Chapter 132: ,decisive battle

The Minister of War reluctantly asked: "Can't we think of a way anymore? Raise a sum of money from the people for emergency, or borrow from abroad?

As long as the weapons and equipment are sufficient, we can still arm several divisions. If this Bulgarian side division dares to come, we will come to close the door and fight dogs? "

The prime minister gave him a blank look and walked away without a word! He knew that the Serbs had paid enough for this war, and the young labor force had been exhausted!

In order to raise funds, the dinar's crazy devaluation, the rapid inflation of inflation has already made the people out of breath, if not because of the Bulgarian invasion, perhaps the revolution has already broke out!

As for international loans, isn't it a joke? A government that may fall at any time, whoever idiot would lend him!

Uh ...

I'm afraid I can't think of it in my dreams. The Prime Minister directly painted him a big cake! After receiving domestic orders, the offensive was immediately strengthened!

It was dark at night, and the silent night was broken twenty miles away from Mizur Mountain. The Serbian soldiers carried explosive bags and blasted the guns against the forest, daringly rushed to the Bulgarian defense line!

The shotgun was roaring, and in the face of the enemy's attack, the garrison seemed to have been prepared, and the sound of "papapa" sounded, and the crazy harvest began!

After the heroic Serbian soldiers paid the price of their lives, they finally approached the line of defense. With the sound of a "bang", the explosive package was successfully detonated and a fire point was terminated!

The heroic story of scorching and singing is constantly performed in the night. Under the cover of comrades-in-arms, each of the Serbian soldiers rushes into the defense line and the defenders are all gone!

Although Serbian soldiers have performed very well, it will not help the whole battle! Compared to the price paid, the fruits of the war are trivial!

Overnight, after paying as many as 8,000 casualties, only a dozen firepower points were lost. For the impact of the entire defense line, it is really negligible!

But Subolovevich doesn't care about it now, this gamble has begun, Serbia has no retreat, and he himself has no retreat!

Compared to daytime, the exchange ratio of offense at night has fallen too much! It has been reduced from dozens to one to five to one. Although it is still difficult to accept, at least I see the hope of victory!

Now Dante Kristof's turn on the other side is worried, Suborovitch's performance is very abnormal! Last night, the Serbian army showed combat effectiveness, and it was completely two concepts before!

Don't look at the five-to-one exchange ratio is very cheap. Once the line of defense is torn open, the situation will instantly reverse, the two sides will be short-handed, and casualties will definitely increase!

Bulgaria is now on the verge of victory, but he has no plans to take the left army with the Serbs!

Dante Kristof hesitated to ask: "Last night, what did the Chief of Staff think about the Serbian offensive?"

The chief of staff said with a smile: "The Serbian army does not have the waste material we imagined. Their officers are still very capable. It is impressive to lead a group of black people to break out such combat power!

But now Suborovitch has no choice, he is gambling completely with luck! Our right army is now moving to Belgrade. If he can't defeat us as soon as possible, then at most another half a month will be in their capital!

三个 Our first batch of three new editors is only fifty kilometers away from us and will arrive tomorrow morning. If they can't beat us before then, there will be no chance! "

Dante Kristof patted his head and suddenly said, "No, the Serbs should not know our strategic purpose. After all, the logistics supply line is so long. They can cut off at any time as long as two regiments, and come to an anti-surrounding!

And according to their estimates, our earliest reinforcements should be able to arrive after three days!

Then the storm last night was over, they think they still have time to destroy us!

Otherwise, they didn't make a breakthrough last night, and they should give up now. After all, our firepower advantage is too great during the day, and they are unlikely to win!

Even if we break our defense tonight, it will be useless tomorrow. The reinforcements will arrive tomorrow. At most, it will be with our left army!

But Subolovevich absolutely did not dare to do that. Once the army in the Niš area is finished, Serbia is finished! "

The chief of staff sighed in front of his eyes and said, "In this case, it is better to simply complete them! Let the reinforcements speed up and rush over the night, we let go of some lines of defense, put a pocket array, and fight directly with them!"

Dante Kristof was a little hesitant. As the chief commander, he must consider the issue from a global perspective. The chief of staff's proposal is too bold! Even in the last few days of the war, the Serbian army in the Niš area suffered heavy losses , but there were still 140,000 to 50,000 combatants.

And what about yourself? There are more than 40,000 troops on the left who can be put into the battlefield. Even with three dissatisfied divisions, there are only more than 80,000!

Defeating the Serbian army may be possible, but what about casualties? If it loses 30,000 to 50,000 people, even if it wins, what value is it?

Unable to make a choice, Dinkristov turned his attention to others and asked, "What do you think?"

The first division commander first expressed his opinion, saying: "I support the opinion of the chief of staff and a decisive battle with the Serbs. A strong army needs to be tempered by iron and blood!"

但是 "But what about the risk? I have no doubt that the decisive battle will now belong to us, but the casualties? If the loss is too great, such a victory will be meaningless to us!" A staff officer asked questions

Uh ...

The debate was endless, and it was difficult to unite opinions, and the problem was returned to Dante Kristof.

"Well, let me decide! You are right, the reasons are good, and they are in line with the current situation in Bulgaria!

Our population is limited and we cannot afford much loss! But a powerful army must go through the experience of iron and blood!

I decided to start a decisive battle with the Serbs now, no matter what the outcome, I will take responsibility, and now everyone is preparing!

Now tell me to order, so that the reinforcements will speed up immediately, we must come over tonight!

Before dawn, the first division opened a mouth in the southeast direction and let the Serbs come in! Arrange a pocket array inside, covered by gunfire after dawn, let them regret coming to this world! "