Chapter 133: Big roundabout

Dante Kristoff was about to start a decisive battle, and has been in the lower part of the South Morava River. The stalemate was forced!

Serbia's southwest defense line was broken by the Middle Army!

Most of Bulgaria's main forces were concentrated in the Middle Army. Watching the scenery record of the left and right army, the middle army officers who have been unable to break through have long been anxious!

I want to know that the defensive forces in the southwestern side of Serbia are only 80,000 "Uzbekistan", but the Bulgarian elite middle army has been unable to break through. I don't know how many people are watching jokes!

I ca n't help the Serbian coach Ivan Ritchie. He is very clear-headed and knows the gap between the two sides 'fighting powers.

The insignificant stream was brought to the extreme, making full use of all available terrain, and everywhere was simple fortifications, nor was it expected to block the Bulgarian army's offense, simply to delay time!

From a purely tactical point of view, it is simply terrible! Scattering the army on several simple lines of defense is simply giving away! Often after a fire and a charge, a line of defense is breached!

However, the price paid is worth it. A line of defense can be delayed for several hours and as long as one day. The strategic goal has been achieved anyway!

However, since the two regiments of the Guards were interspersed, Ivan Ritchie's attempt was broken! In order to preserve the back road, after being forced to transfer a division's troops from the front, it became the last straw to overwhelm the defenders, and the disaster came!

More importantly, due to a strategic misjudgment, Ivan Ritchie believed that the Middle Route Army would go to the Niš area and meet with the Left Army, set up a new line of defense on the road to Niš, and ignored South Morava. Defense on the Hebei shore!

Of course, he is useless even if he is clear. His strength is limited, and it is impossible to defend on both sides! The Southwestern Serbian Army has been defeated, Ivan Ritchie retreats again, and stops in the Leskovac area!

The Luzhong Road Army crossed the river, entered the north bank, and quickly captured Pristina, and continued to march to Kraljevo!

的 The grand detour strategy formulated by the General Staff is in full swing. A large encirclement for the Serbian main force is gathering its pockets!

There are only two roads before the Serbs:

Either directly abandon the south of the Morava River, including the vast area of ​​Nis, and prepare to fight a capital defense battle!

Either concentrate his forces, immediately annihilate Dante Kristof's forces, invade Bulgaria, take Sofia straight, and have a "surround Wei to save Zhao"!

Ivan-Ricci understands that Serbia is powerless to return to the present day! The North Shore Army has already been exhausted, and it cannot cause any obstacle to the enemy!

But he can't do anything now, he can only pretend to be confused. He doesn't want the name of a traitor. He must never give up the offer of land!

Now that the war has been fought, people are always responsible. As the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Front, not defending the line of defense is one of the best bad luck!

But Ivan Ritchie is not afraid now, his own units are brought out, plus some non-brand troops, there are still nearly 20,000! As long as there are soldiers in his hand, he believes that King Alexander cannot take him!

I do n't blame the public. Any unit has not won so far. Everyone is almost the same. At least his mission is complete! With his efforts, the troops in Bulgaria in southwestern Bulgaria were dragged off, and they did not care about the details without going to Niš to converge!

很多 There are many people who can understand, but everyone is smart and won't say it! Even if you know that the most correct way now is to withdraw the garrison troops from the Niš area to the North Shore, no one dares to propose it!

This means that almost a third of the country's land area is directly thrown to Bulgaria, and the hat of the traitor cannot be removed in a lifetime!

Everyone is pretending to be confused. This is a pain for Suborovitch. As the coach of the Niš area, he can't move forward!

的 The situation on the north bank is clear, not to mention the tens of thousands of Bulgarian main force, even if there is only one regiment, it can run rampant!

This is also the sorrow of a small country, no strategic buffer, maybe a week, or maybe ten days and a half months, and the Belgrade defense war can be started.

Suborovich hesitated. The domestic order was waiting for him. Serbia's fate was put into his hands in such a ridiculous way!

Everyone does not want to take responsibility, it is clear that they want to throw the black pot of giving up the land to him! Anyway, this is the point. If you move in, you will die, but you will die.

Subolovevich made a decision that sacrificed Serbia's future: "Order the troops, and now start giving me full force to attack, regardless of all losses, we must destroy the enemy before tomorrow! Military law! "

Yes, he decided to bet and won this battle. He is the hero of Serbia! No matter how terrible it is to lose, it's not a big deal. It's better than wearing the hat of a traitor and being killed by yourself!

Uh ...

Charge, charge, charge again! The Serbian army started a crazy offensive, broke through the defense several times, and was taken back by the defenders. The front was at stake!

Dante Kristof inspected the front line, holding a telescope to look at the battlefield, flesh and blood, corpses across the river, blood flow into the river, is the true portrayal of the battlefield now! !!

Mark Qin's machine gun is still so sharp, six hundred bullets per minute, like flying fire snakes! One Serbian soldier fell, and another Serbian made up for it, and he continued to move forward!

The temperature of the machine gun is already very high. A machine gunner quickly removed a piece of cloth from his clothes, wet it with water around his hand, and continued firing!

Suddenly the machine gun got stuck, the opportunity for the Serbs came, and rushed over in the rain with the gun! After paying dozens or hundreds of casualties, they finally rushed into the position, met with each other, and began a brutal melee!

Seeing this, Dante Kristof can't bear to look straight. He can watch the enemy flutter, but he can't watch his soldiers die indifferently!

"Let the reserve team! The Serbs are crazy!"

Uh ...

The cruel battle is still going on. In just one day, the price paid by both sides exceeds the previous sum!

The night has finally come, but this is not important to both sides of the "numbness" that has been hit! The casualties are just a number. Everyone has no time to ignore them. The only idea is to kill, kill, kill!