Chapter 123: Serbian on the scalp

The ultimatum of Bulgaria has completely dispelled the illusion of Serbia, and the war is coming!

世 Alexander I panicked, the war came so suddenly! From the beginning of the intensification of the conflict in September, it has not been more than a month since Serbia is now too late to prepare!

"Prime Minister, how are our preparations going?" Alexander I asked anxiously

I saw Prime Minister Radoman-Bovitch with a grin and said, "His Majesty, the time is too short, we have no time to prepare!

Until now, the national mobilization has been reluctantly completed, mobilizing more than half a million young people, and it is also distributed throughout the country! It's too late to organize training, and the selection of qualified soldiers has just begun, and it will take at least half a month to complete!

Material reserves are even worse. Due to lack of funds, our procurement work is not going smoothly and the gap is very large! "

The Minister of War added: "Because of our lack of weapons and equipment, most of the existing weapons are collected from the people, and many of them serve with their own weapons!

Weapons and equipment are a mess. Until now, our gun and ammunition statistics have not been completed!

The types of firearms are even more diverse. Basically, there are all kinds of firearms in the world. We now have them. The number of various types of firearms is unknown!

It all takes time, at least for the next half month, the mobilized army will not have any fighting power! It takes at least two to three months of short-term training before the initial combat effectiveness! "

Fortunately, everyone 's military level amateurs, otherwise you will find that the actual situation is much worse than said! The wide variety of weapons and equipment also means different calibers, which is very difficult for supply! Many people ca n't find a bullet that can be fired with a gun on the battlefield!

After listening to the Prime Minister's words, Alexander I asked angrily: "What's going on with the Minister of Finance? Why is the funding not yet available? Do we still want to fight? Don't forget that it is Serbian life and death now. You have to fight. ? "

The Minister of Finance was blindfolded, with conscience of heaven and earth. This time, he was terribly doing his best to raise funds, but he was still dissatisfied with the army's swallowing gold hole! Now facing the interrogation of Alexander I, he pressed back without guilty:

"Her Majesty, please take care of yourself! Our Ministry of Finance has gone to great lengths, and don't forget that the military just fought a counter-insurgency war, tens of thousands of casualties, and pensions are astronomical figures!

And now the nationwide mobilization has begun, and domestic taxes are now almost negligible; international loans, bonds, and bankers are not optimistic that we can win this war, so the gains are limited!

Now the funds we use are already using the gold reserves of the issued currency. We must not consume too much, otherwise our currency may collapse at any time! "

The words of the Minister of Finance have just been finished, and everyone's faces have changed greatly. In the era of the gold standard, the currency reserve was used, and it will explode if it is not handled well!

Now Alexander I ca n't care about the collision of the Minister of Finance, and sighed, "I ca n't take care of that! Take it out and pass this barrier before talking about it! It 's good to say that everything is won, all the losses can be in Bulgaria Make up for it; if you lose, don't worry about the currency crash! "

The Minister of Finance thinks about it for the same reason. Win everything and say that if the battle is defeated, someone has to carry the blame, and the cabinet cannot run away. The mess is left to the next one!

Helplessly said, "Okay! But we don't have a lot of gold reserves, so you can save a bit of use! If the war is not over, it will be spent. Our Ministry of Finance will have no dinar!"

The Minister of War said joyfully: "Don't worry, if you get to that point, I won't ask you even if you have a dinar, it's not much different from blank paper!"

世 Alexander I glanced at the Minister of War and asked: "Prime Minister, what is the attitude of the Austro-Hungarian Empire now? Will it be on our side? It's really impossible, so please try for us some time!"

Prime Minister Radoman-Bovitch said in distress: "The Austro-Hungarian Empire has made it clear that they will stand on our side. But they worry that if they intervene directly, the Russian Empire will also step in, and the situation will be even more troublesome!

So they reached an agreement with the Russian Empire, and now they will not directly interfere in this war! This war, we can only rely on ourselves! "

Knowing the attitude of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Alexander I instantly felt betrayed! Are both parties or allies? I helped out nine years ago, and now I'm doing wall watching!

Angrily said, "Let 's go with it, let 's just say we do n't have that alliance friendship! Now it is up to us, the War Secretary, you must fight for Serbia this time, otherwise ~~~"

Uh ...

Danish is the largest city in southern Serbia, located on the banks of the Nishava, a tributary of the South Morava River. Now this hustle and bustle of the city is now depressed!

The aboriginal people of Djokovic Niš City are now in their sixties, and in the 19th century they are considered longevity.

I could say that it was incredible. He was not an ordinary person. He also participated in the war against Ottoman when he was young. Later, he also founded a textile factory in Nis, and has more than a hundred workers, a proper capitalist, but now his life is not good!

After the economic crisis broke out, it was dumped by international capitalists, and Djokovic's textile mill never profited and was forced to close the door!

Sell ​​the factory Anyway, I also left a sum of money for my retirement. But as soon as the war broke out, Dinar began to depreciate madly!

The government used the reserve of gold, and it couldn't hide the savvy capitalists. They decisively chose to sell the dinar, and then the dinar began a crazy devaluation.

The older Djokovic reacted a little slower. By the time he responded, the dinar had changed from the original: 1 dinar = 0.29 grams of gold to the current 1 dinar = 0.01. Gram of gold.

Instant assets have shrunk by dozens of times and many years of savings have been destroyed!

"Pantridge, the price of flour has risen again? No, you can't be the master again. This must be the old one of Clariant. Get me a ton of flour and load it to my house!" Djo-Ke Vicky said with a headache

"Mr. Djokovic, want so much?" Salesman Pantrich asked in surprise.

"The war is about to begin. How can we not stock up some food?" Djokovic said calmly.

"Mr. Djokovic, the government has announced that prices have been settled, and the market will soon return to normal. Buying so many now is very uneconomical!"

"Silly boy, Nish will be the front line at the beginning of the war. Who cares about this!" Djokovic glared at him and left without saying a word.

Nish was too close to the front line. The last time of the Paso war, he fought over, and it is estimated that it is not much better now!

When he returned home, Djokovic didn't hesitate. After purchasing the necessities, he started to move. He plans to go to his hometown in the mountains to avoid disaster!

Djokovic is not an isolated case. Rich people on the Serbian border have begun to move to avoid disasters. Obviously, they are not optimistic about this war!