good capital from a security perspective! It's too close to the borderline, and once there is war, it will immediately become the front line.

最近 The closest place to Serbia is only a few hundred kilometers away. Poor relations between the two countries make it threatened by Serbian military threats!

In order to protect the security of the capital, Bulgaria had to deploy a large number of troops in the areas of Jinqi and Tren. Can half of the country's military forces be gathered around Sofia, a Serbia holds more than 60% of Bulgaria's military power!

Since Ferdinand succeeded to the throne, he did not want to resolve the threat from Serbia to the military in Sofia. It is gratifying that Serbia has been out of state since the Pause War nine years ago, and Ferdinand has not been unable to sleep!

The contradiction has been around for a long time, and the grievances on both sides are unclear. After Ferdinand succeeded, it was not that he had not thought about easing the relationship between the two sides, but after understanding the contradictions between the two sides, he could no longer think of reconciliation!

If the contradiction between Germany and France is due to the territorial dispute of Alsace-Lorraine, the struggle for continental hegemony, and the market dispute between capitalism, it is difficult to ease it!

In addition to the dispute over territory, the dispute over security is more important than the struggle for survival! !! Both countries are in the Balkans, and the powers look around. Both countries have a self-reliance, but how can the small Balkans be able to accommodate it? ?

At the same time, both countries are a mixed race of Slavs and other peoples. Under the influence of Russia, both countries hold their own names as leaders of Slavs in the Balkans!

One held up the flag of "Great Serbia" and one held up the "Great Bulgaria" flag. The two sides are very tacit to put the other party within the target range, which can be said to be incompatible!

Compromise is no longer there. We all want to annex each other. War is a matter of time, unless one side falls completely!

Jeff Ferdinand can swear that he is really not interested in Serbia, and he did not want to build a new version of the "Austro-Hungarian" Empire!

But I can't stand the people all over the country thinking in this regard. Ferdinand has no ability to deal with the people! In a popular saying, "A qualified Bulgarian needs to eat, sleep, believe in God, and fight Serbia!" If possible, a better meal of Ottoman, that's even better! !!

Let's talk about the Serbs on the opposite side, the idea is similar. Even now that Bulgaria's national strength is several times that of Serbia, nobody in the Serbian government has proposed to improve relations with Bulgaria!

Since it is destined to be the enemy, it can only "take your illness to kill you"!

Based on the principle of "strengthening first, and then suffering," October 5, 1894, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a war ultimatum to Serbia!

Ordered the Serbian government to hand over the war criminals in the Bulgarian war nine years ago in three days, to be tried publicly by the Bulgarian War Special Court, and to list a list of war criminals!

部 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still very disciplined. There is tangible evidence without fabrication. It's just that the list is a little longer. Basically, the officers who have participated in the last Pausian War are all on the list!

There is no choice for the Serbian government at all, the countdown to the war has begun!

牵 The forced excuse of the Foreign Ministry, Ferdinand chose to ignore it wisely! Last time the Serbian War was defeated, although it did not cost much, it still confessed its apology and acknowledged the act of aggression!

In theory, the Bulgarian government still reserves the right to pursue war criminals, but it has been nine years! It doesn't matter, on the surface, this excuse seems that the war waged by Bulgaria is still just. Anyway, all Bulgarians believe it, that's enough!

Uh ...

威 The new Slovenian district in Bulgaria, Wibott is working overtime dejectedly, without the passion of the past!

Yes, his application to join the army was rejected again! Not only him, the engineers of the entire machinery factory are not within the scope of recruitment!

Although they are also actively signing up, the reason is very simple. The machinery factory is a key enterprise. It has now been levied during the war and began to produce weapons and ammunition!

In the Balkans, every man has a hero dream! Wibot is no exception. As a native Bulgarian, joining the army to fight Serbia has always been his dream!

Without him, the patriotic education of Ferdinand, the hatred between Paulo! And the key is that Serbia is weak enough, it is safe and secure to fight, and it can also make military achievements and become wealthy. Every Bulgarian believes this!

Nine years ago, the Poser War was an example. Howard's brother, Howell, participated in that battle!

Weibot was hunting with his father when he was recruiting. If he missed the registration time, he missed the battle! Every time he heard the elder brother's bragging, Wibbert was fascinated!

In summary, Serbia is weak enough and Bulgarians are brave enough! The evidence is that during a battle on the South Morava River, the brother Howell's recruits, in the absence of guns and less medicine, defeated the two Serbian regulars on the opposite side with less victory and more!

What's the specific situation, Howell, who has a limited level of education, can't describe it clearly. Anyway, it is to listen to orders to fight. After paying hundreds of people's casualties, he won in a mess!

后 After the war, Howell returned triumphantly and was treated like a hero! In addition to the rewards issued by the government, it also brought back huge loot and became the core of the home!

Later, Wei Bote, a young man, came out to discuss life No way he wanted to be a hero, and didn't want to live under the shadow of his brother!

Even though he was married and already the father of three children, Wibott didn't extinguish his heart on the battlefield!

This is the pot of Ferdinand reserve plan. Bulgarian adult men participate in military training for half a month every year! It can also be regarded as a tradition in the Balkans. Adult men can enter the battlefield at any time!

Supor is also very annoyed now, the leader has spoken, asking them to do the ideological work of the workers! Not only to complete the production task, but also to complete the task in excess!

Well, he is also interested in going to the battlefield, just like the government propagates, "A life without a battlefield is an incomplete life!"

Anyway, work is still good! This is military production, you must not hinder!

When I saw the restless Wibbott, Supor's signature greetings: "What's wrong with Wibbott? What's upset about you lately?"

Wilbert said with a wry smile: "You know, the application for enlistment was rejected again!"

Supor pretended to be indifferent: "What am I doing, isn't this normal? You guessed, a Serbian, how many people can beat them? That was the defeat of our men, let alone now!

So, even if you join the army, you have no chance to be on the battlefield, and you can only play with the main force behind! Might as well stay in the rear to produce weapons and ammunition, play a greater role! "

After listening to Supor's consolation, Wibott's mood is much better, yes, just a Serbian!

Uh ...

Well, Ferdinand did not expect that the self-confidence of the Bulgarian people is much stronger than the government! No war has yet started, everyone thinks it will be a victory, many people want to go into melee!